The answer to this question is the answer to the end of hatred.

【"Teacher Jiraiya, I have entrusted you with the answer to end this hatred..."】

〔The era of mutual understanding between people will eventually come. I firmly believe this. If I can't find it, I will entrust it to you! 〕

Not only Naruto in the picture, but also Uzumaki Naruto in the outside world are confused. He is asked to find it, to find the possibility of peace?

Even many predecessors can't find the answer, and he, a Genin, is asked to find it?

Even the answer that the lecherous sage and the fourth generation of Hokage don't know, can he really find it?

Not only he doubted, but even the ninja world began to doubt. From ancient times to the present, every predecessor has tried, but to no avail...

It is such a fruitless thing, and he has to ask Naruto, who is only sixteen years old in the picture?

Can he bear such a heavy responsibility? Can he really do it?

"Sexy Sage, can I really find it?" Naruto said in confusion, confused about peace.

Sexy Sage and Tsunade looked at each other, the former grinned, pressed his head, and said: "I believe you!"

Naruto calmed down and nodded with determination.

In the conversation between Minato and Naruto, they learned a lot. It was the masked man who was the mastermind behind the Nine-Tails' invasion of Konoha!

But... why? Why did this masked man target Konoha?

["I can't forgive him!"]

[Talking about Pein, Naruto's face was full of hatred. Just as Pein said, he and the other party could not understand each other at all..]

[Jiraiya's death, Kakashi's death, Konoha's destruction, Hinata's death, undoubtedly stimulated him, but..]

[He still couldn't forgive the other party! ]

["Fourth-generation Hokage, please tell me, what should I do?"]

[In the picture, Uzumaki Naruto looked at Namikaze Minato, with a confused look in his eyes. 】

【"You have to find the answer yourself. I don't know what the answer is."】

【Hearing this, Naruto suddenly became angry and shouted: "How can I know something that even the lecherous sage and the fourth generation of Hokage don't know!"】

【"You are all too willful. I am not smart, and I am not such a powerful ninja. Moreover, I...!"】

【Suddenly, it was a big hand, gently pressing on Naruto's head, touching each other warmly...】

【"You will definitely find the answer!"】

【"I believe you!"】

【Time is at this moment. The moment stopped, Uzumaki Naruto stared at the person in front of him..】

[The feeling of being trusted like this made Naruto pause and said: "Really, can I really find it?"】

["No matter where you are, you always believe that your child can do it. This is what parents do."】

["Then I should go too. The chakra is gradually decreasing."】

["I will repair the seal, but this is the last time!"】

["Konoha can still be rebuilt, please, Naruto!"】

Although the encounter was short, Naruto had found his goal at this moment, and his face was full of determination.

【“Thank you, Dad.”】

Ninja World:

“Now you don’t have to worry about him going berserk again, right? Naruto is relieved to see his father!”

“That’s true, but can Naruto really defeat Pain by himself?”

“Who knows who will win? But I always feel that Naruto will win! He will definitely win!”

“As expected of the Fourth Hokage, he thought so carefully and even calculated the Nine-Tails’ berserk!”

“In this regard, he is much better than Rasa, who is also the Fourth Hokage. Daime, why is there such a big gap? "

"Alas, I want to scold him whenever I mention Luosha, so unlucky!"

Luosha: "I'm already in the ground, but they still want to dig me out and whip my corpse, so speechless!"

Orochimaru: "I'm speechless, the one who scolded Luosha, why should I take the blame, I, Orochimaru, won't take the blame!"

Hokage's Office

"So that's why, no wonder I always felt that the power of the Nine-Tails had weakened before, so that's the case, but... how did he do it?" Mito murmured.

The next second, she thought of the forbidden technique of Shikigami Fuujin!

When sealing, it seems that it is not impossible to split the soul of the Nine-Tails in half.

Akatsuki Organization

"Even the boss is used by that masked man, who is that guy? So cool!" Xiaodi's face was full of shock, that's the boss.

"This kind of thing is really shocking." Kakuzu murmured.


A masked man, hehe, compared to his blood, the evil god must like it, right? "

"Pressure Masne!"


"It seems that your identity is about to be exposed... Obito!" Black Zetsu laughed.

"If that samsara eye kid knows about it, I'm afraid that the opportunity to implement it in the future will be unfavorable to us."

Black Zetsu was very worried. If he knew that Obito was using him, what evil thoughts would Nagato have...

After all, the samsara eye is still in his body, right?

"So what? Besides, do you think that guy really doesn't know anything?"

"This is just the conclusion he came to by his own will, and it has nothing to do with us. Besides, isn't this what he wants to see?" The masked man sneered.

Nagato's blackening originated from Yahiko, but he didn't kill Yahiko, right?

Isn't it?

"I admire you more and more. It seems that Lord Madara was right to choose you." Black Zetsu laughed.

"Madara? "The masked man was silent.

[Sky screen]

[In the outside world, the Eight-Tails in the sky suddenly disappeared, and countless debris fell from the air and penetrated into the earth...]

[That was Naruto's figure, stepping on a rock that was about to fall, turning on the Sage Mode, and watching Pain below.]

["Confused, disappeared? What happened? ”]

[Looking at Naruto in mid-air, Pein said in confusion.]

[Because of the rampage of the Nine-Tails, Naruto's chakra was disordered, and only the last Sage Mode was left.]

[After falling, Naruto looked at the war in front of him, and his face changed slightly, and he couldn't help but worry..]

[Fortunately, the slug told him that the village and Hinata were fine, so he felt relieved.]

Although both of them were not in the best condition, Naruto only had the remaining Sage Chakra on his body, and Pein was also weak because of the Nine-Tails' rampage.

This battle will end everything!

["Do you understand the pain a little bit?"]

["If you don't know the same pain, you can't really understand others."]

["And even if you can understand, you can't sympathize with each other, this is the truth! ”】

【“Just like it’s a waste of effort for you to chase Sasuke...”】

【The two of them stood in the ruins, looking at each other from a distance, incompatible with each other...】

【Pein’s words seemed to stimulate the other party. When he mentioned Sasuke, Naruto’s eyes finally changed a little, and then he said in a deep voice:】

【“Take me to your original body, I have something to say to him directly!”】

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