The news that the US military has been in chaos has been a mystery.


Director Nick Fury perked up.

"Is it finally coming?"

Lu Dan has been waiting for this day for a long time.

He really wants to know.

How did Captain America appear in the future seventy years later.

Or in other words.

Where exactly has Captain America been in these seventy years.

If the video can show relevant content.

This will provide great help for them to find Captain America.


Stank Tower.

Tony narrowed his eyes slightly.

His expression revealed seriousness.

"Captain America..."

"You and your good friend Bucky appeared together 70 years later, which is now."


"Does that mean that as long as I know where you appeared from the video."

"Then I can know where Bucky is now..."

Tony said.

He summoned Jarvis.

"Jarvis, record the content of the video carefully."

"After it's over, we'll analyze it carefully."


On the screen.

The video continues.

[In a ward somewhere. ]

[Captain America listens to the sound of the radio and slowly opens his eyes. ]

[He is very confused about how he survived. ]

[He slowly gets up. ]

[Looking at the surrounding environment. ]

[A ward with dark green and white wall paint mixed together. ]

[Bedsheets as white as new. ]

[The fan above his head is turning and creaking. ]

[The sound outside the window is particularly quiet. ]

[Inside the room. ]

[Only the sound of the radio remains. ]

[A baseball game is being broadcast. ]

[And that radio. ]

[It is obviously a little too new. ]

[Captain America looks around at everything so beautiful that he doubts his life with doubt. ]

[At this time. ]

[A lady who looks a bit like Agent Carter, wearing a white shirt, opens the door and walks in. ]

[Lady: Good morning, or should I say, good afternoon. ]

[Captain America: Oh my God, where am I? ]

[Lady: You are in a postoperative recovery room in New York. ]

[Captain America looks at this lady who looks a lot like Agent Carter. ]

[He still feels an inexplicable sense of disobedience in his heart. ]

[And the radio next to him continues to broadcast. ]

[Radio: The Dodgers are leading by 8 to 4, Dodgers!

What a wonderful match! ]

[Hearing the sound of the radio, the feeling of uneasiness in the captain's heart was rapidly magnified. ]

[Captain America: Where am I? ]

[The lady smiled awkwardly. ]

[Lady: I ​​don't quite understand what you mean. ]

[Captain America continued. ]

[Captain America: This match was in May 1941.

I know, because I was there. ]

[The smile on the lady's face disappeared instantly, and her expression froze. ]

[Captain America stood up, and his muscles exuded a strong aura. ]

[Captain America: I ask you again, where am I! ? ? ]

[The lady pressed the remote control in her right hand without leaving a trace. ]

[The lady looked at the captain nervously. ]

[Lady: Captain Rogers...]

[Seeing that the lady was stalling for time, the captain became excited and asked sharply. ]

[Captain America: Who are you! ? ? ? ]

[At this time. ]

[Two security guards wearing black uniforms that were obviously not suitable for the 1940s walked in with guns. ]

[Before they could say anything. ]

[There was a bang. ]

[Both were shot away at the same time. ]

[Captain America was horrified to find out at this time. ]

[He was actually in a place similar to a photo studio. ]

[No time to think about it. ]

[Captain America ran outside quickly. ]

[While running, he found himself in a building that was far beyond his cognition and aesthetics. ]

[The unfamiliar environment made him feel very uneasy. ]

[After pushing away several people who came to block him, he ran to the street. ]

[Bright neon lights. ]

[Too harsh horns. ]

[Crowds of people coming and going. ]

[Overwhelming screen advertisements. 】

【All kinds of phenomena seemed to tell him that he had arrived in the future world. 】

【At this time. 】

【Several black cars appeared in front of him. 】

【A black man with one eye blind walked up to

In front of him. ]

[Nick Fury: Relax, soldier. ]

[Director Nick Fury continued to walk forward and spoke to Captain America. ]

[Nick Fury: Listen, I'm deeply sorry for the performance just now, but...

We think it's best for you to accept this slowly. ]

[Captain America was puzzled: Accept what? ]

[Nick Fury: You have been sleeping under the ice, Captain, for about seventy years. ]

[Although it was incredible, Captain America looked at all the things around him that were obviously beyond the times, and reluctantly accepted it in his heart. ]

[Director Nick Fury saw the panic in Captain America's heart. ]

[Nick Fury: Are you okay? ]

[Captain America showed a complicated expression on his face. ]

[Captain America: It's okay, it's just...

I missed a date. ]



Director Nick Fury suddenly realized it after seeing it.

So this is the truth about Captain America's appearance in this era.

So he has been frozen and sleeping for the past seventy years.

So that's the case...

The Black Widow said.

"Director, Captain America is still sleeping under the ice. Does this mean that as long as we work in this direction, we can find him quickly?"

Director Fury shook his head.

"Captain America is hiding under the ice."

"But the search is still very difficult."

"Like when I watched the video before, I asked Coulson to lead several teams to the area where Captain America disappeared."

"But look, he hasn't sent any useful information now."

"You know, ice, rainforest, desert, these places are the same."

"Too few reference objects, it's difficult to tell the direction."

"Although there is a search direction, the possibility of finding Captain America is still very slim!"

"Decades ago, Howard, who is Captain America's friend, had already searched on a large scale. Except for finding the Cosmic Cube, he didn't find Captain America."

"This is enough to prove the difficulty of searching for Captain America."

"But, then again."

"After all, the direction can be confirmed, and it can be confirmed that Captain America is not dead."

"As long as more people are sent, I believe that Captain America will be found eventually."

Although Black Widow understood what was going on after listening to Director Nick Fury's explanation.

But there are still some doubts.

"Why do you have to find Captain America?"

Hawkeye wiped the tip of the arrow beside him.


"Natasha, you have been trained by the Red House to be a human weapon since you were a child. You lack emotions and are indifferent."

"It's normal not to understand these things."

"What I want to tell you is."

"The strength of a country does not lie in weapons or population, but in spirit."

"And Captain America is one of the symbols of our national spirit."

"If Captain America is really found and announced to the public again."

"Then the inspirational effect on the people will be unpredictable!"

"After all, the reappearance of heroes who only exist in history is a very beautiful story in itself."

"Don't you think so, Natasha?"

Hawkeye smiled.

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