Shocking Venomous Consort: Frivolous Miss

Chapter 4943: How to deal with shameless

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"Master Lord!" Uncle Yuntian, nephew of Shangguan and Fang Rubao all fell to their knees and burst into tears.

Everyone on the scene was mournful, and even the wind that swept the ground became cold, with a hint of sadness.

"Let's get up, the Lord of Evil Heaven Territory died in his own right. We should cheer up. As he said, keep Heaven and Earth safe forever, rather than blindly immersed in grief." Long time, Meng Dingtai sighed Speak to everyone.

Fang Rubao and others all stood up and looked at Ling Chuxi. Before the death of Lord Xiantianyu, he handed over the family ruling to Ling Chuxi, which is equivalent to handing over the life and death powers of all the six royal families in Tianyu and all the family ancestors except the ancient Zongfu. How to do it is naturally up to her.

Ling Chuxi was a little embarrassed. She just didn't want to let Evil Sky Domain Lord leave with regret. This was when she agreed to his request and never thought about what to do next. What's more, Huangfu Qing Ju and Ling Yichen still don't know what is going on, how can she have the free time to manage the family ruling? And once she was promoted to Zun level, she would have to go to Zunjie, even less likely that the family ruling would be caught in the heaven.

"Well, Chu Xi's vitality has not recovered, and the injuries of Huangfu's son and Yichen are also a bit wrong. Mongolian seniors, Deacon Jin, Elder Ji, and others, as well as the heads of the family's ancestral palace, and the elders follow me first. The Ling family and others waited for each other to disperse and wait for the matter at hand to finish. How about we discuss the next thing?" Ling Mofeng saw Ling Chuxi's embarrassment and said to Meng Dingtai and others.

"That's fine." Meng Dingtai said after thinking about it.

Next, the head of the family clan ancestors ordered the following people to leave first, and they stayed together with some elders.

Shangguan Zhenting looked at Ling Mofeng, with a guilty look on his face, and wanted to say something, but he didn’t know how to speak. He wanted to go. See the other lords who belonged to the family clan's palace. Feeling embarrassed to leave.

"Oh, how should this person handle it?" Just then, Zhou Xueting asked with a hateful expression.

Everyone followed the prestige and saw that although Shangguan Yunxiao had been seriously injured, but by virtue of the divine order of cultivation, he still insisted that he had not died yet.

"This shameless man who collaborated with foreign enemies to kill his compatriots directly killed the matter with one sword, is it still necessary to ask?" a family head said indignantly. More than him, everyone on the face showed anger and contempt.

Twenty years ago, Shangguan Yunxiao colluded with Xia Yin Tianqi to seriously hurt his elder brother, so that Shangguan family and Ling family Qiu Shen were endless like the sea, and twenty years later, his son Shangguan deliberately provoked Yuwen family Hatred with the Ling family. Today's battle between the three great families, but most of the powerful family families in Tianyu involved in it, is also the result of the separation of their father and son.

If it were not for Ling Chuxi and others who gave up their presumed righteous actions when they were in a critical situation, I am afraid that before the Aura Storm arrives, nearly half of these tens of thousands of masters have already died in the hands of Xia Yin Tianqi.

Their hatred of Shangguan Yunxiao is naturally imaginable. Many of them have drawn out their long swords, and wish to break the dead bodies of Shangguan Yunxiao and his son immediately.

"Wait!" Shangguan Zhenting shouted loudly.

"Grandpa Shangguan, things have reached the point where they are now. Do you still have to stand up for their father and son!" Everyone looked at Shangguan Zhenting with dissatisfaction.

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