Shocking Venomous Consort: Frivolous Miss

Chapter 4980: He has been lonely for tens of thousands of years

Biquge, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the shocking drug concubine: Mad Mad Lady!

It can be seen that the disciples of Tianyan Sect have not only a sense of belonging to Tianyan Sect. Tian Yanzong is everything to them!

When the Sect Master heard Ling Wuxi pleading, and then looked at Gong Junxue, who was crying, he finally nodded: "Gong Junxue, if you do something wrong in the future, you will no longer care about your fault."

"Xie Dai Sect Master, Xie Dai Sect Master!" Gong Junxue kowtowed happily, then looked at Ling Wujie gratefully. He knew that most of Ling Wu's pleading was because he was the eldest brother of Ling Chuxi, and Ling Chuxi was the treasure of the patriarch.

This matter was revealed here, and the people gradually dispersed. Although everyone was curious about the relationship between Ling Chuxi and the ancestor, it was only known when the ancestor appeared again.

Ling Chuxi at this moment has been brought to a large room by the grandfather. The whole house is simple and somewhat deserted, without too much decoration.

The ancestor also gently embraced Ling Chuxi. Ling Chuxi felt this embrace, and a distant sense of familiarity slowly rose from his heart. She gently raised her head and looked at the delicate face in front of her eyes, her pupils shrinking.

People in front of...

It's him!

It's him! ! !

"Water, cold water..." Ling Chuxi's lips were already shaking, his voice choked. The person in front of me is Shui Han! It was the kid who promised not to let go of his hand! It was the cold water who depended on her wholeheartedly, believed her, and finally let herself go helplessly!

"You said, you won't leave me, you said!" Shui Han suddenly held Ling Chuxi tightly, getting tighter and tighter, that strength could not but rub Ling Chuxi into his body. But his whole body was trembling and his voice gradually choked. "You said, you promised you would not leave me, but why did you still leave me. I have been alone for so long!" Shui Han leaned his head on Ling Chuxi's shoulder, whimpering like a wounded beast. The grievance and resentment in his tone made Ling Chuxi's heart ache. At this time, Shui Han still has the appearance of the mysterious and powerful Tianyan patriarch. At this time, he is just a child who is telling wrongs.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry..." Ling Chuxi hugged the cold water shivering slightly, and murmured these three words in his mouth. She promised him that she would not leave him, and she did. In the end, she left alone, leaving Shui Han alone. Loneliness and loneliness for tens of thousands of years, searching and waiting for tens of thousands of years, how did Shuihan come? Just thinking for a moment, Ling Chuxi's heart was sore, and it was heart-wrenching.

"Master... I have been searching for so long, waiting for so long, I finally waited for you." Shui Han sighed quietly, "I thought I couldn't wait for you, but today, I finally waited for you ."

"Shui Han, I'm sorry, I'm sorry..." Ling Chuxi's tears finally couldn't stop flowing down. She kept thinking of Shui Han in her heart, trying to find him, but there was no news of him. She even thought that she would never see Shui Han again in her life. But this day, I finally saw it.

"Don't cry, Master, don't cry, I don't want you to cry." Shui Han released Ling Chuxi, stretched out her fingers, and gently wiped the tears on her face for Ling Chuxi, but he was silent. Tears fell.

Tens of thousands of years of loneliness and loneliness, at this moment, finally released... He found the only one in his heart, embraced the only softness in his heart.

(I haven’t finished my family’s affairs. I feel tired and tired recently. I’m tired and stressed. Alas~~ I hope everything goes well this year.

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