The old man was very angry.

"Master Jiraiya, please don't die!"

"Wuwuwu, I don't know why, my eyes are in Shukaku, and I keep crying."

"I didn't cry, really, I just got in Shukaku."

"Shukaku: 666"

"The child of prophecy, Naruto is actually the child of prophecy? The person predicted by the big toad sage?"

The Twelve Strongmen of Konoha

"Naruto.. Naruto is the child of prophecy that Master Jiraiya said?" They were shocked.

"Shikamaru, what is the child of prophecy? Why do you say Naruto is the child of prophecy?" Choji asked the always smart Shikamaru puzzledly.

"How could I know about this kind of thing?" Shikamaru was also shocked.

Naruto is the son of prophecy, this is the first time he has heard of it.

The person who is praised as being able to change the world and bring peace to the so-called ninja world is actually Naruto?

Why, why does Jiraiya-sama believe this so firmly?

It's not that they don't want to believe it, but this scene is too shocking.

"It's amazing, Naruto-kun is actually the son of prophecy." Little Hinata laughed excitedly, her little face flushed.

Land of Earth, Rock Wall Village——

"That kid is actually the son of prophecy?" Ohnoki was surprised at first, then silent.

What is the son of prophecy in Jiraiya's mouth?

The Great Toad Sage, the sage of Myoboku Mountain, predicted that there would be a disciple of Jiraiya who would bring stability and destruction to the ninja world...

And Nagato in the picture is probably a symbol of destruction...

"But... is the so-called prophecy really correct?" They are still a little reluctant to believe it, if the prophecy is really correct.

What about Nagato?

Hokage's Office

"Child of Prophecy?!"

They all cast their eyes on the unconscious Naruko in Mito's arms, their expressions were very shocked, and only Jiraiya, who was watching from behind the curtain...

He believed it without a doubt, and at the same time was extremely moved.

His unintentional actions back then, even the name he came up with while eating ramen, the child he once named back then...

It turned out to be the child of prophecy, it turned out that he had always been there, always under his nose.

Always in Konoha, he had always been there...

The casual actions back then, that child, the child who was named... Uzumaki Naruto...

Jiraiya looked at Naruko with more and more tenderness, you seemed to be carrying the expectations of your parents, it turned out that you thought so back then, Minato.

You have always, always kept hope, the child of prophecy...

"Are you sure?" Mito said in a serious tone.

Hearing this, Jiraiya nodded seriously and said: "I have no doubt that Naruto is the child of prophecy I am looking for!"

You are the hope of Minato and Kushina. Your child is the child I once named...

So I believe that you are the child of prophecy.

Hearing this, several people looked at each other, and they could see shock in each other's eyes, and Sasuke was also shocked.

That tail-end...

For some reason, he had an urgent desire to improve his strength. If the Akatsuki organization really wanted to take Naruto...

Then he would never let the other party take advantage of him. After experiencing that incident, his heart had changed, and so had his character.


[Sky screen]

[In a forest, Naruto is running, as if chasing something...]

[Suddenly, he seems to sense something, a big hand pats him gently, and then...]

[Naruto stops abruptly, his face is dazed, for some reason, at this moment, he feels that he has lost something important...]

[A warm figure disappears from his life forever. 】

"Naruto must be very sad after losing Jiraiya?"

"Of course I need to say that. If it were me, I would have broken down and cried."

[The scene on the screen changed]

[That's the Hokage's office..]

["By the way, why did this old immortal want to find me?" Naruto spoke, although the atmosphere was a bit depressing at the moment...]

["What should I say, but I'll tell you..."]

["Little Jiraiya died in the battle..."]

[At this moment, Naruto felt like the sky was falling, and he was stunned on the spot, his brain didn't react for a while. 】

["You...what did you say?"]

[In the office, Sakura, Kakashi and others looked at each other with worry. 】

["It happened suddenly, and it's impossible not to believe it.

"The Fukasaku Sage continued.]

[His brain was blank. He didn't hear a word of Tsunade's conversation. His mind was filled with the words of Fukasaku Sage...]

["You asked him to go..." Naruto said in a low voice after a moment of silence.]


[After getting the affirmation, Naruto finally showed some anger, and his voice was also filled with anger..]

["Why did you allow him to do this? You should know the character of the lecherous sage very well. Let him go to such a dangerous place alone...! ?"]

["Stop talking, Naruto." Kakashi stopped him quickly.]

["You don't know the feelings of the fifth Hokage."]

[Hearing this, Naruto clenched his fists and remained silent. He finally turned around..]

["Damn it!"]

["If the lecherous sage became the fifth Hokage, he would never let Tsunade take the risk of doing this, absolutely! ”]

[After saying that, Naruto pushed the door open and walked out..]

"As one of the three ninjas, Lady Tsunade must be feeling bad too."

"I understand Tsunade's feelings, but who understands Naruto's feelings? I feel like Kakashi is a bit hypocritical."

"After all, as the Kage of a village, you can't make mistakes. If Tsunade was still a three ninja instead of a Hokage, she would definitely not let Jiraiya go."

"As a Kage, she must be responsible for the whole village. After all, this is the responsibility and duty of a Hokage. ”

[Sky screen]

[Under the setting sun, on the street]

[Naruto put his hands in his trouser pockets, looking depressed and walking quietly on this street, but in his mind, he kept thinking about the bits and pieces with the lecherous sage...]

[Why...why should I be with the lecherous sage?]

[Hey...hey...why did you choose me?]

[I once accepted the fourth generation Hokage as an apprentice, and the interesting thing is that you are very similar to him...]

[Naruto walked quietly, and the memories of the past flooded into his mind at this moment. Suddenly, he paused and turned around...]

[He turned around suddenly, the weak wind blew his hair, and he stopped at a wall, which was covered with posters...]

[And one of the posters was written by Jiraiya, the intimate paradise series...Naruto looked at it in a daze...]

[It seems that this poster evoked his memory.]

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