The golden dragon raised its head and roared, and its sharp dragon claws swept towards Zong Wu.

Both were shaken back.

This tentative attack did not take advantage of either of them.

After Zong Wu stabilized his body, he rushed forward again, and this time he directly used a special move.

The golden dragon's dragon claws were cut, and drops of egg-sized dragon blood fell to the ground.

Qin Tian was a little distressed when he saw it, this is a good thing.

After the golden dragon was injured, he began to be a little jealous.

But out of the arrogance of the dragons, he was not convinced, how could I not be able to defeat a human of the same rank?"

and then he began to wriggle up and down in the air, his face showing a hideous look.

He activated the only drop of anti-dragon blood that he had cultivated for thousands of years.

Suddenly, Long Wei's power increased greatly, and under the oppression of Long Wei, the people below were no longer able to fight.

Many cultivators and demon clans were bent down under pressure.


five-clawed golden dragon slammed into Zong Wu.

At this time, Zong Wu's expression was solemn, and the temperament of the whole person was constantly changing.

Sometimes vicissitudes, sometimes vigorous, he is the third form of the Heaven Breaking Knife.

Reincarnation Slash.

The powerful power of reincarnation slammed into the golden dragon.


Zong Wu and the five-clawed golden dragon spat blood from their mouths at the same time.

The two of them continued to open and close each other, and it didn't take long for both of them to be scarred.

But the human body is always inferior to the dragon clan, so the fifth sect is at a disadvantage.

Qin Tian decided to help.

He activated the Eternal Immortal Body to its strongest state, then took out his kitchen knife and threw it at the five-clawed golden dragon.

The five-clawed golden dragon felt it, he glanced at Qin Tianhe's kitchen knife flying over with disdain, and then slapped it with one paw.

And Qin Tian's gamble is his disdain and underestimation.

But when Jin Long sensed that something was wrong with the kitchen knife, it was too late.


kitchen knife plunged directly into the dragon's claws, and the blood suddenly soared.


golden dragon howled in pain.

At this time, Lin Zhou, the city lord and others were shocked. Qin Tian actually made a move in the air, and he easily seriously injured the five-clawed golden dragon.

Those cultivators who survived finally knew who was the most powerful person in Qingyun City.

This includes Niu Mountain, the first person Qin Tian met when he came to Zhongzhou.

If he had known that the person who saved him was so powerful, he should have come to the door often to make friends.

As soon as the five-clawed golden dragon took this blow, it ushered in the reincarnation of Zong Wu.

Obviously, Zongwu is prepared.

The five-clawed golden dragon's first reaction was to use his claws to resist, but his claws had already been abolished by Qin Tian.

At the moment of hesitation, he was slashed.

Then the entire dragon body smashed to the ground, and after his eyes flickered a few times, he closed unwillingly.

The surviving demon saint saw that the general trend was gone, and hurriedly scattered and fled, but some were still left behind.

Qingyun City won.

Zong Wu took out the kitchen knife, then put away the body of the five-clawed golden dragon, put it in a blank storage ring, and handed it to Qin Tian together.

As for the remaining demon kings, demon emperors, demon saints, and corpses, Lin Zhou, the city lord and others put them away.

Qin Tian directly asked for seventy percent and asked Linzhou to take it to the Development Chamber of Commerce.

The rest will be given to each of the combatants.

That's a lot of money.


Qing Hongming of Aoki Trading House ran back to Qingyun City after getting the news.

After all, his family business was here, and he couldn't give it up, and when he returned to the trading house, he heard that the city was handing out loot.

Everyone has a share!

Those are all corpses above the Demon King Realm, so he is also very excited, so he asks the people below to collect them as well.

Then someone from Aoki Trading House joined the queue.

When it was the turn of one of the stewards of the Aoki trading house, he was immediately recognized.

Immediately, the crowd became inflamed

!"it!This is someone from the Aoki Trading Company, do you still have the face to collect the spoils?" "Yes, what about your

face?" "Where were you when we fought to the death with the demon clan

?" "Because of this battle, my father and brother all died, and you came to sit back and enjoy it?"

said the manager of the Aoki Trading Company

with a cold sweat on his face, Our host said that everyone had a part in it, so he let us come.

As soon as this remark came out, it caused a crusade.

"Usually when he earns us money, he doesn't make less money, and when he encounters something, he runs away, and we don't need such a business house in Qingyun City. Then

someone spontaneously surrounded the Aoki firm.

"Get out of Qingyun City!" "Get out of Qingyun City!" After


city lord and the Lin family firm on the other side got the news, they went to Qin Tian to report the good news.

Qin Tian felt disgusted after hearing what Aoki had done.

Then he instructed, "You go to Zong Wu and let him go with you."

"There is no need for Aoki Trading House to exist.

"Yes, my subordinates will do it. Lin Zhou was overjoyed, and hurriedly went to invite Zong Wu.

The Aoki Firm is also a thousand-year-old firm, and there must be a lot of good things at the bottom of the box.

Not long after, Lin Zhou and Zong Wu came to the Aoki Trading House with a large group of people.

Qing Hongming also directly called out all the powerhouses of Aoki Trading House.

In terms of numbers, there are many more people on Qing Hongming's side than the Lin firm.

Because many people in the Lin clan died in the previous war.

"Just you people are coming to attack my Aoki Trading Company

?" "Is your brain broken?" Qing Hongming sneered.

At this moment, he also had the intention of annexing the Lin family.

"If you come to die, then I'm not welcome, I'll take care of your daughter for you. After

saying that, Qing Hongming led a group of people to kill him.

Zong Wu stepped forward and looked disdainfully at the rabble in front of him.


soon as the knife fell to the ground, the sword qi scattered forward like a cannonball.


Among the powerhouses of Aoki Trading House, only Qing Hongming was shivering, and this was because Zong Wu deliberately did not kill him.

"I'll leave it to you to deal with. Zong Wu said a word and left.

The next day, Lin Zhou came to Qin Tian with a full face to report the good news, he had fully taken over the Aoki Trading House.

And handed over a 10,000-year-old elixir and an emperor-rank refining artifact material found in the treasure house of the Aoki Trading House to Qin Tian.

After Qin Tian accepted it, he gave him a few more Emperor-rank pills.

In addition, the previous harvest was enough for him to open the trading houses throughout the entire Haotian Empire.

Qingyun City is calm.

Qin Tian waited for the appearance of the green dragon vein.

When the time comes, not only will you be able to unseal the spiritual power, but you should also be able to get rich rewards.

With the passage of time, the aura of Qingyun Mountain has become stronger, and everyone believes that there is a treasure born.

So many people go to the Qingyun Mountains to hunt for treasures.

Qin Tian saw that the days were almost over, and he also took An Miaoling and Zong Wu into the mountain.

As for Bai Xiaoru, she still decided not to go, there were too many people and it was easy to expose herself.

She didn't want to cause trouble for Qin Tian.

After entering the mountain range, Qin Tian began to look for the place where the aura was the strongest.

This kind of place is most likely where the dragon vein appears.

This search found a valley deep in the Qingyun Mountains.

This valley seems to be a paradise, with beautiful mountains and rivers.

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