Qin Tian found a city called Ice Sea City along the seaside.

Ice Sea City is a relatively large city nearby.

There are fleets dedicated to some of the islands in the sea of Tsuten.

Of course, in the depths of the Heavenly Sea, they basically don't go.

Qin Tian came to the fleet and found the steward.

The steward found out that Qin Tian only had a spirit period, so he had the intention of bombarding him away.

Because he didn't think he could afford to pay the ticket during the smart period.

After Qin Tian saw the other party's intentions, he directly released the aura of the Emperor Realm and calmed the steward at once.

The steward immediately became respectful, "It turned out to be a senior, and I was rude!" "

Where are you going?"

"Demon God Island." Hearing

this answer, the steward frowned, "Demon God Island belongs to the realm of the Jedi, and we will not go to this kind of place. "

Can't you be accommodating?" Qin Tian asked.


Seeing the steward's hesitation, Qin Tian understood, "If the reward is an Emperor-Rank Lower Grade Pill?" "Emperor-Rank Lower-Grade Pill,

are you sure?" The Steward asked in surprise.


"Then wait a minute, I'll go and ask the captain."

Qin Tian nodded, and the steward left.

Not long after, a middle-aged man in white with sword eyebrows rushed over.

"Are you going to pay an Emperor-Rank Lower Elixir to go to Demon God Island?"


"Can I ask for a healing elixir?


Qin Tian directly took out a six-turn water source pill and handed it to the middle-aged man in white, "This pill is quite good for healing." The

middle-aged man in white looked excited, "Thank you, my name is Ye Feng, please come with me." Then

Ye Feng took Qin Tian to his ship.

The boat is not big, but it is not small either.

The perimeter is wrapped in a layer of Mithril iron, and the defense is okay.

It can resist the attacks of the Holy Realm powerhouses for a short period of time.

As soon as the two of them got on the boat, they saw a cute little girl running over.

"Daddy. "

The little girl is very cute, with a double ponytail and a pink dress, but her face is pale.

Ye Feng touched the little girl's head and said, "This is my daughter Ye An."

"Earlier, our fleet strayed into an area of poisonous fog, which caused An'er to be poisoned.

"After coming back, although the poison was resolved, it also left the root of the disease, and with the pill of Mr., An'er should be cured."

Ye An's eyes lit up when he heard his father's words, and then he said to Qin Tian, "Thank you, uncle."

Qin Tian smiled, then looked at Ye Feng and asked, "When are we leaving?" "

Wait for half an hour, you go to the cabin to rest first, and I will give my daughter the pill first."

After Qin Tian nodded, he found a cabin to live in.

There were tables, chairs, and beds in the cabin, and Qin Tian planted himself on the bed, and after so many days, he could finally rest.

After a while, there was a trumpet outside.

Then Qin Tian felt that the boat was moving, and when the speed stabilized, it felt quite fast.

There was a knock on the door, and then I heard a voice at the door, "Childe's trip is about five days, you have a good rest." Then the man departed.

Hearing that it would take so long, Qin Tian felt that his decision to choose to take a boat was wise, if he flew, how tiring it would be to fly for five days.


Qin Tian was lying on the bed alone, and he began to regret that he didn't bring Bai Xiaoru or An Miaoling here.

Especially Bai Xiaoru, who has been alone for so many days, maybe he will have the opportunity to eat steamed buns again.

But it's useless to regret at the moment.

Time passed day by day, and sometimes there was bad weather, and the hull would be a little shaky.

Sometimes you will encounter sea beasts, but none of them are very strong.

Lin Feng is a master of the Emperor Realm, and he can also deal with it.

But as the ship deepened, Qin Tian could feel that the attacking sea beasts were getting stronger and stronger.

On the last day, Ye Feng came over and knocked on the door.

As soon as Qin Tian opened the door, he saw Ye Feng with an embarrassed expression.

"What's wrong?"

"I detected a sea beast with an Emperor Realm double in front of me, and this sea beast is no match for me at all, so I want to return."

Qin Tian's face changed after hearing this.

Ye Feng hurriedly said, "I will find a way to compensate you slowly for your elixir."

Qin Tian said lightly: "It's almost here, just keep going, if there is a powerful sea beast attack, I will deal with it." "

What do you deal with? That's a sea beast of the Emperor Realm, the sea beast is much more powerful than the human powerhouses of the same level in the sea. Ye Feng said.

"It's just a double sea beast in the Emperor Realm, I'll deal with it. Qin Tian replied disdainfully.

"This ......" Ye Feng was still a little hesitant, after all, this was related to his life, and he still had his daughter with him.

Seeing Ye Feng embarrassed, Qin Tian continued: "That's it, you hit me with all your might.

"If I move, let's go back, and if I don't move, we will continue to move forward!"

"I'm an emperor realm, are you sure?" Ye Feng asked.

"Come on!" Qin Tian didn't talk nonsense.

"Then I'm really fighting?"

"Let's fight, if you can beat me back half a step, I'll give you three more Emperor-level lower grade pills." "

I didn't expect Qin Tian to be so confident, maybe he is really not simple, I also heard from the steward before that he has the strength of the Emperor Realm.

Strong to strong.

But to say that in the face of his full strength, he didn't retreat even half a step, but he didn't believe it.

I'm afraid that ordinary Emperor Realm triple powerhouses can't do it.

Therefore, he had a great chance of obtaining Qin Tian's three pills.

For the sake of the three pills, he decided not to keep his hand.

"Then I'll start!" After speaking, Ye Feng began to accumulate strength.

After the accumulation was completed, Ye Feng smashed it with a fierce punch.


With this punch, he felt as if he had hit a wall made by the imperial soldiers.

Qin Tian didn't move, but he himself took a few steps back, and his entire fist turned red.

Ye Feng was a little shocked, this defensive power was too demonic, it was comparable to an imperial soldier.

I'm afraid that only the dragons, or the royals in the sea clan, have such a perverted body.

In addition to being surprised, he was a little sorry because the three Emperor-level lower grade pills were gone.

The ship sailed for a while, and after Qin Tian felt a powerful aura, he came to the deck.

At this moment, not far ahead, a whirlpool appeared, and then a huge sea beast gradually surfaced.

The sea beast had three heads and was extremely ugly.

Each one grinned hoarsely and let out a shrill scream.

A trace of disgust flashed in Qin Tian's eyes, and with a movement in his heart, the Sword of Life and Death flew out and slashed towards one of the heads of the sea beast.


flash of white light flashed, and one of the sea beast's heads fell directly into the sea.

The sea beast screamed in pain, and then Qin Tian controlled the Sword of Life and Death to continue attacking.

After a few moments, the sea beast could no longer make a sound, and the entire corpse sank.

Ye Feng on the side was stunned, the double sea beast of the Emperor Realm was the same as paper paste in front of Qin Tian.

At this moment, his respect for Qin Tian increased a little more!

Next, the ship smoothly entered the depths of the Tongtian Sea.

When you reach this range, you will be very close to the Demon God Island.

Sure enough, it was only an hour away, and through the mist, Qin Tian saw a huge island as far as the eye could see.

At least it's as big as an empire in Zhongzhou.

Ye Feng was also here for the first time, so he also looked around curiously.

After getting on the island, Qin Tian said, "I'm going to look for something, do you want to go back by yourself first, or wait for me together?" "I'll wait for you

!" Ye Feng hurriedly replied.

After all, this is already on the periphery of the Jedi.

He went back alone, and if he encountered a powerful sea beast again, he was afraid that he would die or live.

"Then you find a place to hide first, and I'll come back to you after I'm done." After saying that, Qin Tian left.

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