"Well, I wonder if I can have another serving. I just finished one without noticing it."

Looking at the empty bowl without even a drop of soup, Touka Takanashi felt a little embarrassed and looked at Ye Lin with longing eyes.

As Touka Takanashi looked at Ye Lin with longing eyes, the long hair on her head trembled.

She was here to judge their dishes, but she finished them before she could taste anything.

It's not that the portion Ye Lin gave was small, but that they were so immersed in the shock of the dishes that they even forgot to taste them.

You know, the reason why the conference invited them is not only because they can accurately judge each dish, but also because They have a strong resistance to the deliciousness of the food.

Even though Ning Ning's food from Ji No Kuni was extremely delicious, they were still able to make fair judgments.

However, Ye Lin's food not only brings the ultimate deliciousness, but also brings the shock to the heart and soul.

When immersed in the soul shock brought by the food, they have forgotten to judge.

This is a shame for the judges.

After all, if they only care about eating and forget to judge, who would dare to invite them next time.

And it's not just Touka Kotori, even Nakiri Senyouemon and others are looking at him with eager eyes.

"No problem."

Seeing the desire for food in the eyes of the five judges, Ye Lin smiled again and went straight back to the cooking table to make five more portions of Shanhe Zhenhun Noodles and served them up.

"How is this possible?"

Seeing the eager expressions of the five judges, including Nakiri Senyuemon, who all wanted to taste it again, Erina suddenly showed a shocked expression.

Even Kinokuniya Ningning, who had always maintained a cold expression, looked at Nakiri Senyuemon and others in shock, and then looked at Ye Lin.

As for the audience, they were no longer making a fuss at this time, but stared at the judges and Ye Lin in amazement, with confused looks on their faces.

Originally, they thought that the judges would maintain their etiquette and would find an excuse to let Ye Lin leave in disgrace. But what they didn't expect was that they actually wanted another one, which made them completely confused about what was going on.

"Haha, I knew that Brother Lin would be able to do it."

Seeing the reactions of several judges, the happiest person was not Ye Lin, but Yukihira Soma.

"It's strange, Commander Nakiri's clothes obviously didn't explode, but why does he still look like he has eaten delicious food?"Tilting her bun, Yoshino Yuuki suddenly became confused.

And this question is not only confusing to Yoshino Yuuki, I'm afraid everyone is confused.

After all, other people don't say it, everyone knows Nakiri Senyuemon's habit. As long as you eat his ultimate delicacy, his clothes will explode inexplicably. Therefore, people affectionately call this ability"clothes explosion".

And according to the deliciousness of the food, the degree of clothes explosion is also different.

It can be said that the more delicious the food is, the more severe the degree of clothes explosion.

And this is also a kind of affirmation of the food. However, now Nakiri Senyuemon's clothes did not explode, but he still wanted to taste Ye Lin's food again.

This made their first reaction was that Nakiri Senyuemon had lied to Ye Lin, but when they thought about who that person was, that was Nakiri Senyuemon, how could he do such a thing.

It was precisely this kind of complicated thoughts that made everyone puzzled about him.

"Phew, but no matter what, at least he won't be eliminated."Sakaki Ryoko patted her full chest and breathed a sigh of relief.

Apart from anything else, from the looks of the judges, it can be seen that Ye Lin's cooking is not just plain noodles.

Isshiki Hui, who was standing next to him, had a different focus from the others. His eyes were always fixed on Ye Lin's cooking.

He was very confused when Ye Lin served a dish that looked like plain noodles, and now the attitude of the judges made him more certain of his guess.

"If I'm not mistaken, the noodle soup should be the soup base he stewed with various mountain delicacies. Using various mountain products can make extremely delicious soup. But because of the impurities, he has been trying to find a way these days. And now, he has obviously figured out a way to stew this soup that is as clear as water.、、、、、、"

Isshiki Hui turned his head and looked at Ye Lin. He didn't understand when Ye Lin made the soup stock, and how he solved the problem of the paper pot.

"Since you don't know, why don't you just go and take a look." Yukihira Soma smiled slightly, and immediately jumped out of the contestant seat and ran towards Ye Lin's cooking table.

If you want to know the secret of Ye Lin's cooking, then the best way is to go to his cooking table and take a look.

When he arrived at Ye Lin's cooking table, Yukihira Soma immediately looked around

"This is、、、、、、"Soon, when Soma Yukihira came to the place where Ye Lin was grinding flour, he looked at the stove and some paper pots on the ground and understood something.

He smiled and picked up some paper pots on the ground and returned to the contestant seat.


"This is、、、Paper pot???"

Looking at what Soma Yukihira brought back, Yoshino Yuuki and the others were immediately confused.


Nakiri Senyouemon exhaled, and put the bowl heavily on the table again. A cloud of white air spurted out of Nakiri Senyouemon's mouth.

"Although it looks as clear as water, it is actually a delicious soup made from various wild delicacies. This ultimate delicious taste makes people feel as if they are in the mountains and nature, and they unknowingly empty their minds. At the same time, the soft, smooth and elastic noodles are unforgettable."

"Yes, no matter the taste of the noodles or the soup, even if I have already eaten them, their taste keeps lingering in my mouth, constantly sending delicious information to my brain. It makes me stop thinking about anything. This feeling of no worries, this peace, I haven't felt it for a long time."

"but、、、、、、"At this point, Touka Kotori looked at Ye Lin and asked,"I'm more curious about how you remove the impurities.

Although these wild delicacies can indeed make a delicious soup base, they will also produce a lot of impurities.

If these impurities are not removed, it will be impossible to make such a clear soup.

And I also tasted a faint fragrance in your cooking, which is completely different from the taste I usually taste.

Although this smell is very light, it makes the whole dish sublime again.

And I am very curious about the true appearance of this fragrance.


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