The words of Uzumaki Naruto had a profound impact on Nagato and even the ninja world, and Nagato had already been stunned, with a look of emotion in his eyes.

[On the sky screen]

[Nagato was also stunned by Uzumaki Naruto's words, and his pupils shrank. His words were too familiar. 】

【"If the protagonist is changed, will it become a different story?"】

【"I am your senior, we are from the same school and we both admire each other. I said before that we should be able to understand each other, although it was just a joke..."】

【"You are such an incredible guy, you can't help but remind me of my old self..."】

【"I can't believe Jiraiya, no, I can't believe myself..."】

【Uzumaki Naruto stared at him...】

【"But, I have a feeling that the paths we take will have different futures!" After saying that, Nagato pulled out his arm that was pierced with black sticks with difficulty...】

【"I will believe you, Uzumaki Naruto!"】


Even the entire ninja world was shocked. That murderer, the murderer who destroyed Konoha, actually believed in Naruto in the end?

In other words, even such a powerful existence tried to believe that Naruto could find peace?

"What an incredible kid, he did something that even we dared not do."

"But... I still don't want to believe it, can he really do it alone?"

"Before, we didn't believe he could defeat Mizuki, but he did it, then it was Gaara, but he did it, and now it's Pein, he did it too!"

"He did everything, even if he failed to get Sasuke back, but he still tried his best to find Sasuke in his own way!"

"He is different from us. Maybe in our eyes, his ideal is as frivolous as Jiraiya's, but he... is taking this step. Who else can do it?"

"It's just a pity, it's a pity that those dead companions died in vain?"

[In the picture, after Nagato said this, he made seals with his hands and muttered! ]

["Geido Samsara Born Technique!"]

The masked man was shocked, and his eyes were filled with absurdity. That guy actually used this trick so casually?

Are you kidding? !

"This Nagato actually believed the jokes of Uzumaki Naruto, how ridiculous!" The masked man said coldly, what peace, he was deceived by just a few words...

This Nagato, it's nothing more than that.

"I'm afraid the Samsara Eye should be taken down in advance!" That was Black Zetsu, crawling out of the ground, sneering.

"Of course, I'm worried about leaving it on the other party." The masked man said coldly.

Then, it turned into a vortex and disappeared...

[In the picture, as Nagato spoke, a huge Hades appeared out of thin air in the ruins of Konoha, and then opened his huge mouth, and countless green lights flashed out...]

["Nagato, you?"]

["Konan, I have a new choice, a choice that I once gave up!"]

["What, what kind of magic is that?" Naruto also noticed something was wrong and asked. 】

【"People who possess the Samsara Eye not only have the technique to control the Six Paths of Pain, but also can escape from the world of reincarnation..."】

【"Nagato's eye power is the art of controlling life and death, the seventh Pain!"】

【I didn't expect that the last art would be used in this step. Are you willing to go this far to help this child? 】

"What do you mean? What do you mean? What is the art of transcending the cycle of life and death? What is that?"

"Reincarnation? No way? The Samsara Eye actually has this ability?"

"It won't be as I thought?"

"Transcend the cycle of reincarnation, transcend life and death? Are the eyes of the Six Paths Sage really that scary?"

People outside were shocked by what Nagato did. Transcend the cycle of life and death, does the Samsara Eye actually have such a great power?

It is worthy of being the eyes of the Six Paths Sage.

[Sky screen]

[That's Konoha Village. With endless green light shining out, the villagers who were originally dead actually crawled out of the ruins...]

["Hey! Brother, aren't you dead? Are you resurrected?!"]

["What? What happened?"]

["Brother, you are not dead? Oh my god, am I dreaming?"]

["That's great, Mr. Kakashi..."]

[All the lives that died in Konoha were gone at this moment.

All resurrected, and the people outside the screen were full of shock. The dead were actually resurrected? 】

"What is that...what is that? Oh my God, people are actually alive? The dead are actually alive?"

"The Samsara Eye actually has this ability, this ability to transcend the cycle of life and death and resurrect the dead?!"

"Is that a god?"

The ninja world stared at this scene in shock. It was too shocking. Who would have thought that the dead people were actually resurrected?

Uzumaki Mito, the five shadows, the three ninjas, the twelve little strong men of Konoha, etc., all looked shocked, even if they were all shocked.

This scene was really unbelievable.

"Everyone...are they all resurrected?" Uzumaki Naruto murmured, with shock in his eyes, and his mind was blank for a while.

No one can explain this scene, and no one can give an accurate answer. Nagato, with his own strength, resurrected everyone in Konoha..

[Sky screen]

[After performing the Outer Path Samsara Rebirth Technique, Nagato's thick red hair quickly turned pale at a speed visible to the naked eye..]

["War is accompanied by casualties on both sides. The more important the death, the more difficult it is to accept..."]

["People who think they are important don't have to die, especially your generation who don't know war. You want to find the meaning of death, but the result is only pain..."]

["And hatred that doesn't know where to vent, dying like ants, hatred that lasts forever, and pain that can't be cured..."]

["That's war!"]

【Nagato, at the last moment, told the other party about his experience in war, but now he is extremely weak, even like he will die in the next moment...】

【"Naruto, this is what you will face next."】

【"Whether it is the book or you, I feel that this is arranged for me by someone. No... Is this the real arrangement of God?"】

The paper in the tree began to fall slowly, and a ray of light refracted from the sun in the sky...

【"It seems that my mission ends here, Naruto, if it were you, maybe you could really..."】

As the paper fell, Nagato's life also stopped at this moment...


Today, there will be two updates, because the author is too lazy!

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