Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the shocking drug concubine: Mad Mad Lady!

The stars around have changed, forming countless distinct astrological maps. Counting it, it has been nearly a hundred hours since the separation from Huangfu. Ling Chuxi feels like passing through the vast starry sky of countless planes. I don’t know whether it is because of the void. Too fragile, Ling Chuxi's heart never fell into place, even inexplicably confused.

The light from Luding is getting brighter and brighter. If you guess correctly, you will reach your destination, and Ling Chuxi's mood finally becomes relaxed.

At this moment, a chaotic meteor nebula suddenly appeared in front of it. Although it was still thousands of feet away, Ling Chujiu could still hear the turbulent sound of turbulence coming from it, and the guidance light of the furnace came from the nebula nebula. Straight through the middle.

"What's going on!" Ling Chuxi was shocked.

You must know that this furnace tripod has the effect of avoiding evil, and relying on her, Ling Chuxi not only found the direction of Fangru Baoshimen, but also escaped countless undercurrent vortices, but this time, the light was from Crossing through the nebula, isn't it for her to die?

Ling Chuxi stopped and looked carefully, it took a while to guess the reason.

From the outside, the chaotic meteor nebula is completely different from the nebula she had seen floating in the void without targets before, and it is completely still. Of course, the static here refers to the outside, the inside is still turbulent and turbulent like other nebulae, and the wind is like a blade. However, no matter the size or the strength of the turbulent wind blade, it is much smaller and weaker than other nebulae, and it is not on the same level as the turbulent nebula faced by Huangfu Qing and Wei Wuming.

If Ling Chuxi did not guess wrong, this should be a natural barrier for Fang Rubao. Maybe there is another way to go to his teacher's gate from the sky, but if you want to pass through the void, you must pass through this nebula.

Looking at the boundless surroundings, the endless void will never be found. Ling Chuxi has no choice but to gritt his teeth and fly into the nebula.

Although this nebula is much weaker than the others, the turbulent wind blade among them can not be underestimated. The weakest ones have the power of the Emperor's Peak and the full strength of the sword. The strong ones still reach the God's Order.

"Cangyuan Seven Swords, Slash! Thunder breaks nine skies, Dharma! Six reincarnations, art!" Ling Chuxi swallowed a dozen spirit pill to replenish vitality one step ahead, urged the vitality to protect the whole body, and then Cangyuan Jianmang, Jiuxiao Leifa and the six reincarnations of Samsara shot alternately, dispelling one after another the turbulent turbulent storm.

The vitality in the body was rapidly declining, and there was a burst of tearing pain in the meridian sea, Ling Chuxi's face was pale, and the falling dust sword in his hand also became unusually heavy. But thinking of Huangfu's extinction, thinking of those relatives who are still waiting for him, thinking of Mo Shili and Chang Tianyu's entrustment, Ling Chuxi still clenched his teeth and insisted hard.

The vitality in the body was finally exhausted. Ling Chuxi was weak all over her body. Seeing that another turbulent storm rolled towards her, she almost had no strength to hold the sword. At this moment, a soft sound came from the depths of the Qihai, and a cold to the extreme cold rushed out like the tide of the embankment.

Nine Yin cold! Ling Chuxi has always known that the seal that suppressed her Jiuyin's absolute veins and the last one have not been released. She also asked her mother in private about this matter, but her mother was ominous, and Ling Chuxi only heard it. This seal is not only related to the elderly of Tianyin, but also to some extent related to his father, and his mother is only following the law.

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