The two of them were so busy that they had to face each other.

On the screen.

The screen switches.


[Thor's comrades want to bring back Thor, who has committed treason.]


[They came to Earth through the Rainbow Bridge while Heimdall turned a blind eye.]

[Although the Rainbow Bridge was only open for a few seconds.]

[But Loki, who was at the top of the palace, still saw this scene.]

[He came to the deepest part of the armory.]

[Summoned the Destroyer to go to Earth and hunt everyone down.]

[On the other side.]

[Thor's comrades found him on Earth. ]

[Thor was very happy to see his comrades in Asgard find him. ]

[He went forward and gave everyone a big hug. ]

[Thor: My friends, I am very happy to see you. ]

[Thor patted their shoulders and continued. ]

[Thor: But you shouldn't have come. ]

[The comrades laughed and thought Thor was joking, and quickly said that they came to Earth to take Thor back. ]

[Thor looked puzzled after hearing this. ]

[Thor: You know I can't go back. My father died because of me. I must continue to be exiled. ]

[At this time, the comrades were also very puzzled and said: Thor, your father is still alive. ]

[After hearing this, Thor's face condensed. He finally understood that he was fooled by Loki! ! ]

[And at this time. ]

[The Destroyer has arrived on Earth and is on his way to hunt down Thor. 】



After watching the video.

Loki breathed a sigh of relief.


He was just lying as usual.

He didn't really kill his father.


This would be a lot of fun.

Loki looked at the screen with resentment.

He complained in his heart.

"Why is your broken screen so clickbait?"

"I just lied and said my father was dead, so I am the murderer of my father's death???"

Loki was so angry that his chest ached.

If it weren't for the fact that no matter what kind of attack he launched on this broken screen, it would have no effect.

He had to slap this broken screen twice.

And surprisingly.

When everyone present saw that Loki did not really kill his father, but just played pranks and lied as usual.

There was no reaction at all.

Sure enough, the people of Asgard are like this.

His temperament always likes to reconcile and compromise.

If you say that the room is too dark and you want to open a window.

Everyone will definitely not allow it.

But you propose to remove the roof.

They agree to open the window again.

The same reason.

As usual.

If Loki is lying and telling everyone that their father is dead.

When the people of Asgard find out that they have been deceived, they will definitely curse Loki.

But if Loki really takes out his two daggers and stabs Odin to death.

Everyone thinks that Loki's lies are good.



It is understood that everything is Loki's fault.

Director Nick Fury took out a piece of paper.

He wrote the word Loki on it.

And below it.

The words "lie", "good at disguise", and "master of deception" were written.

He didn't forget.

In the future New York City.

They, S.H.I.E.L.D. and the Avengers, have another battle with Loki.

Through Thor's video, he could get a glimpse of the characteristics of this future enemy.

Build a good information base.

It would allow them to occupy a good advantage in advance when they really meet in the future.


On the screen.

The video continues.

【Famous scene 4: Thor returns! 】


Seeing this title.

Thor's attention was immediately drawn.

"Thor returns... Is this to regain his divine power and get Thor's hammer?"

Thor's hammer has been with him for so many years.

Thor's feelings for the hammer are not only physical dependence.


He regards the hammer as his friend, or even a part of his body.

Although the God King Odin told him not to care so much about the hammer.


He could find a way to hold the hammer again.

Thor is still very interested.


【In order to hunt down Thor, the Destroyer wreaked havoc on the entire town. 】

【Since Thor has no divine power, he is now just a mortal.


[So Thor's comrades volunteered to stop the Destroyer from destroying the town. ]

[But the original intention of the Destroyer was to build it by Odin to resist the invasion of the Celestials and protect the Earth. ]

[At the same time, the Destroyer was made of Asgard Uru metal, which is almost indestructible! ]

[Therefore, Thor's comrades were beaten back by it. ]

[Seeing that his comrades were injured one by one for him, Thor felt very guilty. ]

[So he walked towards the Destroyer, ready to fight this monster alone. ]

[While walking, he said to Loki of Asgard. ]

[Thor: Brother, no matter how I have wronged you, no matter what I have done to make you like this, I am really sorry.

But these people are innocent, and killing them will not do you any good.

Kill me, and that's it. ]

[The flames on the Destroyer went out, as if Loki had no intention of continuing to cause trouble. ]

[Everyone relaxed, thinking that the crisis had been resolved. ]

[Suddenly, the Destroyer punched Thor and sent him flying. ]

[Jane saw this and hurried to Thor's side, crying sadly. ]

[At this time. ]

[Thor's hammer flew out of the pit and rushed directly into Thor's hand. ]

[A bolt of lightning struck Thor in the sky. ]

[Thor stood up in the lightning, and his silver armor and red cape returned to him. ]

[So. ]

[From the moment Thor stood up to protect his friend's safety. ]

[He had regained the recognition of Thor's hammer. ]

[From then on. ]

[Thor returns! ]



Thor saw himself in the video and finally got the approval of Thor's hammer.

He thought to himself.


Facing the enemy for the belligerence in his heart.

Will only bring bad results.

And facing the enemy to protect his friends.

Only then can he get the approval of Thor's hammer.

Thor looked at the king of gods Odin on the throne.


Is this the truth you want me to understand?

Odin saw Thor's face full of gains.

Nodding slightly.


My child.

Now you.

Should also be recognized by Thor's hammer soon.


On the screen.

The video ended with the final conclusion.

[At the beginning of the story, Thor was an arrogant warrior. ]

[Because of his overconfidence and impulsive behavior, he and his comrades almost died in Jotunheim. ]

[Even, the conflict between the two kingdoms was intensified, and there was a tendency to provoke a war. ]

[After experiencing this journey on Earth, he finally understood the meaning of responsibility and protection. ]

[He finally gained the recognition of Thor's hammer. ]

[ he can only be said to be a big boy with a somewhat precocious personality. ]

[He still needs the test of life and death to be truly mature. ]

[That is another story. ]

[Next. ]

[Let's turn our attention to the character who is about to appear. ]

[He is the spiritual leader of the entire Avengers team. ]

[He is known to the world for his firm beliefs, fearless courage and noble moral standards. ]

[He is the embodiment of justice and freedom. ]

[In some ways, it can even be said that he is as noble as a god. ]

[At the same time, the dance he agreed to with Miss Carter is unforgettable for countless people. ]

[He is. 】

【Captain America——Steve Rogers! 】


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