The screen is full of surprises.

The screen continues.

【Tony Stark is one of the souls of the Avengers. 】

【He is smart, confident and responsible, and exudes the brilliance of humanity. He is a rare person. 】

【But in the entire Avengers team. 】

【As for the most powerful and powerful hero. 】

【Without a doubt. 】

【It is Thor, the god of thunder in Norse mythology! 】

【He is the son of the god king Odin! 】

【He is the child of the queen Frigga! 】

【He is nearly two meters tall and has extremely developed muscles! 】

【Even Captain America, who has been injected with serum, can't compare to him! 】

【Moreover, he also has Thor's hammer. 】

【Can go up to the sky and into the earth, and can also control storms and lightning. 】

【In the entire Avengers team, he ranks among the top three. 】

【It is because of this that when Thanos appears again. 】

【Thor, Captain America, and Tony will form a living force and achieve the situation of three heroes fighting Lu Bu. 】

【It bought precious time for Doctor Strange to lead the Avengers later. 】

【In summary, I would like to call Thor one of the three giants of the Avengers! 】



Thor saw the description of himself in the video.

He was excited.

Although he was ready to inherit the king of Asgard.

It should be a little mature and stable.

But now, he is actually still a big boy wielding weapons.

A little bit of praise can make Thor happy for a while.

Different from Thor's happiness.

After watching the video, the thoughtful Loki immediately analyzed the content of the video.

Aside from the boring and cheap praise for Thor at the beginning of the video, Loki cares more about the following sentences.

"Thor, Captain America, and Tony will form a living force, reaching the situation of three heroes fighting Lu Bu..."

"It bought precious time for Doctor Strange to lead the Avengers later..."

Loki said while thinking.

"Thor is so powerful that even I can't fight him head-on. I can only use some dirty tricks."

"Then why do you say Thor is a living force?"

"And it has to include Iron Man and Captain America..."

"So, there is a problem that Thor alone can't solve?"

"Then here comes the question."

"What about the other members of the Avengers? What about Black Widow, Hawkeye, Hulk? Are they dead?"

"Then, what about me?"

"Thor usually takes me with him when he goes out to fight, but according to the description in the video, there is clearly no trace of me!"

"Could it be... I'm dead!???"

"And, if you think about it carefully."

"The three Avengers, including Thor, don't actually have the ability to solve that troublesome problem."

"It's said in the video that they are just leading the Avengers to buy time for a man called Doctor Strange."

"What does this mean."

"This means that there will definitely be a huge war in the future, and a few people alone cannot determine the direction of the battle."

"In the New York War, only six Avengers were needed to eliminate the Chitauri Army, which is enough to prove their strength."

"What kind of powerful enemy is it that makes Thor and his friends so cautious and even increase the strength of their allies to such a terrifying legion?"

The deeper he thought about it, the wetter Loki's back became.

He couldn't help but recall a clip in the previous video.

It was about Iron Man Tony snapping his fingers and saving half of the life of the universe.

Could it be...

Will Thor participate in a century-long war that determines the life of the universe in the future! ! ? ? ?

Then how powerful will the enemy he faces be! ! !

Loki's eyes gradually widened.

He took a deep breath.

I hope...

I hope I'm just overthinking...


[Next. ]

[Let's take a look at Thor's famous scenes. ]

[Famous scene 1: Thor being electrocuted]


Thor only felt that his head was bubbling at this moment.



The great Asgardian

The next king of Gad.

How could he be electrocuted?


Absolutely impossible!!!



Director Nick Fury was also shocked when he saw this title.

After watching the New York War, he knew Thor's strength very well.

It's no exaggeration.

Thor only needs to gently swing Thor's hammer.

The lightning power it activates.

It's enough to keep the entire New York City from worrying about electricity for a month!

If Thor wasn't a member of the Nordic gods.

And he's one of the future allies.


He, Nick Fury, this black boiled egg.

Really wants to tie Thor up.

Let him swing the hammer every second.

Squeeze him completely.

Let him taste the bloody oppression of capitalists in capitalist society.

Become a human-shaped Palu!!!

And this man is equivalent to a human-shaped nuclear power plant.

How could he be electrocuted?

If that's the case.

How strong would the electricity be!

Nick Fury couldn't help but get curious.

Look at the screen.


[New Mexico. ]

[Scientists Jane and Dr. Eric are conducting a scientific test. ]

[Suddenly. ]

[An aurora appeared in the sky. ]

[And a flaming object like a meteorite fell from the sky. ]

[Driven by curiosity, Jane drove to the place where the mysterious object fell. ]

[Suddenly. ]

[There was a snap. ]

[Thor fell directly on the car window. ]

[Everyone in the car got out of the car and checked the strange man who hit the car window. ]

[Jane: Are you okay? ]

[Thor stood up shakily and looked at this strange place. ]

[Thor: Hammer, my hammer! ]

[Jane: Are you okay? I think you're a little drunk. ]

[Dr. Eric: Jane, I think we need to take him to the hospital. ]

[Thor ignored the two and continued to shout around. ]

[Thor: Father! Heimdall! I know you can hear me, open the rainbow bridge! ]

[Seeing that there was no response, Thor walked towards the two. ]

[Thor: Which kingdom is this? Alfheim? Nornheim? ]

[Seeing this man who looked like a madman constantly approaching her, Jane picked up the small electric shock gun in her hand and pointed it at Thor. ]

[Thor: How dare you threaten me with such a small weapon! ? ? ? ]

[There was only a sizzle. ]

[The electric shock gun shot Thor. ]

[Thor was electrocuted so much that he foamed at the mouth, convulsed all over, and finally fell heavily to the ground. ]



Thor turned his face away at this moment.

He only felt the baton called "embarrassment".

It was passed from Tony to him.

Thor's intuition told him.

There will be more famous scenes of his social death in the future.


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