Shocking Venomous Consort: Frivolous Miss

Chapter 4728: Must not be underestimated

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the shocking drug concubine: Mad Mad Lady!

Seeing the appearance of Helian Juejian and others fleeing, Yifeng wanted to laugh and ridicule a few times, but opened his mouth slightly, but said nothing.

His face was a little pale and strong, and this guy was really too strong. Although he had already prepared psychologically for the power of Qian Xuehe, he saw it with his own eyes, which was beyond their expectations.

"You didn't escape. If you escaped earlier, you could have saved your life, but now it's too late." Seeing He Lian cut off and others ran away, Ying Xie did not pursue, looked at Ling Chuxi and others And looked at the crack in the space that had just closed, and said coldly.

"Do you really want us to escape?" Ling Chuxi smiled slightly.

Youxue is indeed powerful. It seems that he has adapted to the unique aura of the Void Sky, and his combat power is much stronger than when Gu Qiusong saw him.

However, Ling Chuxi had no choice. At this time, Qianxue Hao was so terrifying. Wouldn’t it be more terrible if he was allowed to stay in Heaven for a while and his strength was raised from the peak of Emperor Order to God Order!

Just like many opponents want to strangle her in the cradle, she must strangle this person ahead of time, otherwise he will bring great trouble to Tianyu if the master of the world is struck.

Of course, Ling Chuxi will not completely blindly take her life to take risks, she dare to stay, naturally there are her reasons.

Even if Yunxue gradually adapted to the special aura of the Netherworld, even if the power of the setting sun demon bow multiplied in the turbulence of the void, but there was one point that could not be changed, it was the strength of his imperial peak. The plane murderer who was exiled in the gaps of space absolutely had no suitable cultivation skills, so he could not break through the bottleneck of the emperor's peak to reach the god's level.

The more powerful the spiritual weapon, the higher the requirements for cultivation, otherwise the stronger the anti-bite when the sacrifice is used.

The arrow just came out, and the blood scorpion is not as easy as it seems on the surface. In fact, he still suffered internal injuries. It was only by the powerful body that was polished in the gaps in the space that he concealed the injury.

Perhaps his injury was not serious, and he was not at the end of the strong crossbow, but the power of the second arrow was definitely not as good as the previous one.

He Lianjue and others did not realize this, and missed the opportunity to fight back, but Ling Chuxi mastered medical skills and discovered this from the abnormal flushing on Yun Xueya's face, and certainly would not miss the opportunity.

Ying Xueying's eyes narrowed, and she glanced deeply at Ling Chuxi.

"Little girl, your eyesight is very good. Yes, I was hurt, but do you think you can beat me?" Ling Xuexi read some from Ling Chuxi's confident smile What did not show weakness, said lightly.

"If you are not sure, do you think I will stay?" Ling Chuxi slowly pulled out the falling dust sword, and the mid-level strength of the **** level was also raised to the extreme.

Even if the **** injury strength is not as good as before, it can never be taken lightly.

Long Ruotingyuan roared loudly, and once again showed the half-dragon body, Xiao Qiang stood beside him, and also raised a long tail.

Meng Zheng embraced the long knife and took a step forward. His cold eyes were like a blade, and he seemed to be one with Huai Zhong's long knife.

Wei Wuming's long sword came out of the sheath. Under the intense and violent fighting intention, the air around him became cold.

Yifeng's dexterous hands produced the final decision as quickly as the claw wind, and the dazzling light of the four spells flashed at his fingertips. Promoted to the **** level, he casts spells faster, and from the dazzling light point of view, his power is increased exponentially.

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