Now, the king of thunder has been in trouble.


Thor's forehead was covered with sweat.

He knew.

An inevitable punishment.

It finally came.

He only heard the king of thunder Odin speak to him unceremoniously.


"My son!"

"The future king of Asgard!"

"I have always been optimistic about you, but what did you do today!"

"When you saw your defeat being watched by everyone and heard everyone talking, you tried to stop them and cover their mouths!"

"When you saw yourself losing face in front of your brother, you ignored the sensitivity of the topic and changed the subject in public."

"If your brother Loki had not accepted his life experience, have you ever thought about how much harm it would bring to us!"

"You are full of pride and vanity, not a leader!"

"It seems that you have forgotten all the patience of the brave man I taught you!"

"You have become a vain, greedy, and cruel child!"

"I am so stupid, I actually thought you were qualified..."

Seeing his father Odin's disappointed look.

Thor couldn't help but get anxious.

"Father...Father, I..."

Before Thor finished speaking,

Odin walked over from under the throne.

He tore off Thor's armor and took off his red cloak.

Odin pointed his finger at Thor.

He shouted.

"I hereby declare."

"I, the father of the gods, the god king Odin, will deprive you of all your divine power at this moment."

Thor looked at his armor and cloak.

They turned into smoke with the wind.

He could not feel any divine power on his body.

He finally panicked.

He pleaded with Odin.

"Father, I know I was wrong, please give me another chance."

Frigga and Loki beside him saw Thor being punished like this.

They also pleaded with Odin.

Odin was still angry.

He ignored everyone's pleas for mercy.

He continued to reach out to Thor.

He saw.

Thor's hammer flew uncontrollably towards Odin.

Odin held the hammer.

He whispered to the hammer.

"Whoever holds this hammer and deserves it will have the power of Thor."

After that, Odin swung it vigorously.

Throwing Thor's hammer into the Rainbow Bridge.

Since then, Thor's hammer disappeared in the nine kingdoms.

It disappeared...

The people of Asgard saw Odin's actions.

They were all stunned.

They didn't dare to make a sound.

Although the lion is old,

it still has power!

Odin walked back to the throne slowly.

Turned around.

He looked at everyone.

He whispered.

"Now, let's see what will be shown on the screen."


On the screen.

The picture continued to change.

[Seeing that everyone couldn't discuss any useful information. ]

[Black Widow decided to ask Loki in person. ]

[In prison. ]

[Although there was almost no movement, Loki still heard the extremely subtle footsteps. ]

[Loki turned around and smiled softly. ]

[Loki: There are not many people who can sneak up on me. ]

[Black Widow: Did you guess I was coming? ]

[Loki: Need I say more? No matter what torture Nick Fury used to torture me, you always came as expected like an old friend. I am so touched. ]

[Black Widow heard Loki's hypocritical words and didn't waste time talking to him. She went straight to the point. ]

[Black Widow: I want to know what you did to Barton? ]

[Loki chuckled and seemed to be unconcerned. ]

[Loki: I just broadened his mind. ]

[Black Widow stepped forward and continued to ask Loki questions. ]

[Black Widow: So after you win, after you get what you want, what will Barton's mind become? 】



Hawkeye heard the conversation in the video.

His ears immediately perked up.

He also wanted to know.

His future self.

What changes have occurred in his mind after being controlled by Loki through magic?


【Hearing Black Widow's question, Loki did not respond immediately, but asked instead. 】

【Loki: Oh, you love him, Agent Romanov? 】

【Black Widow: Love is a child's thing, I owe him a favor. 】

【Loki stepped back

A few steps, looking at Black Widow with interest. 】

【Loki: Tell me about it. 】

【Black Widow sighed, her eyes full of reminiscence. 】

【Black Widow: Before joining SHIELD, I was famous.

In fact, I don't care who I work for or who I kill.

So, I was on SHIELD's blacklist.

Agent Barton was sent to kill me, but he didn't do it. 】


Inside SHIELD.

Hawkeye and Black Widow looked at each other.


This incident.

It also brought back their memories.


【After listening, Loki probably understood why Black Widow only wanted to know Hawkeye's fate. 】

【So, he looked at Black Widow. 】

【Loki: If I promise to let him go, what can you do for me? 】

【Black Widow: I won't let you go. ]

【Loki: Interesting, bargaining with me? You can't even save yourself! 】

【Black Widow: I never care about this, I just have a debt, a debt that must be repaid. 】

【Hearing this, Loki's face showed confusion. 】

【Loki: Really? Can you pay it back? Can you pay off all the blood debts you owe? 】

【He listed them one by one. 】

【Loki: Drake's daughter? The fire in the hospital in St. Paul? Barton told me everything. 】

【One bloody example after another, like a sharp knife stabbed into the heart of the Black Widow, causing her eyes to flicker constantly. 】

【Loki: Barton told me everything, your bill is dripping with blood! You have too many blood debts!

Do you think that a person who is not much nobler than you can change anything? 】

【The more he spoke, the more intense Loki's tone became. ]

[Loki: This is the lowest level of compassion! It's so childish, ridiculous, and pathetic! ]

[Black Widow's breathing was rapid, and she seemed to be unable to bear the pressure. ]

[Loki: You are full of lies, your hands are stained with blood, and you work for liars and killers.

You are self-righteous and think you have your own principles, and think that this can offset your sins.

But that is your nature, and it will never disappear. ]

[After saying that, Loki punched the prison glass hard. ]

[Bang! ]

[The whole prison echoed violently. ]

[Black Widow seemed to be frightened and took a step back. ]

[Loki's expression became fierce. He looked at Black Widow and his tone became more and more sharp. ]

[Loki: I won't hurt Barton, at least before he kills you.

Slowly and gently, until he knows everything about your fear.

I will give him enough time to realize what he has done!

When he screams to the sky, I will smash his head!

This is the price I give you, you little bitch!!! 】

【Black Widow seemed to have seen the future that Loki talked about, and could no longer bear the pressure. 】

【She took a few steps back and turned around, her weak body couldn't help but tremble. 】

【Black Widow: You lunatic! 】

【Loki looked at Black Widow like a rabbit in a cage, and couldn't help but feel a perverted pleasure in his heart. 】

【Loki: Oh, no, the lunatic hasn't come out yet. 】

【Hearing this, the trembling Black Widow quickly calmed down. 】

【She turned around, but there was no tear on her face. 】

【Black Widow: So, Banner is your target? 】

【Loki was stunned when he saw this scene. 】

【Loki: What? ]

[Black Widow no longer cares about Loki's reaction and walks out. ]

[Black Widow presses the Bluetooth on her ear and reports to Director Nick Fury. ]

[Black Widow: Loki plans to use Banner. If he is in the lab, don't let him leave. Let Thor go over immediately. ]

[Loki narrowed his eyes slightly, in disbelief. ]

[He never thought that he, who always thought he was extremely cunning, would be fooled by an earth woman! ! ! ]

[Hearing the movement of Loki in prison. ]

[Black Widow did not forget to kill people and heartbreak, she turned to look at Loki. ]

[Black Widow: Thank you, thank you for your cooperation. ]


Inside S.H.I.E.L.D.

Black Widow looked at the content in the video.

She couldn't help but smile.

"Why does this Loki look so careless?"


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