Shocking Venomous Consort: Frivolous Miss

Chapter 4765: Trustee loyalty

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"Yes, please invite the elders to do justice for me." Liang Zuwei took notice, got up and stood behind Liang Zuwei, said respectfully.

Ling Chuxi understood that Liang Zuwei was the elder nephew of Elder Liang, but in order not to fall behind to protect his relatives, Elder Liang did not want to establish their relationship with outsiders.

"Fang Rubao, only a few days after you returned to the Zongmen, you beat my Fa Zong disciple indiscriminately based on yourself as an elder brother of the left elder, and did you take Shenyuanzong's rules in your eyes!" Liang Zuwei asked seriously. Fang Rubaodao.

It turned out that Fang Rubao was a disciple of Shen Yuanzong and Wu Zong. Luo Yunshan, who ordered Lingdan from Gu Dansheng, was the elder Zuo Yuanzong. Ling Chuxi also learned some secrets of Shen Yuanzong from his mouth.

Divine Yuanzong was originally established by Dandao, but when the time passed, the technique of moving the pill was lost. The disciples were divided into two cases of magic and martial arts. There were constant disputes over resources for cultivation. Luo Yunshan is the left elder of Wu Zong, and the elder Liang of this half-respected state is naturally the right elder of Fa Zong. Fang Rubao is the brother of Luo Yunshan, and he is also under Wu Zong's door.

"Elder Liang Mingjian, my master and his old man unfortunately fell into the hands of the plane murderer. I entrusted this Master Ling Shao to help find the relics of Master. Today, Master Ling Shao is not alone and sends Master Fang Lingding back to Shenzong , Who knew that Liang Zuwei indiscriminately shot it down the cliff and almost destroyed Master’s relics. I was so angry that I couldn’t help but even if I acted recklessly, but I also had a chance.” Fang Rubao took Lingding, Said indignantly.

"It turns out that way." Elder Liang touched his forehead and said.

Wu Zong Fa Zong has always been inconsistent, as long as there is an opportunity to attack the other party, he will never miss it. He also had such an idea today. He wanted to use Fang Rubao to beat Liang Zuwei and make a fuss about it. But after hearing what he said, it was hard to say much.

The more ancient the ancient aristocratic family, the more important the teacher, as the so-called one day is the teacher for life and father, Liang Zuwei almost destroyed the relics left by other masters, it is indeed his fault. Moreover, Fang Rubao’s master is upright and has great prestige in Shen Yuanzong. His token is also of great significance to Shen Yuanzong. If he attacks Fang Rubao by this matter, he may not be seen by the elders of Fazong himself Right.

"Then let this matter be put aside for the time being. Anyway, it is always wrong for you to beat your fellow disciples. After I have discussed with the elders, you will act as you want, and you will give me a stop. Don’t make trouble anymore. And your master. You have collected your tokens, and there must be no accidents." Elder Liang said so, and the idea of ​​calming down has been saved.

"Elder Liang Mingjian, the disciples must be strict with themselves and strictly abide by the rules. I will certainly keep Master's tokens alive." Fang Rubao was almost out of anger and did not want to make things too big.

"Okay, that's okay. Let's go home." Elder Liang said with a wave of his hand.

"Master Ling, thanks to you this time. If it weren't for you, Master's token would never come back. I died, and I have no face to face Master's old man." Speaking here, Fang Rubao's eyes were red again. The tears rolled down again.

"Deacon Fang doesn't need to be polite. The matter of being loyal to others is originally our cultivator's part." Ling Chuxi said. Fang Rubao is a person with a personality, Ling Chuxi has a good impression of him.

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