Arriving at the examination venue, Soma Yukihira's face was black all the way.

Listening to the ridicule of the people around him, although the target was not only himself but also Ye Lin, he still felt unhappy.

In his opinion, if the students who came here to study were like this, then this school was obviously not a good thing.

As for Ye Lin, he didn't show any expression at all, as if he was not the one being scolded.

When Ye Lin came here, he already knew the result would be like this. If he was afraid of being scolded, how could he eat steamed buns in Totsuki.

However, he may not know that he almost became a legend by eating steamed buns in Totsuki Academy before the exam.

After all, what is Totsuki Academy? It is the world's top culinary school, a paradise and holy land for chefs.

However, in such a place, there are people eating steamed buns here in a swaggering manner. How could they not think about it?

"Dear candidates, I am Erina Nakiri who is in charge of examining the transfer exam today."

Looking at the girl with beautiful hair like a golden waterfall standing in front of everyone, Soma Yukihira suddenly couldn't believe it.

He was wondering whether the examiner this time would be an uncle or an aunt, but he didn't expect it to be a girl who looked about the same age as himself.

However, unlike Soma Yukihira's puzzled face, the people around knew the identity of the girl and immediately started to make a noise.

As for Ye Lin, he stood quietly aside, looking at Erina Nakiri with admiration.

"Where is the notice for the entrance exam?"

Nakiri Erina didn't even glance at the candidates in front of her, and even her tone was full of disdain.

"First, everyone was divided into groups of 10 based on their application materials for a group interview, followed by a three-course cooking test.、、、、、、"


Before the red-haired girl next to her finished reading what she was holding, Erina Nakiri snorted in disdain.

"boring"""Oh, move the cooking table here."

Erina Nakiri was not interested in the so-called notice. These tedious exams were a complete waste of her time.

However, looking at the candidates opposite her, Erina Nakiri seemed to have thought of something. She touched her chin and asked someone to move the cooking table over.

In less than a minute, a cooking table filled with various ingredients was pushed to Erina Nakiri's side.

When she came to the cooking table and looked at the dazzling array of ingredients on it, Erina Nakiri immediately showed a look of evil taste.

"The main ingredient is eggs. Please use it to make a dish. Only those who can make a dish that satisfies my tongue can pass the transfer student examination of Totsuki Academy."

Obviously, compared with the previous tedious examinations, Erina Nakiri prefers to let the candidates show their strength directly.

"In addition, candidates, from now on for one minute, you are allowed to give up and abandon this exam."

However, when the exam started, Erina Nakiri said that it was allowed to give up the exam.

"Waiver、、、、""Give up the exam、、、"

As soon as Erina Nakiri finished speaking, the crowd around her became noisy again. And the choice of this group of people was surprisingly consistent. They all turned around and started running out of the examination room.

"What happened?"

Looking at the candidates around him running out like wild dogs, a series of question marks appeared on Soma Yukihira's head.

"Didn't you check it out before you came?"Looking at Yukihira Soma beside him, Ye Lin was a little convinced.

He knew in advance that he was going to come to a school but didn't investigate it. He was really a traitor.

"The tsundere girl is called Erina Nakiri, and she has the divine tongue. Although her cooking skills are not bad now, she has become a guest of honor in many chef restaurants because of her divine tongue. Her comments will be widely spread in the industry. It can be said that a single sentence can determine the life and death of a restaurant and the fate of a chef."

"Souga, the same ability as you."

As for the divine tongue, Soma Yukihira knew that Ye Lin also had this ability, so every time he cooked something, he would ask Ye Lin to taste it.

As for Ye Lin, although he had been to many restaurants to taste food during this period, he only ate and did not talk about it, so only a few people knew about his ability.

Looking at the entrance of the examination room, Ye Lin showed a disdainful expression. At this time, except for the two judges, only Ye Lin and Soma Yukihira were left, and the others had already run away.

"No matter what profession you are in, it is impossible to be successful all the time, and the same is true for the profession of chef. No chef can say that he is invincible. Even the God of Cookery must have failed before. A true chef should not be afraid of failure, but should overcome it after failure. For a chef who is afraid of failure, it means that his achievements are limited when he is afraid."

Although Ye Lin's voice was very light, Soma Yukihira next to him heard it clearly. He kept nodding his head. As a person who had lost more than four hundred times, nearly five hundred times, Soma Yukihira deeply understood what Ye Lin said.

No matter what industry you are in, no matter what you do, you can't be afraid, because fear means you have lost.

For example, if I had challenged my father because I was afraid of losing to him, then how could my cooking skills improve so fast. You must know that the reason why my cooking skills have improved so fast is not only because of my usual efforts, but also closely related to the nearly five hundred challenges with my father.

Although I lost, I lost happily. Because every time I lose, I can find my shortcomings, and then I make up for the shortcomings and then surpass them.

As for Erina Nakiri on the other side, she thought that the candidates had all run away, and she didn't even notice whether there were any more candidates on the field and started flirting with her secretary.

Ye Lin, who had been staring at Erina Nakiri, looked at the background and began to turn pink. If you didn't know, you would think that the two beautiful girls had an unusual love for each other.

"Well, I'm sorry to bother you. But now is exam time. If you two want to flirt, you can wait until we finish the exam."

As Ye Lin's voice rang out in the examination room, Nakiri Erina and Arato Hisako, whose faces were almost touching, suddenly froze, and their faces turned red in an instant.

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