"Everyone, please enjoy, this is the dish I made with the theme of 'youth', Dragon Scale Noodles"

"Dragon Scale Face、、、、、、"

The five tasting guests looked at the dish in front of them. Although the white noodles were covered with red dots that looked like dragon scales, there was nothing else in the bowl except the noodles. There was no soup, no toppings, not even any minced meat. It made people lose their appetite. There was even no fragrance.

Most common dishes focus on color, fragrance, and taste, but this bowl of noodles only had color, and there was no fragrance at all. As for the taste, you have to try it to know.

"So, what does your dish have to do with youth?"Before Nakiri Senyouemon could speak, Touka Kotori asked impatiently.

She was full of expectations for her junior.

Looking at the dish she made, Ye Lin always had a confident smile on his face.

"In fact, I think there is no definite answer to this question, because everyone has different views on youth, and the answers are also different. But in my opinion, the so-called youth should be the best time in a person's life, and people in that period are full of indulgence and fiery passion."

"Indulgence and passion?" Nakiri Senyuemon stared at Ye Lin with his eyes full of scrutiny.

Ye Lin looked at Nakiri Senyuemon without any concession, and said,"That's right, because people at that time had not yet entered the big dye vat of society, and they all had their own passion.

Because of their passion, they indulged themselves, passionate passion.

In other words, people at that time had their own dreams, no matter how absurd and bizarre the dream was, they would pursue it without hesitation.

Because they have the capital and the passion.

Even if they have nothing, they will move towards their dreams with a fiery heart.

Although some people failed and some succeeded, there is no doubt that they were indeed the most indulgent at that time.


"Dreams?" The five judges all looked at Ye Lin. It can be said that Ye Lin's words made them feel as if they were back in their adolescence, back to the time when they were chasing their dreams.

"Your words are indeed very relevant to the theme, but the final judging will still depend on the taste of the food. If the taste is not good, it will be useless even if it is relevant."Nakiri Senyuemon, with his right hand leaning on the table and his head on his right hand, looked at Ye Lin with a serious expression.

At this time, Nakiri Senyuemon was like a superior, and a powerful aura continued to surge from his body and press towards Ye Lin. Although those eyes without any fluctuations did not have any emotions, they invisibly produced a huge pressure.

If an ordinary person was standing here at this time, he would definitely not even dare to look him in the eye. But Ye Lin was different. Under the powerful oppression of Nakiri Senyuemon, he not only did not retreat at all, but his eyes also met Nakiri Senyuemon's eyes without fear.

Looking at Ye Lin, who still had a confident smile under his own pressure, Nakiri Senyuemon's eyes immediately projected a touch of approval.

‘Not arrogant or impatient, confident but not conceited. He has such a terrifying talent but such a good faith, and he is indeed worthy of our Erina. 'At this time, Nakiri Senyuemon was very satisfied with Ye Lin's performance, and he gave him a high score in his heart.

Looking at the food in front of him, before Nakiri Senyuemon could move, Touka Takanashi rinsed her mouth and immediately picked up the chopsticks beside her.

Dragon scale noodles, the noodles are as famous as the surface.

On those slender noodles, red dragon scales like scales are attached to them. Those scales that look like dragon scales look a bit like carrots, but also a bit different. What surprised Touka Takanashi even more was that when she picked up the noodles and looked at them, she found that there was something wrong with these noodles. After picking a few times, she immediately knew that this bowl of noodles was actually a single noodle.

This thought immediately shocked even Touka Takanashi. A single noodle, that is the level that many pastry chefs may not be able to achieve.

But it was useless to think too much. No matter how amazing the food was, it still depended on the taste.

If the taste was not good, then Ye Lin would still not pass.

Thinking of this, Touka Kotori blew on the noodles a few times and then put them into her mouth.


As the noodles entered her mouth and she took a bite, Touka Takanashi's eyes suddenly widened and her breathing became a little strange.

Not only Touka Takanashi, but also the judges such as Nakiri Senyouemon had their expressions changed drastically after putting the noodles into their mouths.

The extremely bouncy noodles bounce directly onto your teeth like a spring the moment you bite them, making you clench your teeth


A strong spiciness spread from the mouth, and instantly spread to the whole body. The incomparable spicy taste stimulated their tongues and mouths to secrete saliva continuously, and also made their bodies and faces quickly red, as if they were congested.

‘The dish looks like ordinary fried noodles, but the moment you bite it, the strong and spicy soup immediately flows into your mouth. The strong and spicy soup instantly conquers their taste buds.

And the soup combined with the smooth and chewy noodles is simply the best.

"Hey, what are you going to do in the future?"

"As for me, I want to set up a cooking school, the best one in the island nation, or even in the world. I want to make it a holy place for chefs."

"Just forget it, you"

"Don't look down on me, I will succeed in the time."

Nakiri Senyuemon seemed to have returned to his youth, looking at his good friend at school, and the two discussed their future dreams. Obviously, everyone was very happy at that time, but now it seems that the two have not seen each other for a long time.

At this moment, Nakiri Senyuemon understood what Ye Lin meant by indulgence and passion. It was with his love for cooking that he built the Nakiri family and Totsuki step by step from nothing. Now Totsuki can be said to be the best in the island country without any dispute, but not the best in the world.

It's a pity that the passion has cooled down with time, and he can no longer make it the best culinary school in the world.

Recalling the long-forgotten past, a crystal tear flowed from the corner of Nakiri Senyuemon's eye. When he opened his eyes again, the food in front of him had been eaten up unknowingly.

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