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Jie No, a national treasure-level chef who is a food captive. Maybe her cooking skills are not the best among the food captives, but she is also in the top three. On the surface, she ranks second among the world's chefs. Moreover,

Grandma Jie No and Jiro are partners, and with their unclear relationship, it can be said that Ye Lin should have visited her once last time.

But because he was in a hurry to go home, he didn't go.

And this time, Ye Lin said he would visit Grandma Jie No.

The restaurant where Grandma Jie No is located is a small shop she opened herself.

Unlike other restaurants, although the small shop is also a restaurant, it is a mobile restaurant.

That is to say, if the restaurant can be here today, it may be in other communities and other cities tomorrow.

It can be said that if you want to taste the food of Grandma Jie No, it basically explains the thing called fate.

But that is only relative to ordinary people. For a behemoth like IGO, not to mention that the president of IGO, Yilong, is a close friend of Granny Jieno, it would be too easy to find where Granny Jieno is just based on the power of IGO.

After visiting several wholesale markets for gourmet food ingredients, Ye Lin also purchased a large number of ingredients, and then drove to Granny Jieno's location with the driver arranged by IGO president Yilong.

Although Ye Lin didn't know where Granny Jieno was, Watts didn't know either.

But for Watts, if there was anything he didn't know, he would just call her. If it didn't work, he would make another call.

After asking for the address of Granny Jieno, the two drove towards where Granny Jieno was.

After driving for nearly an hour, the two came to a food court. The wide food court is surrounded by all kinds of restaurants, some small, and some super-large star restaurants.

It can be said that before the car stopped, Ye Lin had already smelled the aroma of all kinds of delicious food.

"You wait here, I'll go shopping by myself."After saying that, without waiting for Watts to answer, Ye Lin turned around and walked towards the food court.

Although he looked very impressive with bodyguards around him, Ye Lin was not some rich young master who would bring a lackey with him when he went out.

Having a man following him while shopping made him feel a little uncomfortable this time.

After taking out his food card and swiping it at the entrance, Ye Lin went straight in.

When he arrived at the food court, the aroma of the food kept getting into Ye Lin's nose. This is very fatal for a foodie.

Ye Lin's eyes kept drifting around. Although he told himself that he had to find Grandma Jie first, his eyes still looked around uncontrollably.

The various, beautiful and delicious dishes kept attracting his attention.

Many of the dishes used ingredients that he had eaten before, and more of them were his own.

The entire food court is extremely vast, with no end. The crowds of people flowed continuously, and everyone held various kinds of food in their hands, with smiles on their faces.

Perhaps for this world, as long as there are delicious dishes, it is a happy thing enough.

Although surrounded by delicious food, Ye Lin also bought some drinks and a few bags of snacks from the vending machines he passed by.

Although his eyes kept looking at the surroundings, his eyes were always moving in one direction.

Although the smells in the entire food court were extremely mixed, Ye Lin found the most delicious fragrance from these complex smells.

After all, the person he was going to visit was the world's second-ranked chef, Jie Nao, one of the four national treasures.

And if I remember correctly, Jie Nao should want to copy the natural dish, the Century Soup, through his own strength.

Although I have never tasted the Century Soup, I just need to find the most delicious fragrance If you go, you will definitely find it.

Soon, led by his nose, Ye Lin soon came to a restaurant that looked very ordinary.

If you just look at the appearance, the restaurant in front of you can be said to be very simple, which is completely different from the gorgeous decorations of the surrounding high-rise buildings.

But even in such a simple little shop, there is a very obscure fragrance that keeps wafting out.

Although this fragrance is very obscure, with Ye Lin's nose, he can still smell it clearly.

However, the door of the shop was closed at this time, and it was obviously in a state of not welcoming guests.

Ye Lin slowly closed his eyes and moved his ears.

With Ye Lin's movements, all the sounds around him suddenly appeared in his mind. Then Ye Lin classified, deleted and constructed the sounds in his mind, and then an image suddenly appeared in Ye Lin's mind.

This ability was what Ye Lin thought of from Zebra's many abilities, summarizing the sounds he heard and then constructing an image.

0······Request flowers··········

Even if you can't see, you can still know what's happening around you.

Although there's a sign at the door saying"No Business Open", Ye Lin can hear two people fiddling with something in a huge secret room in a small store.

‘'Knock, knock, knock~'

A crisp and regular knock on the door sounded. Although there was a closed sign on the door, Ye Lin still knocked on the door.

Although the two people were in the secret room, Ye Lin knew that they would definitely know.

After a while, Ye Lin was still knocking on the door. Although no one opened the door, Ye Lin still knocked on the door slowly and regularly.

In a huge kitchen, a short and old man was standing on a huge pot with a girl of the same height and chubby cheeks, boiling soup. The soup in the

000 pot was like clear water, even clearer than clear water. If you don't look carefully, you might not think there is anything in it. It can be said that this pot of soup is several times clearer than the soup Ye Lin made before.

And in the soup���, countless huge ingredients were rolling inside, releasing their essence to their heart's content.

The old woman who was cooking the soup frowned and looked towards the door with her wrinkled brows. Obviously, she heard someone knocking on the door.

Although the two sides are far apart, and this place is even equivalent to a secret room, she is not an ordinary old woman. Even if the sound outside is small, she can hear it clearly.

Moreover, she installed a sensor on the door. If someone knocks on the door, the sound will go directly inside.

At first, she didn't care when she heard the knock on the door, but after a while, the knock on the door still didn't stop. After frowning, Jie Noi immediately looked at the chubby girl next to her and said,"Bubu, watch the soup. I'll go see who is knocking on the door."

""Okay." Bubu, who had a cute baby fat, nodded gently to Jie Nai and continued to look into the pot.

Jie Nai jumped directly from the pot without any hesitation.

You know, the pot alone is more than ten meters high. If it were an ordinary person, he would probably be disabled even if he didn't die.

But Jie Nai was like an old man who had nothing to do. He left the kitchen in a few jumps and returned to his shop._Feilu reminds you: Three things to do when reading - collect, recommend, and share

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