Tai Chi, in addition to its extremely soft and feminine nature, also has extremely strong rigidity.

The extreme softness in Tai Chi is very suitable for blending and kneading dough. It can be said that the dough kneaded by Tai Chi alone is soft and delicious, and the taste is also excellent.

But in addition to softness, Tai Chi has another use.

In martial arts, Tai Chi is a set of boxing techniques for drying meat and ice machines. Use softness to defend against the enemy when defending, and use extreme rigidity to kill the enemy when attacking.

Although Ye Lin just punched the beef, in that punch, with soft strength as the medium, the rigidity of Tai Chi directly broke all the tendons in the beef.

And because it is protected by soft strength, when the beef is broken, the beef juice is not lost at all.

It can be said that this move is completely borrowed from the method of hitting the cow from behind the mountain, and the stone slab under the tofu is shattered without damaging the tofu.

"Tian Suo, the rest is up to you."

After processing the beef, Ye Lin began to watch the show.


Since Ye Lin had already taken care of it, Tian Suo Hui also took a deep breath and started to work hard.

After all, she had to work hard. If she got E again this time, she would drop out of school.

And after seeing Ye Lin working so hard, Tian Suo Hui couldn't give up. For beef stewed with Burgundy red wine, frying the beef is the most important step.

The degree of doneness of the fried beef should not exceed four-tenths, otherwise the stewed beef will become fried steak.

The reason why the stewed beef should be fried before stewing is to seal the beef juice in the beef as much as possible.

So the time for frying the beef is a very big problem.

"Add more butter and use a higher flame."

Fortunately, although Ye Lin was watching the show, he was not really watching it. When he saw that Tanaka Hui made a mistake, he reminded her immediately.

Perhaps because of her trust in Ye Lin, after hearing Ye Lin's advice, Tanaka Hui corrected her mistake without thinking.

This mistake may be just a small problem in the eyes of others and will not cause any impact at all.

But for cooking, even a difference of one micron will affect the taste of the dish.

"Ah, what's going on?"

Just when Ye Lin knew that he was instructing Tansho Hui to cook the fried beef, Ye Lin suddenly heard a familiar voice.

Turning his head, he saw Yukihira Soma holding a glass of red wine and looking at the food in his pot with confusion. There was a puzzled look on his face.

Seeing Yukihira Soma's look, Ye Lin's brows moved slightly. Suddenly, his nose moved, and he found Yukihira Soma's dish from the many cooking aromas in the classroom.

Although there is one more person attracting hatred now, it is still the same as in the original book.

In Yukihira Soma's cooking, he smelled a pungent salty smell. Obviously, he put a lot of salt in his cooking.

"Looks like someone wants to mess with you."

When he came to Soma Yukihira, the white crystals in the pot were so conspicuous.

"There is only half an hour left until the end. What are you going to do?"

Looking at Soma Yukihira who was having a headache, Ye Lin looked at him with a naughty smile. Although Soma Yukihira solved the problem perfectly in the original book, he still wanted to see how Soma Yukihira would handle it now.

In the original book, Soma Yukihira chose to redo it, but if it were him, he would handle it differently.

"Needless to say, we can only redo it."

Soma Yukihira looked at Ye Lin standing beside him and shrugged helplessly.

Although he already knew who framed him, as a chef, he couldn't speak with his fists. If he wanted to speak, he would use his own cooking.

Ye Lin said to himself,"As expected." If it was someone else, it would be impossible to make beef stew with Burgundy red wine in less than half an hour. But if it was Soma Yukihira, there would be no problem.

"Since you plan to redo it, give me the pot."

"Ah, you want it?"

"Of course, wasting food is the biggest taboo for chefs."

Looking at Ye Lin, Soma Yukihira knew that Ye Lin was telling the truth. But he also knew that Ye Lin must have some bad ideas.

However, he had thought about how to remedy the situation, but the salt in this dish was too much, and there was no way to remedy it.

"In that case, you can take it."

Since he couldn't think of any way to remedy the situation, he would give it to Ye Lin. At the same time, he also wanted to see what method Ye Lin wanted to use to remedy the dish.

"Humph, let's see what the principal is going to do. There's not enough time left to make a new one."

"Who said it wasn't? And the other one was quite arrogant, he actually took the dish with extra ingredients away. Could it be that he was hungry and wanted to eat it?"

"How is it possible? Anyone with a normal sense of taste can't eat it."

The two people who added ingredients to Soma Yukihira's food looked at Ye Lin taking the beef stewed in Burgundy red wine with ingredients from Soma Yukihira, and they couldn't help but laugh.

Although they wanted to cause trouble for Ye Lin before, it was impossible because Ye Lin and Tansho Kei were watching him closely.

Only because Soma Yukihira was busy alone, he could add ingredients to his food while he was getting the red wine.

What happened on Soma Yukihira's side was also seen by Chapelle.

Seeing Ye Lin take away Soma Yukihira's food, Chapelle frowned slightly.

"Well, this guy's dish was ruined by someone adding a lot of salt, so he had to redo it. And it would be a pity for me to just throw it away, so I cooked it myself. My partner's and my dishes are over there, and they'll be ready soon."

Noticing Chapel's gaze, Ye Lin hurriedly explained, as if he was afraid that Chapel would be suspicious.

Chapel frowned and walked from the podium to Ye Lin, looking at the food in the stew pot in Ye Lin's hand, looking at the pile of grains on the beef, pinching a little to taste it, and it was indeed salt.

"I hope this will be the last time. If I find out that someone has tampered with other people's food, I will give them an E."Chapel's serious voice sounded in the classroom. Hearing Chapel's words, most people in the classroom felt nervous. The two people who had framed Yukihira Soma before also felt a sense of fear.

After knowing that the food in Ye Lin's hand was not a ready-made dish, and that it was already a useless dish in his opinion, he didn't care.

However, someone was restless in his class, which made him feel angry.

In Chapel's view, the kitchen is a sacred place that cannot be desecrated by anyone.

It can be said that tampering with other people's food is something that other chefs despise.

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