Nakiri Senyuemon's voice echoed throughout the venue for a long time.

So everyone looked at him, their eyes full of disbelief.

Even Ye Lin looked at Nakiri Senyuemon in shock.

He originally thought that Nakiri Senyuemon would directly let him and Erina taste each other's food, and then choose the best one.

Apart from anything else, just tasting each other's food and then comparing it with one's own food to choose the most delicious one, this has never happened in any competition.

You know, the contestants taste their opponents' food and then give scores. This is not only a test of the chef's cooking evaluation ability, but also a test of the chef's humanity.

It can be said that whether it is Ye Lin or Erina, or even the audience, they don't understand why Nakiri Senyuemon did this.

"Are you confused? Why don't we announce the answer when we already have the answer in our hearts? Instead, we let you judge for yourself."Looking at Ye Lin and Erina who were full of doubts, Nakiri Senyouemon's voice was cold and full of majesty, which made it impossible to ignore

"If it were someone else, we wouldn't do this. But the three of you are all students of Totsuki. I know that if I announced the results, you would definitely feel a little bit unconvinced. Therefore, the best way is to let you judge by yourselves. If you judge these three dishes by yourselves, then no matter how unconvinced and unwilling you are in your heart, you must admit it."

Hearing what Nakiri Erina said, everyone except Ye Lin felt their hearts sink.

Some people with unsatisfactory IQs must be confused, but some intelligent people immediately began to think in their hearts after hearing what Nakiri Senyuemon said.

If there were no surprises in the outcome of this game, then Nakiri Senyuemon would definitely announce it directly.

However, now that Nakiri Senyuemon has done this, it is obvious that the result of this game must be completely different from what everyone guessed.

It is precisely because the result is too shocking that Nakiri Senyuemon did this.

Because as long as the decision is made by these three players themselves, then no matter how shocking the result is, it will be useless. After all, even if the contestants have already agreed to this result, then no matter how impossible it is, it is a fact.

As for accusing the three of them of lying, Nakiri Senyuemon just said that the five judges had already made a decision. The reason why it was not announced is that they wanted them to judge for themselves.

After all, the most convincing judge , there is only one's own tongue.

Others may deceive themselves, but their own"tongue" will never deceive themselves.

At this time, almost everyone's eyes were focused on Ye Lin, Erina and Kinokununi Ningning.

At this time, they were the focus of the whole audience.

Among them, Ye Lin occupied the eyes of most people.

After all, if you say who is the most unexpected among the three, then it is definitely Ye Lin. After all, whether Erina wins or Kinokununi Ningning wins, is it a surprise? It is not a surprise at all. If it were the two of them, it is estimated that Nakiri Senyouemon would have said it directly.

On a food cart, three people gathered together and looked at the three freshly made dishes placed in front of them.

One of them was made by himself, and the other two were made by his two opponents.

Although it is said that he wants to taste the opponent's work, he also has to taste his own food at the same time for comparison.

Ye Lin looked at the food in front of him, then raised his head and looked at Erina and Kinokununi Ningning.

"Although it is a bit embarrassing, the results of this competition are out."

"Of course, I won this time."Hearing Ye Lin's words, Erina immediately looked up at Ye Lin with disdain.

That arrogant look has not changed even now. Although she is very upset now, she still looks very arrogant on her face. And

Ji Zhiguo Ningning did not speak, but just looked at the three dishes in front of her quietly.

The fragrance of her own soba noodles and Ye Lin's Shanhe Zhenhun noodles was very faint, and it could not be smelled from a little distance.

On the other hand, the rich fragrance of Erina's seafood noodles was so fragrant that she began to saliva in her mouth.

None of the three took action first, but quietly observed their opponents and their dishes.

"Erina, you are too proud. You don't know that there are always people who are better than you. Although you are the top ten chefs in Totsuki, as your grandfather said, there is a decisive gap between your cooking and mine. And this gap is not just in appearance, but even in all the dishes. If you can cross this gap, then you will no longer be the top ten chefs in Totsuki, but will start to join the ranks of top chefs."

"Everyone can brag, but I'll beat you in a minute." Seeing Ye Lin still swearing, Erina was furious. He was so sure before he even tasted it, which made Erina dislike Ye Lin.

"Senior Ningning, aren't you going to say anything?" Erina looked at Ji Nokuni Ningning, obviously wanting Ji Nokuni Ningning to say something so as to suppress Ye Lin's arrogance.

However, Ji Nokuni Ningning stroked his glasses and looked at Erina."What's the use of saying these things. If two of the dishes really have a decisive gap with the other as the commander-in-chief said, then it's useless no matter what. It's better to taste it and find out the difference."

Compared to Erina, Ji Nokuni Ningning wanted to taste Ye Lin's cooking at this time to see how powerful the heir of the Shira family, the origin of this legendary pastry, was.

"What are they doing? Didn't they say they were going to taste each other? Why aren't they moving?"Looking at Ye Lin and the other two chatting, Soma Yukihira suddenly became a little anxious.

It can be said that before the winner is revealed, their hearts are as anxious as ants on a hot pot.

Although they are not contestants, as friends of Ye Lin, they must be worried about them.

"I really want to taste it."Looking at the food in front of Ye Lin, Yoshino Yuuki wiped the saliva from the corner of her mouth.

Not to mention her, even the others nodded slowly, obviously wanting to taste the three people's food.

Under the gaze of everyone, Erina took the lead in picking up Ye Lin's food and began to taste it.

For her who possesses the"God's Tongue", as long as there is a flaw in the food, this flaw will instantly expand in her tongue.

And now, Erina just wants to find the flaws in Ye Lin's food and then ridicule him.

However, when Ye Lin's food entered her mouth, Erina was stunned.

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