Shocking Venomous Consort: Frivolous Miss

Chapter 977: The origin of the Celestial Sect

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Huangfu was able to see that it was clear, and even if Ling Chuxi and Lijin Beast did not sign the contract, this little guy would not leave. I couldn't leave anymore, and stayed close to Ling Chuxi all day long.

Solved the problem of Xiaorouwan's lack of energy, Ling Chuxi relaxed a lot. The crowd continued to rush towards Tianjizong.

As soon as they entered the sphere of influence of the Celestial Sect, everyone clearly felt different, including the several large-scale cities, although they were also prosperous, but the city was in order. Obviously, the rules of the Celestial Sect were very strict and the restraints on the disciples under the door were extremely strict. .

Ling Chuxi can also understand why Lu Chengfeng was so proud as soon as he arrived at the Jin Danzong, and he kept arguing with a pair of masters all day long. It must have been suppressed so much in the Tianji Sect.

"That's where the Inner Sect Gate of our Tianji Sect is located, and Tianji Peak is also the first peak of the major Sect." Duan Feiyu pointed to a mountain in the distance and proudly said to Ling Chuxi.

Ling Chuxi looked very far, and saw a good mountain peak towering into the cloud. Starting from halfway up the mountain, the entire peak was hidden between clouds and fog. Even with Ling Chuxi's eyesight, he could only vaguely see the mountain as straight as a sword. The thorny sky seems to have reached the limit of heaven, connecting the heaven and earth together.

"If I didn't guess wrong, the name of Tianji Sect is from this Tianji Peak." Lan Xinyu speculated.

"It can be said, but it is not exactly the case. It is said that as far back as the ancient wilderness, a predecessor created Tianji mentality and arrogated the world with a sword. My Tianji patriarch had a destiny with this predecessor, and he taught Tianji The mind method has been passed down from generation to generation, but the ancestors of the subsequent generations could not understand the mystery of the heavenly mind method even in their lifetime.

It wasn't until my seventy-third generation ancestor of Tianji Sect came to this strange peak by coincidence that it took sixty years to finally cultivate into the Tianji Sect. From then on, the Tianji Sect was established and stood proudly between the various ancestors. This strange peak is also named Tianji Peak. Said Duan Feiyu.

The speaker was not interested in the listener's intentions, Ling Chuxi knew that the senior he said was the senior of Cangyuan. Seeing the towering peak of the sky, Ling Chuxi couldn't help but fascinate, and only such a Qifeng grounded by the sky was suitable. Can be compared to the peerless predecessors of Cang Yuan.

"Young Sect Master, you're back." At this time, several old men hurried forward, and when they saw Duan Xiaomo's eyes, there was no empty confusion in the past. The second son is back."

"Elder Qiu, Mr. Zhao, Mr. Huang." Duan Feiyu greeted a few people cordially, and then introduced Ling Chuxi and others to know.

The elder Qiu is one of the elders of the Qing dynasty, and the other two are the guests. The identity is the same as Lu Chengfeng, but the strength is obviously much higher than that of Lu Chengfeng, and the attitude is also modest and polite.

"It turns out that this is Lord Sect Master, and the old man has long respected his name. Seeing today, it is indeed a young talent." Elder Qiu said enthusiastically to Ling Chuxi.

"Lao Qiu is very kind. The juniors came here hurriedly, prepared a little gift, and invited Elder Qiu to accept it." Ling Chuxi made a haha, and was a little puzzled, but he only came to the Zongmen Holy Realm for a few days. Where is the name? But looking at what Elder Qiu looks like, it doesn't seem to be a flattery at all.

Su Yanhua had already prepared, and immediately sent the prepared gift to him.

"Rarely Sect Master Ling is interested, then the old man would like to thank." Elder Qiu did not tweak, he smiled broadly after receiving the gift.

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