The old man was in a hurry.

"Sage Mode? Doesn't it need to be charged? Naruto is fighting with Pein? How to enter it?"

"Why is Naruto's Sage Mode not in the most perfect state? He is so strong? Why can't he maintain it for a long time?"

"Who knows? But I guess it's not Naruto himself, but there are other reasons."

"Nine-tailed Fox? Is it the Nine-tailed Fox that is causing trouble?"

[Sky screen]

[In the screen, Naruto has been entangled with Tendo Pein, and it is difficult to separate them for a while, but as time goes by, Naruto gradually falls into disadvantage. ]

[That is Fukasaku Sage. The moment he took the scroll, he turned it over, and then he slapped his frog hand! 】

【The scene changed, that was Myoboku Mountain, two shadow clones were sitting cross-legged, eyes closed, one of them turned into smoke and dissipated with a bang...】

【"Reverse Summoning Technique!"】

【And on the battlefield, the shadow clones were summoned in this way. 】

【At this time, Tendo Pain held the black stick and rushed towards Naruto, and at this moment, Naruto's palms directly broke the black stick, and as the opponent's eyes opened, it was the Sage Eye! 】

【At this moment, Naruto once again entered the Sage Mode. 】

"What happened? Why did he suddenly enter the Sage Mode again?"

"Sage Mode in seconds? No... It's because of the Reverse Summoning Technique. So that's it. So that's how it is. So it's using this point!"

"I understand. Those two shadow clones are prepared to condense Sage Energy. With the Reverse Summoning Technique, as long as the shadow clones are released, the natural energy will instantly return to the original body!"

"Because you can't maintain Sage Mode for a long time, have you come up with other methods? What a strong combat IQ!"


"You can actually come up with this way to condense natural energy? The ninja with the highest unexpectedness." Jiraiya sighed. He was originally worried that the other party could not maintain Sage Mode for a long time, but now...

"But... That kid is so stupid... Did he really come up with this method? I have some doubts." Tsunade stared at Naruto with a suspicious look.

"Fools have their own luck. Who says that stupid boys must not have tricks? That boy is very smart." Jiraiya pursed his lips and said, who can create excellent seduction techniques? Can he be stupid?

If that kid didn't have some bad ideas, Jiraiya would be the first one to disbelieve it.

[Sky screen]

["Wind Style Rasenshuriken!"]

[After kicking away Tendou Pain, Naruto quickly condensed a Wind Style Shuriken with the help of his shadow clone. The huge tearing wind whistling sound echoed in the air. ]

[Then, Naruto didn't dare to neglect it and threw the Rasenshuriken directly towards Pain! ]

[And at this critical moment, the Hungry Ghost Path, who was knocked down by the Frog Kumite, actually stood in front of Tendou, stretched out his palms, and absorbed it...]

["Is he the guy who can absorb ninjutsu? But he should have been knocked down?" Naruto was shocked, and then he glanced in one direction. ]

[Beside Jigokudo, a Yama appeared out of thin air. 】

"That should be the key to reviving the Peins, right? Last time Jiraiya defeated the Peins, they should have been resurrected by this guy!"

"It's unbelievable that Peins even have this kind of power?"

"That's not right. These guys are all puppets and should not have life, but this thing similar to the King of Hell..."

"If those Peins are resurrected by this guy, I'm afraid Naruto will face difficulties in this battle!"

The top leaders of the Five Great Nations and One Column also condensed slightly when they saw this, and they were very afraid of this thing in their hearts.

[In the picture, after hearing the information from the slug, Naruto also knew the other party's ability and was very solemn. ]

["No matter what, the key is to eliminate the last guy first!" Naruto rubbed out two Rasengan with his palms, and with the smoke bomb, he slammed them towards the ground! ]

[Bang! ]

[A huge smoke quickly surged up as the Rasengan hit the ground, covering the area. 】


【A huge spiral shuriken burst out from the smoke and shot towards Pain and the others! 】

【The Hungry Ghost Road suddenly blocked in front of him. Just as he was about to absorb it, the spiral shuriken in front of him turned into Naruto's figure. 】

【"Is it a clone or the real body?"】

【Naruto hugged the Hungry Ghost Road's body and threw him to the ground. Behind him, the second spiral shuriken shot towards the Heavenly Path! 】

【This kind of

At this distance, Tendo had no way to escape. Victory was about to come, and at this moment...]

[Shinra Tensei!]

[The Rasenshuriken was instantly deflected and dissipated...]

["The power has finally recovered."]

["Senjutsu: Rasengan!"]

[In the air, a figure rushed down with a Rasengan in his hand, and directly shattered Hell Road in front of Pain's horrified eyes! 】


Ninja World:

"Great job!"

"Too strong, isn't it? Why don't I understand? Is there anyone who understands, please come out and explain it? I'm too stupid to understand!"

"The main body turns into a wind escape spiral shuriken as an attack. Although that guy can absorb ninjutsu, he can't absorb people, right?"

"Moreover, after knocking that guy down, he immediately threw a second spiral shuriken to attract the attention of the Pains, and finally cover the sight of the guy who was knocked down. Then, in the air..."

Hyuga clan

"Then the Pain who summoned the King of Hell will have nowhere to hide. This is just like a battle plan that has been planned long ago. The slightest deviation will ruin all the previous efforts." Hiashi rolled his eyes and muttered.


"It's far more than that. He must have the courage to fight. Use the main body as bait. If he is discovered by the Pains, then Naruto will be finished immediately. This is an adventure!" Jiraiya said in a deep voice.

"But this guy has this kind of thing. He is very confident in his plan, this guy!" The two turned to look at Naruto, their eyes full of shock.

The kind of person who thought of all the plans in a moment, and even immediately implemented them without any mistakes...

The control of timing, the confidence in fighting...

This guy's combat IQ... is extraordinary.

[Twelve Little Strongmen Channel:]

[Shikamaru: Rasenshuriken is just a bait. Naruto's ultimate goal is not that Tiandao at all, but the guy next to him! Such a precise battle? Is this guy's combat IQ really that high? ]

Shikamaru doubted that this kind of control of timing, this kind of perfect battle plan, could really be thought of by Naruto?

It's not that he didn't want to believe it, but the impact of the sky curtain on him was too great, and he didn't dare to compare the picture with reality.

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