"Let me see, milk, soft sugar, eggs are all ready."

Looking at the various ingredients prepared in front of him, Ye Lin nodded with satisfaction. This is his first time learning to cook, so he doesn't want to mess it up.

Desserts are different from other dishes and require special molds. Because the molds not only make the appearance of the dessert more exquisite, but also play a fixing role during the production.

My predecessor had never made desserts at all, so I didn't have any props needed to make desserts.

Fortunately, although many desserts cannot be made, some simple ones are still no problem.

Beat the eggs in a bowl, stir for a while and then add some soft sugar.

Then use the Tai Chi egg-stiching method to stir the eggs, and let the eggs and soft sugar blend thoroughly.

Compared with ordinary white sugar, the texture of soft sugar is finer and softer. So it is also easier to blend into the egg liquid.

"It's a little bland, so I need to add some sugar." After stirring the egg liquid, Ye Lin tasted it and felt that the sweetness of the egg liquid was a little less than the taste in his mind, so he pinched some granulated sugar and put it into the egg liquid after feeling the amount was about right, and then continued to stir.

After the egg liquid was stirred, Ye Lin went to the microwave and took out the heated milk.

Although it was heated in a microwave, the milk was only slightly warm, not very hot.

Because the temperature used was low and the time was short, the temperature of the hot milk was about 28 degrees.

Add the milk to the egg liquid. Because it was the first time to make it, Ye Lin could only say how much to add. After adding and stirring, taste it and then add milk again according to the feedback from the taste.

This time Ye Lin made milk caramel pudding, so the fusion of milk and egg liquid is the most important link.

If too much milk is added, it will completely cover the fragrance of the eggs, and if it is too little, the taste of the eggs will suppress the taste of the milk.

After the milk and egg liquid were ready, Ye Lin began to make another important link, caramel.

Milk caramel pudding, the fusion of milk and eggs is one, and then caramel.

Although milk pudding is already very good, milk pudding without caramel is like a milk pudding without eyes. It lacks soul just like a dragon with two eyes. Although it looks good, it is slightly lacking.

The caramel is the finishing touch, which not only makes the taste of the milk pudding more perfect, but also pushes it to another peak.

However, making caramel is a bit difficult, and perfect caramel is even more difficult.

Of course, this is for others, but for Ye Lin who has super five senses, it is no problem at all.

This time, granulated sugar was used directly instead of soft white sugar.

Pour some granulated sugar into the pot, and then pour in some water.

The caramel must be cooked over low heat, and as the temperature in the pot gradually rises, The temperature rose, and the wet sugar that was constantly stirred began to emit a faint white smoke.

At this time, as the caramel was constantly being boiled, Ye Lin's super vision, super hearing, and super smell were all used to the limit of what they could use now. He watched, smelled, and listened to the little changes in the caramel.

The caramel should be boiled to an amber color, and it should smell slightly burnt but not mushy to be the most perfect.

With a low heat, watching the sugar water in the pot change color little by little and evolving into caramel, Ye Lin's right hand did not tremble at all, nor did he speed up anxiously. He continued to stir at a slow and even speed.

"Right now."

Seeing the color of the caramel in the pot and smelling the aroma, Ye Lin instantly added hot water into it.

While stirring, he smelled the smell of the caramel and poured the water very slowly.

If you don't add hot water when making caramel, it will solidify and become sugar after cooling.

The real caramel is slightly sticky, so don't add too much hot water, otherwise it will become sugar water.

After stirring, Ye Lin turned off the fire instantly. Picked up the spoon and poured the boiled caramel into the glass bottles that had been prepared long ago.

Not much was poured into each bottle, only a shallow layer.

But this is enough.

After all, milk and egg caramel pudding is still based on milk and eggs, not caramel.

After pouring the caramel in, Ye Lin poured in the milk and eggs that he had stirred before.

However, Ye Lin did not take all of them to the oven to bake, but took one to the oven to bake.

After adjusting the temperature, the next step is waiting time.

"Thank you for all the food in the world"

"Unfortunately, it's a little old. The temperature of the fire was too high, 300 degrees, and the cooking time was six seconds longer. But the taste is generally good."

After waiting for a while for the milk caramel pudding to be baked, Ye Lin tasted it.

Sweet, soft, tender, and smooth, the wonderful taste spread in his mouth in just an instant. It can be said that although it is the first time to make it, the taste is even better than those sold outside.

Although the taste is good, in just a moment, all the shortcomings of the pudding are fed back to the brain through the tongue one by one.

The fragrance of eggs plus the sweetness of milk, the softness and smoothness that seems to slide into the throat as soon as it enters the mouth, and a little bit of the burnt and sweet taste of caramel, are very delicious.

After baking the rest of the pudding, Ye Lin ate it without waiting for it to cool down.

Although it has not reached the extreme taste, it is already perfect for Ye Lin now.

If there is only one shortcoming, it is that the pudding has not cooled down yet. Only the completely cooled pudding will have a cool feeling when eaten, and it will be more delicious.

"I don’t know if the girl likes it, but since she is a girl, she shouldn’t refuse sweets.

After eating two bottles, Ye Lin stopped eating.���After all, this was prepared for Sagiri, how could he possibly finish it.

Leaving one bottle, Ye Lin put the remaining twelve bottles into the refrigerator.

At this moment, the door of a certain otaku girl opened quietly.

Although the sound was very small, Ye Lin still heard it.

He subconsciously looked towards Sagiri's room, and immediately saw Sagiri in pajamas quietly sticking her little head out from the crack of the door, looking around carefully.

When he saw Ye Lin downstairs looking up at him, he was stunned.

But in the end, he came out of the room with a slightly red face and ran towards the bathroom.

After coming out of the bathroom, he returned to his room at an extremely fast speed.

That speed was not like a weak girl who stayed in the room for a long time.

"Alas, it seems that it is really difficult to get that little girl to go out obediently."

Ye Lin was quite helpless about Sagiri's actions. If there was a bathroom in her room, she would probably never come out of the room in her life.

Shaking his head, he took the cold milk caramel pudding and went upstairs, and went directly into Sagiri's room without knocking.

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