Shocking Venomous Consort: Frivolous Miss

Chapter 4690: Inexplicable sadness

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"Dare you!" Ling Chuxi was furious and cut off the man with a sword. In his anger, Ling Chuxi couldn't take care of that much anymore, and the power of heaven came out of the sword.

"Stop it!" At this moment, a roar came from the door, and there seemed to be a little childishness in the voice.

The two who caught Gu Qiufeng were about to start, and the words stopped immediately.

Ling Chuxi also withdrew the sword and looked back. There was a young man standing at the door. Although he was not low, he was only fifteen or sixteen years old. He looked a bit stubborn in his beautiful face. A bit tough and cruel.

"Sovereign Lord, Sovereign Lord." Seeing this young man, the lifeless Zongfu all bowed to salute.

Sovereign Lord? Ling Chuxi looked at the teenager in surprise.

He is Wei Wuming? Wei Wuming, who made countless practitioners of the celestial realm frightened by the wind, even the disgusting wind?

Ling Chuxi had been wondering before, what kind of person is Wei Weiming, who can gather so many **** practitioners together, maybe as murderous and astonishing as Gongxi Kuangdao, or as indifferent as Meng Zheng Shen Jing, and perhaps life and death as indifferent as Yi Chen, never thought that he would be such a young boy with a little childishness.

"Dare to kill my Wumingzong Mansion directly, you are the first case." Wei Wuming looked at Ling Chuxi and others with a soft sigh.

His tone is completely incompatible with his age. If other teenagers of the same age say this, it will probably make people laugh. But seeing the two crossing scars on his face, and seeing the mulberry in his eyes that should never be the age, no one laughed.

"You are Wei Wuming?" Ling Chuxi couldn't help asking, even though Wei Wuming's identity had been confirmed. No way, without his own admission, Ling Chuxi is really hard to believe.

"Yes, I am Wei Wuming." Wei Wuming nodded.

"Adult, my lord, it's her, and she robbed me of the celestial treasures, as well as the poor one who is with her. As long as you avenge our revenge, all the celestial treasures will belong to you. , We also have no heart to touch." At this time, a man jumped out of Wei Wuming and pointedly pointed at Ling Chuxi to Wei Wuming. Tan Dahai in Longgu.

Ling Chuxi gave her a cold look, she had guessed that Tan Dahai would not give up, so she specially arranged several defensive formations in Panlong Valley, and even left the escape route, but did not expect this guy to actually Instead of doing it himself, he found Wei Wuming.

Heeding what he meant, in order to vent his hatred, he didn't even want the Brahma Heart Fruit. It has to be said that the mind is so narrow that even this kind of detrimental and detrimental work can be done. This is also Tan Dahai's personal talent.

"Oh, that's a coincidence." Wei Wuming looked at Ling Chuxi intently, and said, "I know why you are looking for Gu Qiusong. I have the same purpose. I will give you a chance, as long as you can pick it up With my ten swords, I will let you take people away. You can also write off all the things you hurt my disciples of the Fateless Sect."

"What if I lose?" Ling Chuxi asked faintly.

I don't know why, seeing the vicissitudes in Wei Buming's eyes completely inconsistent with his age, and hearing the slightly hoarse words that always seemed to sigh, Ling Chuxi was somewhat inexplicably sad. Why did I become so sentimental that the Virgin Mary flooded, this person clearly saw it for the first time, and the position was also hostile to himself, Ling Chuxi puzzled self-deprecating thought.

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