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Nearer, closer, the longbow in the hands of Huangfu's Qing Dynasty was pulled to the extreme, the dark golden light spilled onto the ground, releasing a ruinous breath.

Ling Chuxi frowned: not enough, this kind of power is not enough, this residual arrow is still a few points away.

Huangfu Qingju should have realized this too, the bowstring still hasn't been loosened for a long time.

Suddenly, a blaze of flame appeared on his shoulder, and then burned, sifting away all over his body. In an instant, Huangfu's eradication was like burning, with **** flames swaying all over his body.

"No!" Ling Chuxi exclaimed. Huangfu Qingrui actually released the power contained in the scarlet flame, but even he himself said that with his current cultivation practice, he could not bear that power at all.

The dark golden light shone suddenly, and the sunset magic sword finally came out of the string.

In the crunchy sound, the setting sun demon bow also broke into several pieces.

Ling Yichen let out a loud roar, and finally cut out the last sword. The long sword covered with scars in his hand also shattered and turned into a thousand cold stars.

"Boom!!!" A loud noise blasted from the Aura Storm.

In the sky, the turbulent turbulence spurred the remnant cloud, and a huge black hole appeared again. The turbulence around it even formed a storm, which swept everything around into the black hole and was swallowed mercilessly by it.

Both Huangfu Qingling and Ling Yichen had exhausted their last vitality, and they were caught in the storm without resistance, and then flew towards the black hole.

"No!" Meixiu uttered a heartbreaking scream and flew towards the black hole.

She has always known that Ling Yichen’s complicated feelings beyond Ling Chuxi’s friendship beyond her friendship, she also believes that only a woman like Ling Chuxi is worthy of Ling Yichen’s devotion to protect her. When Ling Yichen disappeared in this way, she was still heart-shaped.

Ling Chuxi bit her lip tightly and also got up at the same time, but only flew less than ten feet, and her body was exhausted again.

"You stay, let's go." Dongfang Yunqi took Ling Chuxi and handed her to the blue heart rain that came later, and then chased with Ling Mofeng, Mu Liufeng, Bai Lihan and others Go up.

Although their speed is fast, the speed of the turbulent storm is faster, just a few breathing kung fu, they will wipe out Huangfu and Ling Yichen.

Watching Huang Fuqing and Ling Yichen disappear into the black hole, Ling Chuxi's heart was ashamed. Others also looked miserable, and even Herculus's eyes were covered with water.

"Retreat, this storm black hole is too strong, you can't bear it." At this moment, a figure passed by like a fright, and rushed straight into the black hole.

"Master." Shangguan Wuxie and Shangguan Yuntian exclaimed at the same time.

"Evil Sky Lord!" Ling Chuxi is also a surprise in his face.

There is a celestial lord in the sky, and the Huangfu eradication and Ling Yichen will surely be able to escape safely.

The figure of the evil celestial lord was also engulfed by the black hole, but there was no movement for a long time.

There was a lot of silence all around. Although we all knew the strength of the domain master and had heard of the name of the evil heaven domain master, but we had witnessed the previous few dangerous times, people still inevitably worried.

Finally, a sword light slammed across the sky. The evil energy is awe-inspiring, but it is unstoppable. The black hole that seemed to devour all the world was cut in half by this sword, and all the turbulent wind blades were also turned into nothingness by this sword.

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