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Central Food Wholesale Market, referred to as the Food Wholesale Market.

Although there are many food wholesale markets in this city, although the Central Food Wholesale Market may not be the most luxurious of all wholesale markets, it is undeniable that it has the most ingredients.

It can be said that ingredients that are not available in other markets may be found here. If you are lucky, you can even find rare ingredients here.

Ingredients below the capture level of ten can basically be bought in the Food Wholesale Market, but once the ingredients are above level ten, the food hunter must have a certain strength to be able to capture them.

And the food hunters who have reached this level are basically either those big chaebols or people from a certain force or organization.

Therefore, the higher the level of ingredients, the harder it is to see in the Food Wholesale Market.

It can be said that whether you can encounter it is still one thing, and even if you encounter it, you may not be able to buy it. Although the ingredients with a higher capture level are not necessarily more expensive, it is certain that the more delicious the ingredients are, the more expensive they are.

Ye Lin did not go to those ordinary food wholesale markets. After asking the two bodyguards assigned to him by Yilong which wholesale market had the most ingredients, he directly asked them to take him to the Food Central Wholesale Market.

"It really deserves to be the largest vegetable market."

After arriving at the Central Wholesale Market of Food, I saw countless people coming in and out, all holding vegetable baskets in their hands, with a hint of joy on their faces, and they were obviously looking forward to what dishes they would eat today. After all, the ingredients in this world are very delicious just to eat directly, not to mention being made into more delicious dishes. So for these people, they are full of expectations for the three meals a day on the chair.

Although Ye Lin doesn't like to go shopping with two bodyguards, it makes him feel like he is bringing two scary people out to tease decent women.

But he still wants to let the two big guys carry the ingredients for him later, no matter how reluctant he is.

Walking into the wholesale market, Ye Lin's nose has already smelled not the fragrance of various dishes, but the taste of various ingredients.

Although the taste of these ingredients is very light, you can't ask if you don't get close, but Ye Lin can smell it clearly. The

Central Wholesale Market of Food is divided into five areas, one is the spice area, which sells a variety of spices and seasonings. Then there is the vegetable area that specializes in selling vegetables, and the meat area that sells meat. There is a meat area for food, a seafood area for seafood.

And the last one is the VIP area which specializes in selling top-quality ingredients.

The reason why there is a VIP area is that many ingredients are not something that ordinary people can enjoy.

Just like the world of food wars has low-level and high-level ingredients, it is the same in the world of food captives. And the high-level ingredients in this world are more expensive the more delicious they are.

Not to mention the capture level ten, the capture level above ten is the real scarce ingredient, basically ordinary people may not be able to eat it once a year.

It's not because of anything else, it's just because it's expensive.

The ingredients in the VIP area are generally from capture level ten to twenty. And the capture level twenty may be seen once a month, and the ones above thirty may not be seen in a year.

And if those gourmet hunters capture ten prey, they usually don't pull them here to buy, but directly find a gourmet organization to sell them.

The first place Ye Lin came to was the vegetable market, where all kinds of vegetables were placed. The capture level is generally below level 1.

"Oh, isn’t this glued leek?"

When Ye Lin came to one of the stalls, the ingredients in front of him were suddenly surprised.

This ingredient was none other than the glued leek that Ye Lin had drawn.

No matter what kind of food wholesale market it is, although the stall owners selling ingredients there sell everything, there is one kind of ingredient that few people sell.

That ingredient is none other than special cooking ingredients.

The so-called special cooking ingredients are those that are processed differently from ordinary ingredients and require special methods.

For example, glued leeks, such as puffer whales, such as ozone grass, such as glittering silk foot fish, and so on.

As a glued leek with a capture level below 1, although the capture level itself is already as low as it can be, it is indeed a very rare special cooking ingredient. Although the processing method is not difficult at all compared to the ones mentioned above, but this... This difficulty still stumped most people.

Using the same force to continuously cut the same part hundreds of times without the slightest error, even many chefs from five-star hotels cannot do it. If even the chefs from five-star hotels cannot do it, how can ordinary people do it?

Therefore, people who can buy special cooking ingredients must have considerable cooking skills, otherwise they can't handle them after buying them, and they are just decorations.

Therefore, even if the taste of the glued leeks with a capture level of less than 1 is good, few people sell them here. The reason is simple, there are too few people buying them.

Although they have special ways to store vegetables to prolong their freshness, the taste will still deteriorate over time, and by then, few people will buy them, and no one will buy them.

After all, no matter who comes to buy vegetables, Everyone wants to buy fresh and delicious ingredients, and they don’t want to buy those stinky sweet potatoes and rotten bird eggs.

So generally, people who want to buy special cooking ingredients have their own channels. After all, those who can buy such ingredients have certain cooking skills.

But what Ye Lin didn’t expect was that Ye Lin’s luck was so good that he came across glued leeks as soon as he arrived. You know, you may not come across this kind of thing once a month.

Without saying anything else, Ye Lin just waved his hand and bought them all. Not to mention the taste of glued leeks, just the fact that it allows you to practice your knife skills is very good.

It can be said that a person’s basic knife skills can be seen from how he handles glued leeks.

And the boss was also very happy. He didn’t know what had gotten into this kind of dish. He thought no one would buy it, but he didn’t expect Actually bought it.

The boss was so happy that he gave Ye Lin an almond cabbage.

However, Ye Lin was embarrassed to let the boss give it to him, so he showed his rich side and bought all the ingredients from the boss.

Of course, in addition to Ye Lin wanting to show his rich strength, he also looked at the boss's honesty.

Although Ye Lin had never seen the vegetables in this world, through the four abilities of super touch, super taste, super vision and super hearing, he could easily judge whether the vegetables were fresh, when they were picked, how long they had been unearthed, and even in what environment (Wang Zhao) they were kept fresh.

It was precisely because he knew that the boss's vegetables were very fresh that he bought them directly.

The bosses around him saw that Ye Lin was so generous, and they all went crazy to sell their vegetables to Ye Lin.

But Ye Lin was not a rich man, how could he buy everything.

So Ye Lin ignored the self-praise of those stall owners and checked it himself. If it was fresh, he would buy it, and if it was not fresh, he would sell it to others.

As Ye Lin continued to select, those stall owners immediately knew that they had met their opponents this time. There was no other way, because Ye Lin bought the freshest vegetables.

After finishing the selection of ingredients in the vegetable area, Ye Lin went straight to the meat area.

Just then, a huge cage suddenly appeared not far away.

In the cage, there lay a red cow with two extremely sharp horns and several tails behind it. Ye Lin smelled a strong smell of alcohol from the cow. _To read the ununderlined version of the novel, please download Fulu Novel AP

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