Shocking Venomous Consort: Frivolous Miss

Chapter 4969: Seeing Chu Xi wrong for life

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the shocking drug concubine: Mad Mad Lady!

"After that, you're going to Zunjie, aren't you?" Shangguan Wuxie asked silently for a long while.

"Yes." Ling Chuxi also whispered. Shangguan Wuxie's affection for her, she knew that she knew that Shangguan Wuxie did not want her to know, then she pretended not to know. After hearing Shangguan Wuxie's words, Ling Chuxi's mood was particularly complicated. She found that she never seemed to understand Shangguan Wuxie.

"I wish you all the best here. You can rest assured that the Ling family's affairs are." Shangguan Wuxie's words were brief, but the tone was unprecedentedly solemn, and his face was free of the cynicism of the previous cynicism. . This is one of his promises, even with his life.

Ling Chuxiu turned his head and fixedly looked at Shangguan Wuxie, silent and speechless, for a long time, slowly, and said a low voice: "Thank you."

Shangguan Wuxie looked at Ling Chuxi's pair of brilliant eyes, and looked at himself in this way, his heart, at this moment, as if something suddenly exploded, making him palpitate. He could hardly bear it and wanted to hug the person in front of him.

Seeing Chu Xi wrong all his life.

If, if you only meet each other for the first time, how will he choose?

The moth fluttered into her eyes, or...

Shangguan Wuxie's eyes darkened.

Still, a sword killed her.

Then, there will be no trouble for him in the future.

Will it be like this? Can it be like this?

Of course not, and impossible!

When he first saw her, he was already trapped, deeply trapped.

Ling Chuxi thought the first meeting was on the aircraft of the Judgment Meeting.

Actually, that's not, that's not their first meeting.

Or, it should be said that it was not the first time Shangguan Wuxie saw Ling Chuxi.

He saw Ling Chuxi for the first time, it was a rainy day.

She stood in the rain with a light smile and turned back to see the Emperor Fu from behind. Huangfu cleared his spoiled smile and held an umbrella for her.

With a smile, he broke into Shangguan Wuxie's heart, and never went out again.

Originally just curious about the child born by the woman who made Uncle so worried, it was originally only the person who was curious about Ling Wuxi's desperate protection, but this curiosity lost his heart.

He also wanted to fight, and he wanted to give it a try, whether he could grow old together with her.

However, when he saw time and time again that Ling Chuxi and Huangfu were inseparable, living and dying, he knew that he could not compete.

It's not that he can't do without giving up life and death, but that he lost in time.

If he can meet Ling Chuxi earlier than Huangfu, then the person standing next to Ling Chuxi must be him, definitely!

It is a pity that there is no if in this world.

Shangguan Wuxie laughed lowly, with some self-deprecation in his smile. After the laugh, he looked up at Ling Chuxi: "Chu Xi, I hope we will never see him again."

Ling Chuxi froze for a moment, but the endless sourness came to her mind.

"So, in the end, I can hug you for a while, just a moment." Shangguan Wuxie asked with a smile, but there was timidness in his voice that could not be concealed, that was fear of rejection.

Ling Chuxi hesitated and nodded gently.

Shangguan Wuxie took a step forward and gently embraced Ling Chuxi, then said nothing, did not even look at Ling Chuxi again, and turned away.

Ling Chuxi was left standing staring blankly.

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