The old man was in a hurry to get out of the house.

Myoboku Mountain

"Old man!?"


Gamabunta and many other toads looked at the sky, and they were furious. Is Fukasaku dead? Just like that? !

"Wow, calm down, I'm not dead yet?" Fukasaku was numb, he's not dead yet, okay?

"Son of prophecy, Six Paths Pain... Samsara Eye..." Fukasaku and Shima looked at the sky with solemn faces.

And in the depths of Mount Myoboku...

That was the Great Toad Sage. Hunzhuo opened his eyes. This was the first time he felt surprised and confused...

"The mysterious power of the outside world seems to have quietly changed the original ending... The child of prophecy... seems to be different..." The Great Toad Sage murmured, and then fell into a deep sleep.


Uzumaki Naruto lost?

The picture presented by the sky curtain showed that Uzumaki Naruto lost, lost to Pain, lost to the way of heaven...

"What a joke? How could Naruto lose?!" In Konoha, Inuzuka Kiba shouted suddenly, with a face full of disbelief.

Losing means that the other party will die, so he is unwilling to accept this fact.

"Just being bound, but it doesn't say that he will die?" Shino said.


"This bastard, I will never lose to him!"

Naruto said firmly, clenching his fists, he will not lose to that guy, he will never lose to him! !

Keeping his word is his way of ninja.

The death of the lecherous sage, the death of Kakashi, the destruction of Konoha, each of them impacted the mind of the twelve-year-old Naruto, making him feel more and more urgent to improve his strength.

Watching the reality of losing to that guy in the video, he felt more and more powerless.

He didn't want to lose again!

Uchiha Sasuke who practiced with Itachi.


Sasuke snorted coldly and practiced harder, while Itachi, who looked at all this, sighed helplessly.

His relationship with Sasuke was very delicate during this period.

Sasuke, from beginning to end, never called him brother, but Itachi did not have any resentment, but became more ashamed.

Uchiha Mikoto, however, tried hard to adjust the relationship between the two, although it had a little effect.

Hyuga clan

"It's too much, he actually took Naruto's hands and feet..."

Hinata looked at him with red eyes.

[Sky screen]

[Death is replayed before his eyes, the death of the lecherous sage, the death of Kakashi, the destruction of Konoha, the death of the villagers, and even the death of Fukasaku sage...]

[Under multiple blows, Naruto finally began to collapse at this moment, lying on the ground, shouting angrily, as if questioning:]

["Who are you? What are you going to do, why are you doing these things!?"]

[Tiandao Pain calmly looked at Uzumaki Naruto's wailing and said calmly: "You ask me why?"]

["Things always happen suddenly, but the reasons are only discovered after the fact..."]

["In this case... let me think about it... let me talk about it a little bit..."]

[Tiandao Pain calmly said: "You ask me why I do this, and even if I tell you the reason, nothing will change..."]

["But why not talk to you again."]

["I have nothing to say to you." Naruto said coldly. 】

【Tian Dao Pain ignored the other party's anger, but calmly said: "My goal is to complete the will that Jiraiya teacher failed to complete."】

【"I just said that it is to breed peace and achieve justice!"】

【War is the key, but Uzumaki Naruto is a person who has never experienced war from beginning to end, so he doesn't know what Tian Dao Pain means. 】

【But..the peace and justice he mentioned angered Naruto who was already angry. 】

【"Peace... Justice... Are you kidding me?"】

【"Are you kidding me?!"】

【Naruto's emotions began to become excited, his expression became angry, his voice became louder, and his bound hands scratched the ground...】

【"My master, my teacher, my companions, my village..."】

【"You who made all this happen, what qualifications do you have to speak so brazenly over there!?"】

【And Tendo Pain just looked down at Naruto who was wailing under him. 】

【"So... what is your purpose?"】

【Naruto raised his head, glared at the other party, and roared: "I want

Defeat you, I will make this ninja world peaceful!"]

[Hearing this, Pein just nodded slightly and said: "Really? That's really a great thing."]

["Is this the so-called justice?"]

["But... my family, my companions, my village, became the same as this village..."]

["It's you Konoha ninjas."]


The whole ninja world was stunned. Is this news too explosive?

And the brains of Konoha Village all froze. Mito and Hiruzen in the Hokage's office showed a solemn and shocked look.

"What do you mean? I don't seem to understand? This Pein, what country is Konoha doing?"

"His country, his family, everything he has, was destroyed by Konoha? Good guy, so that's it! ? "

"The person above, you understand again?"

"I don't understand, but I am shocked! ”

“Good fellow, so it’s all because of revenge? You, Konoha, killed someone’s parents, it would be strange if they didn’t look for you?”

Hokage’s office

“Sarutobi Hiruzen, what’s going on?”

Mito said in a deep voice, with cold eyes, staring directly at Sarutobi Hiruzen.

And the latter was just silent, while his brain was working rapidly, everything about Six Paths Pain, and even the Hidden Rain Village…

“Lord Mito, calm down first, I don’t know much about the specific situation, let’s wait for the sky to be exposed.” Hiruzen said.

[“Never allow peace and justice to be mentioned.”]

[The words of Heavenly Path Pain made Naruto’s brain hang up on the spot, and it was blank for a while.]

[“What’s going on?” Naruto murmured in confusion.]

[“The Land of Fire and Konoha are already too powerful. In order to protect national interests, it is necessary to obtain benefits through wars between major powers.”]

[“Otherwise, the country and the people in the village will starve. ”】

【“And it is our small countries and villages that become the battlefields of these big countries’ wars.”】

【“Every time a war is launched, our country will be devastated.”】

【“After several wars, the big countries have stabilized, but they have left us small countries with endless pain.”】

【“You and I hope for the same thing. We both want to achieve the peace that Jiraiya-sensei talked about. There is no difference between you and me. We act for our own justice.”】

【“The justice I implement for Konoha is exactly the same as what you want to do for me. The pain of losing something important is the same for everyone.”】

【“You and I are both people who understand this pain. You do it for your justice, and I do it for my justice.”】

【“We are both ordinary people who take revenge in the name of justice.”】

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