The corners of Bai Shaohua's mouth rose slightly, and he slashed away with a sword, and the wind suddenly rose on the ground.


wind blade visible to the naked eye, containing raging sword intent, attacked Yan Qingsi.

Yan Qingsi's face changed, and she used her strongest move, the Heaven Rank Top-grade Sword Technique.

Under the collision, Yan Qingsi's sword shadow in the sky instantly collapsed.


She took more than a dozen steps back, and a trace of blood overflowed from the corner of her mouth.

"This is the power of sword intent

?" "How can this be fought?" the onlookers exclaimed.

Mo Wentian knew that it was pointless to let Yan Qingsi fight again.

"Qingsi admit defeat!" Mo Wentian persuaded.

"No, I want to try again.

Yan Qingsi's persistence made Mo Wentian a little confused.

Finally, he followed Yan Qingsi's eyes and looked at Qin Tian.

"It's really a man's face, a bad fate. "

You admit defeat quickly, don't you even listen to your master?" Mo Wentian continued to persuade.

He knew that if he continued, Yan Qingsi would definitely be seriously injured.

Yan Qingsi was still unmoved.

Bai Shaohua sneered and swung away with another sword.

Yan Qingsi was repulsed again.

"It's quite backbone, in that case, don't blame me for destroying flowers. As the

words fell, he used his sword intent again.

Wind Sword!

Another wind blade containing sword intent struck.


She was directly slashed and sent flying, leaving a sword mark on her arm.

Qin Tian couldn't stand it a little, and directly caught Yan Qingsi with a jump.

The two of them slowly fell.

"Wow! so handsome

!" "If I get hurt, will Uncle Xiao also hug me!" said the female disciple on the side enviously.

At this time, Yan Qingsi in Qin Tian's arms had already blushed.

Qin Tian took out an earth-level supreme elixir and stuffed it into her mouth, and the injury stabilized at once.

The wound also began to heal slowly.

"Stinky boy, how long do you have to hug it?" Mo Wentian was a little unhappy when he saw his little cabbage being held by Qin Tian.

Hearing Mo Wentian's words, Yan Qingsi hurriedly ran out of Qin Tian's arms.

Qin Tian looked at An Miaoling and said lightly, "Go ahead, I'll go back to feed the fish if I get rid of him." "

Hmm!" An

Miaoling stepped forward amid everyone's surprised gazes.

In their impression, An Miaoling is a peerless genius.

But it's only been ten days since he started, and he is seven or eight years younger than them.

So they are not very optimistic about An Miaoling.

She ignored everyone's gaze and slowly raised her slender hand.

A sword appeared out of thin air and flew directly towards Bai Shaohua.

Under An Miaoling's control, the ice glass sword continued to slash towards Bai Shaohua like a shadow.

After a breath, three sword marks appeared on Bai Shaohua's body, and he lay on the ground weakly.

He looked up with great effort and said tremblingly,

"Big... Dacheng sword intent, how... How is it possible?"

As soon as these words came out, everyone's eyes focused on An Miaoling's body.

"Let's go! Master.

Qin Tian nodded and left with An Miaoling.


Mo Wentian laughed.

"It seems that the younger generation, I, Zongan Miaoling, are outstanding.

Leng Ya looked at An Miaoling's back, and flashed a faint evil smile.

Then he helped Bai Shaohua up and began to heal.

After Bai Shaohua's injuries recovered, Leng Ya took out a token and threw it to Mo Wentian.

"This spot is yours. With that, he took the people away.

After returning to Hidden Sword Peak, An Miaoling smiled, "How does it feel to hold Senior Sister Yan?" "

It doesn't feel as good as you." "


After feeding the fish, Qin Tian was ready to cook a meal to eat.

Let An Miaoling go to the medicine garden to pick some spiritual melons, bamboo shoots and the like.

By the way, replenish the energy of the spirit array in the ground.

After a while, An Miaoling came back with the ingredients, but there was still a Mo Wentian behind her.

As soon as Mo Wentian came, he couldn't help but say, "It's useless to fix these things every day."

"And let her help you work, she is the hope of our Kunlun."

Before Qin Tian could say anything, An Miaoling's brows furrowed.

"I'm willing, besides, Master's cooking is delicious. "

An Miaoling has started to defend Qin Tian again, and Mo Wentian has no way to do this.

Then he took out a token and handed it to An Miaoling and said: In

three days, the Escape Secret Realm will begin, and there are many opportunities in it.

Such as elixirs, treasures, etc.

It was opened at a great cost to the three of us.

It has two limitations.

One is that only people in the Nirvana realm and below can enter.

If a person above the Nirvana realm enters the secret realm, the entrance will be automatically closed.

The second is that we can only enter the passage for nine people.

So I hope you will go when the time comes.

An Miaoling took the token and looked at Qin Tian.

Qin Tian nodded.

"You haven't been out in the sect for years, so if you want to go out for a walk, you can do it. "

Then I'll go!" Mo

Wentian was overjoyed when he heard this.

With An Miaoling's combat power in the Creation Realm, he will definitely be able to gain a lot.

And with her, the safety of others is also guaranteed.

Because when encountering treasures, it is inevitable that people from other sects will have bad intentions.

In addition to this, there are monsters inside.

After Mo Wentian left, Qin Tian took out the space-time order and handed it to An Miaoling.

"Rush this when you're in danger.

An Miaoling took the space-time order and put it away.

Now that Qin Tian gave her any baby, she didn't feel it.

Because Qin Tian had brought her enough surprises, she was used to it.

After working for a while, the meal was ready, and the two sat down and ate warmly.

Compared with the pure heart and few desires in her previous life, she prefers the current life.

Because there

is a master! This master is good everywhere, but he is a little colorful.

I often do some transgressions, and after doing it, I can also get things done in a serious way.

Let her cry and laugh.

Three days later, An Miaoling and Qin Tian said goodbye.

Before leaving, Qin Tian took the opportunity to hug her, "Take care of your children, if you are in danger, use the time and space order."

An Miaoling was also a little reluctant, after all, she hadn't left her master for ten years.

It was a little uncomfortable to leave suddenly, but I was relieved to think that it would not be long to go out.

An Miaoling came to the main hall of the sect.

There were still standing in the main hall, Yan Qingsi, Xuan Lei, and one was Bai An'an, a disciple of Su Lan of Jade Sword Peak.

After the assembly, Su Lan led the team to set off to the Secret Realm.

Qin Tian felt a little bored alone in Hidden Sword Peak.

I was ready to go down the mountain and go home to have a look.

In the past 20 years in the sect, he will go home every two or three years to have a look.

The parents in the family are also cultivators, but their cultivation is not high.

Out of the sect, he went all the way south.

came to the capital of Chongming Kingdom, Chongming City.

His family lived in a large mansion in the north of the city.

When he came to his home, Qin's mansion, he found that he couldn't get in.

If you look closely, it turns out that someone has laid out a formation.

After tossing and turning for a while, he finally broke through the formation and entered.

When he went in, he found that there was no one, and he immediately felt uneasy.

After a round trip, he finally found a letter in his father's study.

The general content of the letter is, I went out with your mother, don't read it.

In addition to this, he also left him a villain, who looked exactly like his father.

Qin Tian put the villain away and walked out.

Upon coming out, he fell into deep thought.

This formation, as if it is possible to arrange the Holy Realm, why did it appear in my house?

It seems that I will only have to ask when I see my parents next time.

When he left the house, he wandered around.

Before he knew it, he had wandered into the city, where martial arts were being held.

Cultivators can not only join the sect to cultivate, but also join the official family or the royal family.

It's just that relatively speaking, the high-end combat effectiveness of a sect like the Kunlun Sword Sect is stronger.

After all, it has a long heritage.

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