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"But, can the giant ape really be eaten? I also heard that the meat of the giant ape is very unpalatable, so only the brain of the giant ape can be eaten."

Not only Alu, but even Xiaosong behind him began to wonder.

Compared to Alu, who is a gourmet hunter, Xiaosong, as a cook, can be said to have a better understanding of ingredients. The only edible part of the giant ape is the brain. There are so many muscles on its body that the meat is hard and very unpalatable.

Basically, anyone who is a cook knows this.

But now Ye Lin actually said that the meat of the giant ape can be eaten, how could Xiaosong not be confused and surprised.

At this time, the sky turned from sunny to cloudy, and dark clouds covered the blue sky. Blue arcs of electricity spread in the dark clouds like blue snakes, giving people a feeling of depression.

""It's going to rain soon." Ye Lin couldn't help but sigh as he looked at the dark clouds in the sky.

Looking at the weather, it was obviously going to rain soon, and it would be heavy rain.

Walking in front, Ye Lin smiled at Xiaosong from 07 and said,"Xiaosong, you are also a great cook, but do you know the difference between a great cook and an ordinary cook?"

"??? An ordinary chef? A great chef? ?"

A series of question marks suddenly appeared on Xiaosong's head at what Ye Lin said.

"In my opinion, the food made by ordinary chefs is delicious, and the food made by great chefs is very delicious."For A Lu, the taste is always the key to distinguishing chefs.

Ye Lin, who was walking in front, shook his head slowly and said,"An ordinary chef is learning, and a great chef is creating. For a great chef, nothing is impossible in this world. What you think may be inedible ingredients, but he can make it into delicious dishes."

"oh~~"A Lu was confused, but Xiao Song behind A Lu had some understanding. Although he still didn't understand Ye Lin's words, this sentence was like a dog-skin plaster, sticking tightly in his mind.

Ye Lin didn't say anything else, but just continued to walk in front.

He knew that with Xiao Song's qualifications, he would definitely be able to figure out the meaning of this sentence, otherwise, he would not have successfully cooked GOD.

The dark clouds in the sky became thicker and thicker, and the blue thunder snake appeared more and more frequently.

The gray dark clouds made the originally bright earth suddenly become a little dim.

This dim weather was like a thin layer of dust on people's hearts, making people's hearts involuntarily depressed.

A drop of rain fell on Ye Lin's face. This drop of rain seemed to be a signal. Gradually, more and more rain fell, and finally formed a downpour.

Ye Lin and the other two had already arrived at the final destination at this time, looking at the huge tree on the cliff in the distance. On it, several fruits emitting a faint haze of light hung on it, like Yang.

The colorful light was like a rainbow, dazzling everyone.

Although it was raining, the incomparable sweet smell continued to penetrate the noses of the three people. Even Xiaosong, an ordinary person, was drooling at the smell of the rainbow fruit.


However, the three did not move forward at all. Angry roars continued to be heard. In front of them stood a group of giant apes who had been waiting for a long time.

The giant apes were carnivores. Even if the rainbow fruit tasted good, they would not eat it. But they still built their nests here, hoping to rely on the fragrance of the rainbow fruit to attract other animals and then hunt them.

At this time, Ye Lin and the other two who were attracted by the rainbow fruit were obviously regarded as food by them.

"Quick victory, I can't wait any longer."

After wiping the liquid from the corner of his mouth, which was not sure whether it was rain or saliva, Ye Lin took out the tranquilizer gun and did not rush forward immediately. Instead, he shot his legs once each.

It seemed that there was no pain. After pressing the acupoints on his legs, he felt the power flowing from his legs. Ye Lin smiled and his body instantly turned into a phantom and rushed towards the giant ape.

""So fast." Seeing Ye Lin disappear in an instant, A Lu's pupils shrank instantly. He originally thought that Ye Lin had just become his disciple for a few days, so his strength must be average. But he didn't expect Ye Lin to be so powerful. Just this speed alone was something he couldn't match.

"But I will not lose to you."However, A Lu did not lose heart, but took out a tranquilizer gun and rushed forward.

Although A Lu is not an anesthesiologist, it does not mean that he will not use a tranquilizer gun.

A Lu's creed is not to kill for food, so if he encounters inedible prey, he will not take action, but use a tranquilizer gun to anesthetize it and then leave.

Although he can knock it out with his fists, it is still easy to kill by mistake if he cannot control the strength. So he often carries a tranquilizer gun with him to deal with those inedible prey.

Ye Lin is very fast. After dealing with a giant ape, he instantly came behind another giant ape, raised the tranquilizer gun in his hand and shot.

Although Ye Lin has only been studying with Jiro for a few days, you must know that Ye Lin's talent is very terrifying.

The ability of the five super senses is not only in cooking, but also in combat.

Super touch allows Ye Lin to quickly learn to operate the tranquilizer gun, and then master it at a very fast speed and use it in combat.

Super vision allows Ye Lin to It can instantly see the nerve distribution on the prey's body, and then anesthetize the prey through the tranquilizer gun.

Super hearing and super smell can help Ye Lin quickly lock the prey, and at the same time, it can also take into account the places that the eyes cannot see during the battle.

In addition, Ye Lin's talent is not low, so in just a few days, Ye Lin learned everything from Jiro.

Of course, this is also because Jiro wanted to be lazy, regardless of whether Ye Lin remembered it or not, he gave him everything he knew. So although Ye Lin knows a lot of things now, there are many things that he cannot use because of his physical strength and gourmet cells.

Although it is said that the anesthesiologist anesthetizes the prey with an anesthetic gun, it is also called acupuncture, but this acupuncture point has nothing to do with it.

The so-called anesthesia is to stimulate the nerve tissue with the needle fired from the anesthetic gun to paralyze it, just like the acupuncture points. Different nerves will have different effects after being stimulated by the needle. It is for this reason that anesthesia can not only be used against the enemy, but also against yourself.

_Feilu reminds you: Three things to do with reading-collection, recommendation, and classification

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