Although they were not allowed to drink, everyone still enjoyed the meal, especially Ye Lin.

After three dishes, everyone had a better understanding of Ye Lin's strength, and Isshiki Hui also knew more about Ye Lin.

Although Ye Lin's current strength is not as strong as his own, his ability is very terrifying.

Isshiki Hui saw with his own eyes that when Ye Lin made a new dish, although there were various minor defects, after passing through his tongue, there were no defects the second time. You know, even Erina Nakiri did not have such a terrifying ability, which made Isshiki Hui guess that Ye Lin might not be as simple as he appeared.

At least in terms of the amount of seasoning, it is not something that ordinary people can compare.

However, no matter what, everyone enjoyed the meal very much at this party.

I paid special attention to the time. Seeing the time on my hand, although I was a little reluctant, Ye Lin still said goodbye and left.

After all, I am not alone now, and there is a lovely sister waiting for me at home.

But when Ye Lin left, he did not take nothing with him. A Polar Star Chicken raised by Yoshino Yuuki was taken away when Ye Lin left.

"I'm back!!!"

Carrying the Polar Star Chicken he brought back from Polar Star Dormitory, Ye Lin opened the door and yelled out of habit.

Of course, in addition to the habitual yell, he also told the upstairs homebody that he was back.

"Humph, he actually came back so late, he must have been bewitched by some vixen."

Sagi was obviously quite dissatisfied with the fact that Ye Lin came home two hours later than usual today.

Although she didn't know what Ye Lin was doing outside, it made Sagi feel a sense of crisis.

"Sagiri-chan, this time your dear brother has brought you some delicious food. You should know that this kind of thing cannot be bought outside." Ye Lin raised the Polaris chicken in his hand. This was what Ye Lin prepared to nourish Sagiri's body.

Sagiri's physical condition really worried him. She had been staying in the room for several years without going out, and she didn't even exercise. It can be said that Sagiri at this moment has perfectly explained what a soft girl is. It is estimated that Sagiri will be out of breath even after walking up a few flights of stairs. This is no longer a problem of physical strength, but a complete degeneration of the body.

So before getting the gourmet cells, Ye Lin's idea is to use food supplements to gradually restore Sagiri's body to the level of a normal person.

When watching anime, Ye Lin knew about the Polaris chicken bred by Yoshino Yuuki. Although it has not been completed yet, it is currently no worse than any chicken on the market. Not only is the taste unique, but the nutrition is also very high.

Back Arriving at the room, Ye Lin immediately turned on the computer to check. Medicinal food is not an area he is good at, and he has only been exposed to it for a while, so he is still very unfamiliar with it.

Medicinal food is also called food supplement, and its purpose is to replace medicine with food.

While enjoying delicious food, you can not only strengthen your body, but also have various benefits to your body.

Medicinal food is different from other cuisines. It is a cuisine that requires a strong accumulation of knowledge.

Although Ye Lin has the talent of a god, these five talents are of no use except for super hearing.

Even super hearing must reach the level of being able to communicate with ingredients.

Because medicinal food is different from other cuisines, other cuisines are simply based on taste, while medicinal food is based on medicine.

In addition to the countless ingredients having a variety of flavors, their In fact, they are also individual medicinal materials, and their medicinal effects are different according to their own characteristics.

Although the medicinal effects of food ingredients are not as strong as those of medicinal materials, the effects are still there.

For example, leeks, in addition to their own spicy taste, also have the ability to nourish the kidneys, strengthen the stomach, refresh the mind, stop sweating and firm the body.

Ordinary chefs only use leeks to bring out its taste, while chefs who major in medicinal cuisine try their best to bring out its medicinal effects and make it taste delicious.

Although medicinal cuisine pays attention to taste, it pays more attention to nutrition.

Therefore, if you want to become a chef who is proficient in medicinal cuisine, in addition to knowing the taste matching of ingredients, you should also know the efficacy of ingredients and what are the taboos with them.

For example, if there is a kind of ingredient, if it is paired with another ingredient, the taste will be more delicious, but the nutrition will be average. And If it is paired with other ingredients, although the taste is worse than the previous one, it is more nutritious.

Then as a chef, he will definitely pair it with the first ingredient, and a chef who mainly cooks medicinal cuisine will pair it with the second one.

Because they pay more attention to nutrition than taste.

Simply put, a doctor is not necessarily a chef who can cook medicinal cuisine, but a chef with real medicinal cuisine power is definitely a doctor.

Doctors use medicine to treat patients, while medicinal cuisine chefs use cuisine to treat patients.

The super taste can only be blamed on Ye Lin tasting the taste of the cuisine, etc. As for the effect, it cannot be tasted out.

For example, the tongue of God can only analyze the spicy taste of croton, the growth time and picking time of croton, etc., but it is absolutely impossible to taste that it will cause diarrhea after eating.

Of course, the ability of the five senses of God can be said to be endless, and everyone's different use of it will evolve in another direction.

Just like Ye Lin and Erina both have the tongue of God, but in the use of the tongue of God, Erina is far behind.

Perhaps in the future Ye Lin could evolve his divine tongue to be able to taste the ingredients in food, and then clearly know the medicinal effects of these ingredients through these ingredients.

But that is in the future, as for the current Ye Lin, he certainly does not have this ability.���After buying some medicinal herbs from the store, Ye Lin went home to process the Polar Star Chicken.

The Polar Star Chicken, which had long been frightened by Ye Lin's aura, was chopped by Ye Lin without any resistance.

With the feeling from the super touch, Ye Lin pulled out the hairs one by one at a very fast speed without damaging the skin and chicken meat of the Polar Star Chicken.

Although Ye Lin has several food skills, it is a pity that neither Tai Chi nor Qianren Yidao Liu is suitable for processing chickens, so he can only process the Polar Star Chicken slowly with the super touch.

After emptying the internal organs of the Polar Star Chicken and washing the body, Ye Lin put it in a casserole and stewed it with the medicinal herbs he bought. After processing the Polar Star Chicken, the chopping board in front of Ye Lin shook, and suddenly a pile of neatly arranged and slender vegetables appeared.

These slender vegetables are nothing else, but the ingredients that Ye Lin extracted after completing the side quest before, glued leeks.

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