Shocking Venomous Consort: Frivolous Miss

Chapter 4958: Fair and comfortable

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the shocking drug concubine: Mad Mad Lady!

Seeing Mo Qingyi, Ling Chuxi recalled the situation when they met their couple in the human race space, and then thought of Mo Shili's life and death in the void now. I don't know if I have a chance to return. Ling Chuxi I felt sour in my heart. If Mo Shi could not come back, what should Tsing Yi do in the future? She wanted comfort, but she didn't know how to speak.

"I'm fine, you don't have to worry." Mo Qingyi saw Ling Chuxi's thoughts, smiled, and took her hand.

Seeing this scene, Zhou Hongyan and other talents realized that Mo Qingyi and Ling Chuxi had known each other for a long time. They said in front of her that Ling Chuxi was not right. Wasn’t it just boring?

If you don’t know the relationship between the two of them, it’s okay to be reprimanded by Mo Qingyi. After all, it’s fair and free, and others are not justified. But now, their psychology is a bit imbalanced.

Fang Rubao, Ji Shiyuan, and others are all eccentric to Ling Chuxi. You Mo Qingyi is not a member of the Family Judgment Conference. Why should you point fingers at us? In the past when Mo Shili was away, we were still afraid of you by a few points. Now Mo Shili doesn’t even know how to live or die. What qualifications do you still have for us to give orders!

Both eyes showed a bit of resentment, and suddenly saw a mighty elder with a tall face behind Mo Qingyi, and his eyes lit up.

This elder is named Hong Lie. He is the elder of the ruling hall. His temper is extremely irritable, and his temperament is upright. He even dares to fight against the domain master according to reason, and the ruling in the family will be extremely prestigious. In addition to the domain masters, the family ruling will have the highest prestige.

"Elder Hong, you must be fair in today's affairs. Ji Shiyuan clearly wanted to control the family ruling by Ling Chuxi and monopolize the power for private gain. Our family ruling will be passed down for tens of thousands of years to protect the world. For their own responsibility, they must not let their conspiracy succeed.

Mo... Madam Mo has personal friendship with Ling Chuxi, and she will definitely speak for her. Don’t look at her righteousness. In the final analysis, she is not partial to Ling Chuxi. We must not let the family ruling society fall into the millennium. This kind of human hand must..." Zhou Hongyan exchanged glances, and fluttered up again, his face full of tears and said sadly.

"Shut up!" Before he finished speaking, he heard Hong Lie shouting and dancing with his white hair and no wind, and showed a bit of majesty. He gritted his teeth and said, "Who wants to fight for power and profit, who wants to use power for personal gain, you Are we really stupid? It’s a shame that the family ruling will have scum like you!”

Zhou Hongyan's expressions were startled, and they swallowed back in horror before they even spoke.

"Ling Chuxi is in charge of the family ruling, which is not only the will of Lord Evil Heaven Lord, but also the common order of Masters such as Departed Heaven Lord and Long Heaven Lord. There is a letter here, which was jointly made by you. It is clear that if Ling Chuxi dispelled the aura storm and resolved the danger of the heaven, and the Lord of the evil heaven had any accidents, she will be in charge of the family adjudication meeting. In addition to the six royal families and the ancient ancestral palace, all the ancestral palace Heed their orders," Hong Lie said, and took out his hand.

"This... how is this possible?" Zhou Hongyan and others looked at his oracle in disbelief with a signature seal from the Master of Heaven and others, and a contract seal of the law of heaven and earth, which was obviously not a fraud.

Zhou Hongyan looked at each other with frustration.

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