Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the shocking drug concubine: Mad Mad Lady!

"Elder Luo, it's not that I don't want to help you, it's just that I'm hurt now, I'm afraid I can't help." Ling Chuxi got many benefits from Luo Yunshan, but he didn't mind helping him, but the injury is not healed now I am afraid that I have more than enough heart and not enough power, but it will damage other people's major events.

"Small things, little things. I believe you knew it when you came. My God Yuan Sect is in secret, and there are masks of thousands of miles away. If there is no guidance from this spirit, ordinary people will find them for a thousand years. Hugh wants to find where our God Yuanzong is. So there are countless spirit flowers and weeds in the sect, and even they are rotten in the mountains. No one takes care of it, and my Wuzong still has a few healing sages left by the ancestor of Kaizong, even you It is temporarily inconvenient to make alchemy if there is a wound, and taking a few pieces is enough to cure your wound." Luo Yunshan did not know that Ling Chuxi came to Shen Yuanzong from passing through the void, and thought she came from heaven. I didn't realize how much she was injured, and said disapprovingly.

Ling Chuxi only knew that there were thousands of miles away from Shenyuanzong. Fortunately, she had no anger to leave, otherwise she would be trapped in it. Even with her formation level, it was difficult to escape.

"Well, let me see and say, if the injury is good, I will definitely help you." When it comes to this, Ling Chuxi is not good to quit.

She originally felt that she had taken the advantage of Luo Yunshan, admired Master Fang Rubao’s broad mind, and was impressed by Fang Rubao’s filial piety. Also, she didn’t really like Elder Liang and his nephew. I really want them to learn something, so I can't find a reason to refuse.


"Uncle, why did you let her go in, this dead girl's pill, you are not afraid that she broke our big event?" When Ling Chuxi followed Luo Yunshan away, Zhuang Guiyuan and others also dispersed Yun, Liang Zuwei said to Elder Liang with fear.

He didn’t worry about the alchemy contest at all. To put it bluntly, he was actually only a distant relative of Elder Liang. He could not fight even as far as Baganzi, only because they were both surnamed Liang. There is still a little bit of intimacy, and Elder Liang only introduced him to Shen Yuanzong, but it was just a disciple.

If it weren't for the intensified battle between the Fa and Wu, Elder Liang wanted to cultivate a few more confidants, and he couldn't remember that he still had such a distant relative in Shen Yuanzong.

It was also for this purpose that he was recalled to the master's gate at the beginning, and once again became a disciple of the inner gate, and was promoted to the **** rank under the care of Elder Liang.

But in his heart, Elder Liang looked down on this mediocre and cowardly distant relative. As for Liang Zuwei, don't look at the outside with a leading cane and pretending to be a master. In fact, there is self-knowledge. If you know that the algorithm is strong, you won't have much chance, so you don't care about alchemy.

What he really cared about was that Ling Chuxi stayed in Shen Yuanzong as a guest, and what should he do. Every time I met that girl, it was no good, every time I carried the head rat like a family dog. I used to hide, now I don’t even know where to hide.

"Bad of our big things, you look at her high, I just don't want to get out of the way, Luo Yunshan really wants her to participate in the alchemy contest seven days later, I will not be afraid of her. After all, it is just a descendant of the ancient family No matter how strong the pill is, it is not the practiced Pill of Heaven. How can it not jump out of the rule of the sky, can it be stronger than our master?" Elder Liang said disdainfully.

If Ling Chuxi is present, he will be surprised when he hears this. Could this alchemy master of Fazong, alchemy of alchemy, not be bound by the laws of heaven?

(Soon an acquaintance will show up. Who is this alchemist genius not inferior to Chu Xi? Can you guess who it is? The day of Shenyuanzong's flying chickens and dogs is about to come! It’s so fierce, I ask you to support me!)

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