Smelling the aroma coming from the pot, Ye Lin couldn't wait to take out the beef and put it on the plate.

As for the students who came up to the stage to cook, Ye Lin knew their fate without even looking.

"Is this kind of food really delicious?"Smelling the rich aroma emanating from the pot, Tanaka Hui's eyes were full of doubts.

After receiving the A evaluation, Tanaka Hui relaxed completely. When she saw Ye Lin go back to continue to remedy the failed dish of Yukihira Soma before, she immediately followed him to see if Ye Lin succeeded.

"Tansho, you have to remember that for a true chef, nothing is impossible in this world. The only impossibility is that you don't dare to try. Try it.、、、"

After serving the beef, Ye Lin did not taste it himself first, but cut a piece and stuffed it into Tanaka Hui's mouth.

"This is so salty, so fragrant, and delicious."

When the beef entered her mouth, the first thing that Tansho felt was salty, and then fragrant.

Although it was salty, it did not give people a feeling of being too salty. Instead, it was a strong salty and fragrant aroma, coupled with the mellow aroma of red wine and a light spicy taste. The taste was simply too good.

It was as if she had come to a salt mountain formed entirely of salt. However, before she could stand firm, there was a sudden earthquake, and strong cows rushed out of the salt mountain, carrying crystal white salt on their bodies and running towards the distance.

"this、、、What's going on? It was so salty before, but now it's still a little salty, but it's a different kind of saltiness, and the taste is not as strong as before."

The beef that I tasted before was so salty that there was no way to remedy it. But now, although the beef is still a little salty, the salty and fragrant beef is not only flawless, but also very delicious.


Ye Lin smiled, cut a piece of beef and started eating.

Seeing that Ye Lin used the fork that he had just returned to Wei Guo without wiping it, Tanaka Hui immediately thought of the term"indirect kiss", and her face turned red.

However, Ye Lin did not notice the change in Tanaka Hui's face, but explained while eating:"In fact, sometimes salty is also a taste. In Chinese cuisine, the original taste is sour, sweet, bitter, spicy and salty. And these five tastes are also likened to the five tastes of life, and to the various experiences in life. Although if the food is too salty, it will make the food very unpalatable, but sometimes, salty is also a delicious taste."

"Oh, I see."

At this moment, I don't know when Yukihira Soma came over. He tasted his failed dish and looked at the soup base in the pot. Suddenly, he showed an expression of sudden enlightenment.

"You know?"

Tansho looked at Soma Yukihira in confusion, as if she was a little doubtful whether Soma Yukihira really understood.

"If I'm not mistaken, Brother Lin, you probably cooked a new pot of ingredients, but you didn't add salt to this pot of ingredients, and directly used the excess salt in the beef for seasoning. If that's all, it's still not enough, so you put some ingredients that can absorb a lot of salt, such as eggs and potatoes, in it to reduce the salt content in the beef, and also put another spice in it, which not only neutralized the remaining saltiness, but also made the beef taste fuller."

Xingping Soma explained Ye Lin's method slowly with a serious look, and his face looked quite ugly. The reason why Xingping Soma's face looked so ugly was not because of anything else, but because Ye Lin made a dish that he thought was useless into a delicious dish.

When he tasted that a lot of salt was added to his dish, Xingping Soma did not think about remedying it, but because there was too much salt in it, and the taste of the beef had been destroyed after being cooked for a while, Xingping Soma could only make a new one.

But what he didn't expect was that Ye Lin not only remedied his failed dish, but also made it into a delicious dish with another flavor. And the method was so simple, which made Xingping Soma feel invincible.

"It's fennel. As Yukihira Soma said just now, although it can reduce the excess saltiness of beef, it not only reduces the saltiness, but also the meaty flavor and gravy of the beef. So I added fennel, which can greatly increase the flavor of the beef. Although fennel is generally used to make buns, it can also be used in other places."

Unconsciously, the re-made Burgundy red wine stewed beef has been eaten. After wiping his mouth, Ye Lin was ready to leave.

"Although I lost this time, I will definitely win next time."

Just when Ye Lin walked to the door of the classroom, Yukihira Soma's voice, full of fighting spirit again, suddenly resounded throughout the classroom.

However, the people in the classroom did not have time to care about the two of them.

The person who had received an E score before was using Yukihira Soma's method that he had just heard, and the person who received an A had already left.

If anyone was to be the most regretful person now, it would definitely be Yukihira Soma's teammates. Originally, according to Yukihira Soma's cooking, he would definitely get an A as well. As a result, because of the quarrel, the two of them cooked their own dishes separately, so that Yukihira Soma got an A, and he got an E.

"By the way, I heard that you are from the Polaris Dormitory. Yukihira was also assigned to the Polaris Dormitory. When you take him there later, tell him about the rules and precautions of the Polaris Dormitory. This guy is a bit careless. If you don't tell him, it will easily cause some bad misunderstandings."

"Oh, no.、、、No problem."

However, it was when he heard Soma Yukihira's voice again that Ye Lin suddenly remembered something, and immediately reminded Tanaka Hui beside him. Although Tanaka Hui was surprised how Ye Lin knew that he lived in Polaris Dormitory, the enthusiastic Tanaka Hui did not think much about it and agreed directly.

The first class was a practical class, and the second class was a food identification class. It can be said that the subsequent courses were quite boring.

This was completely useless for Ye Lin. After finally getting through school, as the school bell rang, Ye Lin immediately ran straight home like a wild dog that had broken free from its reins.

After taking a shower, Ye Lin lay on the bed.

He knew that it was impossible to be a good student and go to school obediently like this. If it were someone else, it would be nothing, but if it were him, it would definitely slow down the growth of his strength.

"System, didn't you say that if I go to Totsuki, I can grow faster? Why do I feel like it's a complete waste of time?"

"It seems that the host's IQ needs to be tested. At the beginning, the system did say that Totsuki Academy would help the host improve his strength, but it did not say that Totsuki's courses would help the host. The reason why the system asked the host to come is that the host can get more resources from Totsuki, such as food. With these resources, the host can grow faster."


Ye Lin's eyebrows moved slightly, the corners of his mouth curved slightly, and a faint smile appeared on his face.

"Ding: Obtained a side quest: Your own research club. Since you are in Totsuki, how can you not have your own research club? So please set up your own research club within one month. Success reward: ten random food draws, one thousand food points. Failure penalty: locked up with a sow and force-fed with Viagra. Time limit: one week"

"Ding: Got the side quest: Totsuki's Challenge.

As the host of the Wanjie Food Saint System, how could you be afraid of a challenge? Go ahead, challenge Totsuki's chef, and then reach the top and rule Totsuki.

Pass the food battle and become the Ten Greatest of Totsuki.

Success reward: The Tenth Greatest will be rewarded with 1,000 food points, the Ninth Greatest will be rewarded with 2,000 food points, the Eighth Greatest will be rewarded with 3,000 food points.

And so on.

When you become the Third Greatest, you will be rewarded with a random kitchenware draw.

In the second quarter, you will be rewarded with another random food skill draw, and the First Greatest will be rewarded with ten random food ingredients draws.

Time limit: None.


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