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‘coo coo、、、ah、、、’

After taking a few gulps of wine, Jiro's smiling expression disappeared, replaced by an unprecedented solemnity.

""Why do you want to become a disciple?"

Almost every apprentice will ask this question when they become disciples.

The answers of the apprentices are all kinds of strange, some are true and some are false, but there is no doubt that the masters will still ask it.

Although this seems to be a simple question, you can know the character of that person through the answer.

Ye Lin was stunned, then he scratched the back of his head awkwardly and smiled:"In fact, I had thought about learning acupuncture before I met you.

I am a cook and also a hunter.

There are many ways for gourmet hunters to capture ingredients.

Some use traps, some use their own strong strength, and some even use anesthetics and other"six six seven" to stun the prey.

Maybe I am not a qualified gourmet hunter, but I am a qualified chef.

I know that if I let the prey hold the hand when capturing the prey, it will reduce the value of the prey, and some parts may not even be edible.

After thinking about it, the most suitable one for me is acupuncture.

Because only by acupuncture can the prey always remain in the most perfect state.

Although some ingredients will secrete a substance to make them more delicious, this is a very small number after all.

That's why I want to learn acupressure, in order to better capture prey and get food.


Jiro had no doubt that Ye Lin was a cook.

After all, the reason why he changed his original route and came here was because he was attracted by Ye Lin's cooking.

When he came to the beef and pig that Ye Lin was still grilling, Jiro's right hand instantly turned into a knife, and without any movement, a piece of meat was missing from the huge beef and pig.

""Mm, it tastes good." Putting the cut piece of food into his mouth to taste, Jiro immediately felt a strong and delicious taste bursting out. He knew that he was eating beef and pig meat, but he was sure that this beef and pig was more delicious than any he had eaten before.

For a chef, there is no better way to understand his strength than tasting his food.

Just by tasting the beef and pig roasted by Ye Lin, he roughly understood Ye Lin's cooking level.

However, this also made him more confused.

"Acupressure is not a secret thing. If you buy a tranquilizer gun, it will be given as a gift. Judging from your cooking skills, you are definitely not an unknown person. If you want to learn anesthesia, how is it possible that you haven't learned it yet?"

Although he admired Ye Lin, he was also wary.

After all, as a being that grew up in the animal kingdom, if he is not vigilant at all times, he may be eaten in the next second.

So in Jiro's opinion, as a powerful person and food hunter, if he really wanted to learn acupressure, he would have learned it long ago.

But from Ye Lin's previous situation, he didn't know how to do acupressure at all. Apart from anything else, he didn't even have the tranquilizer gun, a tool for acupressure.

You have to know that the tranquilizer gun is as important to the drunk master as the sword in the hands of the swordsman. The swordsman can exert his powerful strength with the right shoulder in his hand, and if he doesn't have it, he can only be a little stronger than ordinary people.

Unless you reach the level of anesthesiologist like Jiro, otherwise, the tranquilizer gun is a must.

It is for this reason that Jiro was instantly alert to what Ye Lin said.

"Well, actually, I am not from this world."

With just one sentence, Jiro, who was originally wary of Ye Lin, suddenly opened his narrowed eyes and looked at Ye Lin with a confused face.

That expression was as if he was saying,"Are you kidding me?"

Jiro thought about how Ye Lin would answer, but Ye Lin didn't answer, and once he answered, he was so scared.

Not from this world, Jiro subconsciously thought that Ye Lin was from the spirit world.

But then he denied this idea. It's not like he hasn't seen people from the spirit world, and he still knows the breath of people from the spirit world.

Looking at Jiro's shocked and confused expression, Ye Lin didn't intend to hide it, and said directly:"The world I'm talking about is different from what you think. The world I'm talking about is another world."

As if he felt that what he said was a bit messy, Ye Lin scratched his hair in distress, and then as if he thought of something, he said immediately:"For example, this wild grass on the ground represents a world, and this world is a complete world.

The so-called complete world is a world with its own laws of operation.

Just like this world, there are people, spirits, and gods.

Although the human world and the food world are very different, they are both located on the earth.

Outside the earth, there are countless planets, and these countless planets form countless galaxies, and galaxies form star fields, and finally this universe.

Of course, each world evolves on its own.

It can be said that the evolution process of each world is different, and the final formation is also different.

For example, this world is said to evolve according to the planet.

But in other worlds, it evolves according to space.

For example, the mortal world where humans and other ordinary creatures live, the divine world where the gods live, the underworld where the souls of creatures go and turn around, plus countless space domains, finally formed a world.

As for me, I was just an ordinary person, but I accidentally got the ability to travel through various worlds.

So, I decided to travel in these countless worlds, and then witness the various ingredients in countless worlds being made into delicious dishes.

This world is my first stop, because my world is just an ordinary world, so even if I have the ability to travel through the world, I can only protect myself, and I can't catch those beasts.

So I want to learn acupuncture from you, so that I can perfectly catch those beasts and ingredients.


Jiro's eyes widened, his mouth slightly open, not knowing what he wanted to say.

It can be said that Ye Lin's words had a huge impact on him. Although he knew that there was a spiritual world where souls lived in the world of food captives, and he also knew that there were other planets outside the earth2.3. But he never thought that there were other worlds outside the world, which made him unable to accept it for a while.

Looking at Ye Lin's eyes, Jiro wanted to judge whether he was lying, but looking at those pure and flawless eyes, they didn't look like the eyes of a liar.

There are worlds outside the world, and the ability to travel through the world can only be done by the legendary gods.

But now this so-called god actually said that he can only travel through the world and has no other abilities. This sounds a bit unrealistic.

He raised the bottle in his right hand and drank it violently. Because the shock was too great, Jiro drank it all in one breath

"call、、、、、、I never thought that I would encounter such a thing when I came out to look for some monkey wine brewed by golden monkeys. This is just to torture my old bones."_To read the ununderlined version of the novel, please download Fulu Novel AP

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