The first time, the first time.

On the screen.

A new title appeared.

《Famous Scene 4: Mark 42, First Battle!》


Seeing this title.

Tony couldn't help but get interested.

Although the Mark 42 was extremely unreliable at the beginning.

The flying trajectory of the scattered parts flew straight to his crotch.

It was very painful!


It was literally painful.

And it looked very clumsy.

But don't forget.

This is Mark 42!

In the previous videos, Mark 1 to Mark 7 all showed their unique characteristics.

It can be said that each has a unique skill.


It has been iterated to the 42nd generation.

This Mark 42, codenamed "Prodigal Son", should give him a surprise.

Tony cast his eyes on the screen.

Looking forward to the appearance of Mark 42.


[In the hospital. ]

[Tony came to visit his good brother Happy. ]

[Happy was lying on the bed at the moment. ]

[The whole body can only be described as horrible. ]

[He had a bandage on his head and a ventilator in his mouth. Happy was fat enough, but now his whole body was swollen. ]

[He was breathing more than breathing in, and it was obvious that he was dying. ]

[Tony knew that Happy was injured, but he never expected that he was injured so seriously! ! ! ]

[Tony walked out of the hospital, his heart full of anger towards the murderer. ]

[And the damned are not dead. At this moment, a large number of media reporters gathered at the hospital entrance. ]

[They were like sharks in the sea, and as soon as they smelled a little blood, they rushed over frantically, fearing that they would miss something. ]

[When Tony saw this group of media, none of them left him a single bit of privacy, but instead gathered here to eat human blood buns, his anger grew even stronger. ]

[Seeing Tony come out, all kinds of media reporters rushed to him and asked questions. ]

["Mr. Stark!" ]

["Our sources say that this is another attack on the Mandarin. What can you tell us?" ]

["Hey! Mr. Stark! When can we kill this guy!" ]

["Can we talk about it?" ]

[A man who was obviously a broadcaster pointed his mobile phone at Tony, and the distance was very close, almost touching Tony's face. ]

[It seemed that the broadcaster was imagining that he could now obtain first-hand information and how many fans he could gain on the Internet. ]

[There was no respect for Tony on his face. Instead, he looked indifferent, and even had a hint of excitement and a smile on his face. ]

[Tony didn't want to respond at first, and wanted to get in the car and leave. ]

[Seeing the frivolous look of the anchor, Tony frowned, and he couldn't help it anymore. ]

[Tony: Is this what you want? ]

[Countless flashes flashed on Tony's face. ]

[Tony: I have always wanted to give Mandarin a little holiday greeting, I just figured out how to word it. ]

[Seeing Tony's reply to his question, the male anchor grinned. He knew that after this live broadcast, the number of fans on his account would surge. ]

[Tony spoke in a serious tone and continued to face the camera. ]

[Tony: My name is Tony Stark, and I am not afraid of you.

I know you are a coward, so I have made up my mind.

Just wait to die, brother!

I will come directly to collect your body!

This has nothing to do with politics!

This is just old-fashioned revenge!

It's no longer about the Pentagon, just between you and me!

Although it's unlikely, if you're still a man, this is my house number.

10880, Malibu Harbor, area code 90265.

I'll leave the door open for you. 】

【After saying that, Tony took the male anchor's phone and looked at him. 】

【Tony: This is what you want, right? 】

【Turning around, he threw the male anchor's phone against the wall, breaking it into pieces. 】

【After smashing the phone, Tony no longer paid attention to the media reporters who handed the microphone to him. 】

【Swoosh. 】

【Drove away. 】


Stane Tower.

Happy looked at everything Tony did for him in the video.

Very moved.

The previous video clearly showed it.

This was a terrorist attack.

And Tony

Tony could actually stand up for him and even directly report his house number.

Open the door and welcome the terrorists! ? ? ?

Although he has been following Tony for so many years and has been Tony's bodyguard.

The two get along like good friends.

But in the end.

Tony is his boss and he is Tony's employee.

Sometimes, when he wakes up in the middle of the night, Happy is also afraid that Tony's way of getting along with him is just a "surface brother" and a way of getting along to make him work harder for Tony.

Until watching this video today.

The slight grudge in Happy's heart finally dissipated.

He looked at Tony with some emotion.

"Tony, I don't deserve you to do this."

Tony filled Happy's glass with wine.

Replied nonchalantly.

"Hey, what are you thinking about? If I die because of you, you, Rod, and Pepper will have to hold a funeral for me."

Happy punched Tony on the shoulder.

"Fuck you."

Tony dodged Happy's fist and laughed.

Happy also laughed.

The two men picked up their glasses and clinked them.


Men's friendship is so strange.

They want to be each other's fathers on weekdays, and even fight over who is the other's godfather.

But when something really happens, they will take the initiative to stand up and help their good brothers to bear it all.

This is the friendship between men.

At this time.

Rod paid attention to the content of the video.

"Wait, Tony, the Mandarin... This is an extremely dangerous person!"

Tony raised his eyebrows.

"Oh? Who is he?"

Rod recalled the information he saw in the army before and said.

"Tony, do you still remember the group of people from the Ten Commandments?"

"Remember, what happened to that group of people? Is there any connection with this?"

Rod turned on the computer and retrieved the relevant information about the previous arrest of the Ten Commandments.

"Although we have arrested the terrorists from the Ten Commandments before."

"But unfortunately, they are only a part of it."

"In fact, since they are a kind of religious existence, as long as one guy is missed, he will grow up quickly like a weed."

Tony frowned.

"Isn't this Hydra? Cut off one head, and two heads will grow again."

Rod nodded.

"They are indeed very similar, but they are two different organizations."

"The Ten Commandments Gang can also be called the Ten Rings Gang or the Ten Rings Organization."

"According to the information we have collected, the Ten Commandments Gang has actually existed since the Middle Ages, and has a history of several hundred years."

"Although this organization is now doing some arms business in Afghanistan."

"But at the beginning, they valued mysticism more than anyone else. It seems that they firmly believe that there is a mysterious source of power in the world that can strengthen their own energy, so that one person can rival an army."

"The bald gangster who imprisoned you in the video in the cave we caught is not the real leader of the Ten Commandments Gang. At best, he is just a middle-level person."

"Few people know the true identity of the leader behind the scenes."

"We only know from a few words of information that this leader is called - Mandarin!"

"And, I heard that this person can live forever and has lived from the Middle Ages to the present..."

Tony interrupted Rhodes.

"Wait, wait."

"Rod, you're getting off track."

"You said the Ten Commandments weren't wiped out, I believe that."

"But as you're talking, why are you leaning towards mysticism?"

"What do you mean the Mandarin is immortal? He's lived from the Middle Ages to the present?"

"What mysterious source of power is the entire Ten Commandments organization still pursuing?"

"That's impossible!"

Although Tony has seen many incredible characters appear through videos.


After all, it can still be explained by technology.

For example, the Hulk is just an unfortunate product of gamma rays.

For example, Captain America is an experimental product of super soldier serum injection.

As for Thor and Loki...

They are aliens, let's put them aside for now.

In general.

No matter how outrageous things are.

After all, they can still be explained by science.

But now.

You Rod.

A good Marine colonel.

You actually told me that there is a guy called Mandarin who can live from the Middle Ages to the present?

This is too much!

At this time.

Pepper said to Tony


"Tony, let's not worry about whether the Mandarin that Rod mentioned is so amazing."

"At least we can be clear that this Mandarin actually belongs to the Ten Commandments Gang!"

"And the Ten Commandments Gang is a standard terrorist organization!"

"I really think that in the future, if Happy is really seriously injured and hospitalized, you should not be so stupid to expose your house number to the media!"

"This is undoubtedly seducing and provoking people to come to your place to commit crimes!!!"

Although what Pepper said makes some sense.

But Tony still doesn't care.

"Don't worry, don't worry."

"Didn't you see that my Mark armor has been iterated to the 42nd generation?"

"My Mark 1 can kill seven in and seven out of their caves."

"Not to mention the current Mark 42?"

"Don't worry, Pepper."

"Next, wait and see the scene of me wearing Mark 42 and showing my power!"


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