Shocking Venomous Consort: Frivolous Miss

Chapter 4918: Who created the miracle

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the shocking drug concubine: Mad Mad Lady!

"Shangguan Yunxiao, did you plan for twenty years for this purpose? Is this the reason?" Ling Chuxi couldn't figure out the key for a moment, so he asked with a pretentious look.

"I don't know what you are talking about." Shangguan Yunxiao was shocked: How did she know she had planned for this for twenty years? But immediately, he forced himself to calm down again, pretending to look indifferent.

"Don't you know? Then forget about it. Twenty years later, the grievances between the Ling family and the Shangguan family should be settled today. You can go." Ling Chuxi waved and said.

"Go? Ling Chuxi, are you crazy and want us to die in one sentence? Ha ha ha ha." Shangguan Wuyou seemed to see the world's funniest thing and laughed loudly.

"She's not crazy. We can indeed go. The grudges of twenty years ago should indeed be settled today." Just then, there was a slightly hoarse and magnetic voice behind him.

I saw Shangguan Wuxie pushing a wheelchair and came slowly. Seeing the person sitting in the wheelchair, Shangguan frowned frivolously, but immediately returned to normal color.

"Yuntian, why are you here too? Go back quickly, your injury is not good, you don't have to participate in today's affairs." Seeing a middle-aged man in a wheelchair, Shangguan Zhenting was surprised and said with concern.

The person in the wheelchair is Shangguan Yuntian, which is the root of the grudge between Shangguan and the Ling family.

Seeing the meaning of care in Shangguan Zhenting's eyes, Shangguan Yuntian's eyes brushed a hint of resentment. Twenty years, twenty years, even if Shangguan Yuntian is destined to be a waste person, Shangguan Zhenting still has only him in his eyes and still ignores himself. The grievances in the eyes of Shangguan Yunxiao also turned into deep hatred.

"Father, things started because of me, and they should end because of me. The grudges between our Shangguan family and the Ling family will stop here." Shangguan Yuntian said lightly, and slowly stood up.

A divine order of momentum also diffused from his body.

Seeing Shangguan Yuntian at this time, Ling Chuxi's face showed a gratifying smile. Before going to the Nether Realm, Ling Chuxi went out alone for a few days. Everyone thought she was going to deal with the trivia of Jin Danzong and the Artifact Workshop, but she actually went to the secret society Liang Bo and made a special trip to Shangguan Yuntian to heal.

But Shangguan Yuntian was too badly injured and too long. In just a few days, she could only repair the meridian and qi sea for him, and could not help him restore his strength. However, Shangguan Yuntian, who claimed to be the same as his mother at that time, and was known as the genius of the Shangguan family, was indeed well-deserved.

Seeing that Ling Chuxi was full of smiles, it was even more beautiful and refined. Shangguan Wuxie even suddenly lost his mind, but when Ling Chuxi's eyes turned to him, he immediately woke up, his expression was indifferent, and he nodded slightly. Compliments. Even he didn't realize that at this time he didn't show the usual evil smile, but he was so calm and indifferent, but revealed his inner unsteadiness.

"Shangguan Yuntian's injury is healed, how is this possible?" Shangguan Yuntian's name once spread throughout Tianyu. The serious injury 20 years ago also made everyone sigh, seeing him stand up again and restore his strength, Almost everyone on the enemy and the enemy were exclaiming.

How is this possible? ! Everyone's eyes are unbelievable. Everyone knows that Shangguan Yuntian's injuries can't be cured. After this genius who was famous all over the world was seriously injured, he spent all his decadence. Everyone thought he would spend his life in pain and lonely, but today they saw him standing Get up and restore such strength! How can you not be surprised? !

Who? Who healed him? Who created the miracle?

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