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"Damn, what a loser, he couldn't even beat someone who couldn't even make sushi. That's not the worst part, the most damning thing is that the loser lost, he even lost the store in Chinatown. You know, the store in Chinatown is an important part of our next plan. I can't accept giving that store to him like this."

"You are not the only one who is unwilling to accept this.

Do you think we are unwilling to accept this as well? Although sushi is very popular in the island country, it is difficult for the Chinese to open up the market.

Originally, opening a store in Chinatown was our invasion of the Chinese territory.

But now that the store has been exported, this plan can only be shelved.

It is so infuriating.

It is obviously the territory of our island country, but in the end it became the residence of the Chinese.

I don’t know what the emperor is thinking.

If it were me, I would just kill those Chinese.


"Didn't you agree to this before? If you hadn't wanted to please that girl from the Nakiri family, you would regret it the most.

It's too late to say anything now.

We can't contend with the strength of Totsuki.

Moreover, the Shokugeki mechanism is no longer just a competition of Totsuki, but has already stepped out of Totsuki and gone international.

I believe that it won't be long before Shokugeki will be separated from Totsuki and become an independent organization.

But even so, we must execute the judgment of Shokugeki.

Otherwise, not only the Shokugeki organization, but even Totsuki will be offended.

And this is not a big deal.

If we give the shop to that kid, not only will Totsuki be offended, but even the reputation of our Ida family will suffer a great loss.

If Totsuki obstructs us at that time, I'm afraid our Ida family will have a hard time in the culinary world.


At this time in a luxurious hall, a middle-aged man with a small beard and full of majesty sat in the main seat.

However, the man with majesty looked extremely ugly at this time. If it were not for his good upbringing that made him try to restrain himself, he would have lost his temper long ago.

On his left and right were several people.

These people seemed not to see him, talking to themselves, as if they did not take him seriously at all.

Taking a sip of the tea beside him, Ida Hao just watched the people below arguing there quietly without saying a word.

Ida Hao is the head of the Ida family and also the father of Ida Jinxu.

As the head of the family that has been passed down for a hundred years, the Ida family can be said to be a The people under him were not simple either.

They were all powerful figures in the Ida family. Although their power was definitely not as great as that of the patriarch himself, when combined, even he was afraid of them.

This time, it could be said that it was beyond his expectations. He had never thought that his son would actually lose in sushi to a person who had never made sushi before. Not to mention that he didn't believe it, I'm afraid no one else would believe it.

But the fact was that his son did lose, and lost miserably, three to zero, without getting a single point.

This not only caused the Ida family to lose a store, but also greatly reduced the prestige of himself as the head of the family. He was so angry that he hadn't spoken a word since the meeting started, and the freshness was already in a mess.

""Are you done?" Looking at the people below who seemed to have no intention of stopping, Ida Hao suddenly said something lightly.

With just one sentence, the people below suddenly became quiet. Although Ida Hao's prestige has been reduced a lot, he is still the head of the Ida family. His usual majesty made the people below subconsciously shut their mouths when they heard Ida Hao speak.

"I really don’t know what you are thinking. Is it necessary to make such a fuss over such a small matter?" Seeing that the crowd below was finally quiet, Ida Hao immediately spoke up.

An old man on the right raised his eyebrows when he heard this, and said with a disdainful tone:"It’s a small matter. It can strand the plan we have prepared for several years. Is it a small matter?"

Ida Hao looked at his uncle with disdain, and immediately laughed:"So you are not the head of the family, but I am. It’s not easy to take things from our family. If it’s from a certain family force, then we will just accept it. But a kid who is nothing, he has the life to win but not the life to take."

Ida Hao's mouth curved into an evil smile, and the deep cold light in his eyes made the people below feel cold all over.

They didn't expect that while they were arguing, Ida Hao had already made a move, which made them feel that they had underestimated the head of the family. They felt that Ida Hao was not hiding anything. Although he didn't explain it clearly, they were not fools. They knew his method with their buttocks.

However, although they were a little scared in their hearts, they didn't feel anything wrong. Or rather, this is indeed a simple method. Winning is not getting life, which is a very common thing no matter where you are.

At this time, Ye Lin and Soma Yukihira just walked out of the shop they won.

It has to be said that it is worthy of being a famous cooking family. The shop itself is very large in size. And it has been decorated inside, so it can be said that it can be opened as long as a time is found.

However, this shop is a sushi restaurant, so the decoration style is mainly Japanese. Therefore, if Ye Lin wants to use it, he can only redecorate it.

However, despite this, Ye Lin also made a fortune. After all, it is very difficult to find a shop with a good location and a large area like this now.

Leaving the shop, although it is actually Ye Lin's, the Ida family has not yet transferred the ownership, so in name it is still the Ida family.

However, Ye Lin is not worried that the Ida family will drag it on. If the Ida family does not ask him to transfer the ownership within a week, then the Food Wars Notary Office will force the transfer.

"Small leaf、、、"After returning home, Ye Lin had just opened the door and had not yet entered when a familiar figure suddenly rushed towards him. Seeing the figure rushing towards him, Ye Lin subconsciously turned his feet and dodged to the side.

According to Newton's law of gravity, if the target suddenly disappears when you pounce on someone, you must either stand or fall.

However, the strange thing was that the figure was not caught by Ye Lin. He did not fall or stand there. Instead, when he was about to hit the ground, he suddenly stopped and just floated there quietly.

If someone saw this weird scene at this time, they would definitely be scared.

"Why did you come out? Have you finished eating all the snacks in the room?"Looking at Youyouzi floating in the air, Ye Lin's brows kept twitching.

After spending these few days together, Ye Lin knew the personalities of these two bosses very well. One just wanted to stay in the room and play games, while the other was as obedient as a cat as long as there was food.

In order to make Youyouzi, the black-bellied boss, quiet down and not disturb him today, Ye Lin put a lot of snacks and food in its room before leaving. It can be said that as long as the snacks are not forced to drink, there will be no problem eating them for a whole day.

But now looking at Youyouzi's appearance, it is obvious that the snacks he left behind have been eaten up.

"Xiao Yeye, I finished the food you left behind at noon. I wanted to go find you, Xiao Yeye, but I remembered that Xiao Yeye told me to stay at home, so I had to stay at home."After seeing Ye Lin dodge her attack, Youyouzi immediately looked at Ye Lin pitifully, without thinking about the impact her words had on Ye Lin.

After hearing what Youyouzi said, Ye Lin didn't say anything at this time, but came to her room.

Looking at the pile of empty snack bags in a corner, Ye Lin didn't know what to say at this time.

You know, the snacks he left behind were calculated according to his own portion and eating speed. I thought that it would be enough to keep Youyouzi safe for a day, but I didn't expect it to be eaten up in half a day. How did she eat it, did she open the bags one by one and pour them into her mouth?

"Xiao Feng, is there anything for him to eat? I'm hungry."

I don't know when Youyouzi came behind me and hugged me.

The soft and huge body was directly fixed on my back, which made Ye Lin feel the same enjoyment.

But Ye Lin had no time to enjoy it at this time, so he quickly asked the system

"System, tell me, how can I return the product?"

"Dear host, I am really sorry, I really cannot return the goods."However, the system is the system, and it is completely unmoved.

No matter what Ye Lin said, the system refused to return the goods. Anyway, in the end, there is only one sentence, that is, it is impossible to return the food, and if you want to surrender, you have to rely on the host's intelligence.

And this is also a test for the host. After all, no matter who it is, it is impossible to have smooth sailing, and this is also to see Ye Lin's attitude when facing danger.

At this time, a word from the system once again made Ye Lin fall into contemplation.

"And the host, please remember one thing, that is, a chef who can't even satisfy his own guests is not really a chef. Although Youyouzi is now the host's food, she is also the host's guest. Therefore, satisfying Saigyouji Youyouzi is also a test for the host."_Read the ununderlined version of the novel, please download Fulu Novel AP

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