Although Naruto inherited the huge amount of chakra of the Uzumaki clan, she could not feel the existence of other blood boundaries. Especially the conspicuous yellow hair, you can imagine. [Sky screen] ["In order for you to control the power of the Nine-Tails one day, Minato also added my chakra to the seal. Are you listening?" Looking at the child in front of her who kept laughing, Kushina said. ] ["Mom, you are such a big beauty!" Naruto said excitedly. 】

【"Thank you for the compliment. Your hair is from your father, but your face is from me. I'm so sorry, Naruto..."】

The mother and son chatted for a long time in the sealed space. During this time, Naruto felt very happy and fulfilled.

The two were talking and laughing, and they didn't look like a mother and son at all. Instead, they looked like siblings. If Naruto deliberately angered Kushina, he would get punched...

["There's one more thing I've always wanted to ask you. How did you and dad fall in love?"]

"As a reward, I also want to ask, how did they fall in love?"

"Woo, how am I worse than that woman? Why did she get the Fourth Hokage? I don't accept it!"

"Oh my god, can the people above not be so crazy? I know the Fourth Hokage is handsome, but you guys shouldn't be like this, right?"

"Others are reunited with their mothers and sons, and you're doing this?"

[In the picture, hearing Naruto's words, Kushina's expression was very subtle, and she said a little embarrassedly: "I feel a little embarrassed."]

["Ah, you're talking about it again, very excited!"]

Under the constant questioning of Uzumaki Naruto, Kushina still couldn't stand him and told him about her past with Minato. Come...

[Once, it was just after the fall of the Whirlpool Country, and Uzumaki Kushina was sent to Konoha. At that time, she was still very young and was not familiar with the surrounding environment at all...]

[I remember that was the first time Kushina and Namikaze Minato met...]

"My name is Uzumaki Kushina!"

"Look at the color of her hair, it's so strange, red, just like peppers!"

[In that class, because of the red hair of the Uzumaki clan, she soon received strange looks from her classmates and was even regarded as a weirdo...]

"I...I want to be the first female Hokage in this village!"

The class was silent, and then, a yellow-haired man stood up from his position, with a conspicuous yellow hair, looking so weak...

"I also want to be a Hokage recognized by the villagers."

[However, such Namikaze Minato did not get Kushina's attention, but instead she thought that he was a...sissy boy. 】

Ninja World:

"Sissy...sissy? Oh my god, what did I hear? Pfft, sorry I can't help it, please don't spray."

"Wow hahaha, the yellow flash is actually called a sissy, so funny!"

Indeed, the appearance of Minato Namikaze in the picture does fit what Kushina said, he feels like a sissy, not a man.

"What do you know, this is called gentleness, don't compare the fourth generation with you guys, okay?"

Looking at this scene, Uzumaki Naruto held back and didn't say anything. He wanted to laugh, but it didn't feel funny, it wasn't funny at all..

"Hey, I remember that Minato seemed to be like this back then." Jiraiya laughed.

"Fortunately, Minato didn't get led astray by you, that's good. I have some doubts, how did you teach such a disciple?" Tsunade patted the other's shoulder and said.

"Tsunade, you can doubt my character, but you can never doubt my education level. I won't say much, there is nothing wrong with being the best in the ninja world." Jiraiya boasted.

Oh, being a teacher is not a good thing. Minato Namikaze, Nagato, Uzumaki Naruto, tell me, which one is not famous in the ninja world?

"Go, give you face?"


[Sky screen]

[Because of her natural red hair, she was ridiculed by many people in the class and even the academy. In the end, she couldn't bear it anymore and beat up those guys, even Gao Nian...]

[And she still remembered that Minato Namikaze had been watching from the side and never helped her. This made her more sure that the other party was a sissy! ]


[She was once known as the blood-red pepper on campus! ]

From that day on, she gradually hated her hair color


However, that day, she began to like that guy....

I remember that time, she had just become a Genin, and at the same time became the sacrifice of the Nine-Tails, with the Nine-Tails sealed in her body...

Kushina was captured by the ninjas of the Hidden Cloud Village. Although she used her hair as a clue, as time passed, no one came to rescue her, and she was once in despair.

In the hazy night, in the dark forest...


It was a black shadow, shuttling through the forest, and quickly knocked down a ninja from the Hidden Cloud Village at a very fast speed...

"Are you not hurt?"

Kushina, who heard this voice, looked up blankly. With the help of the moonlight, the one standing in front of her was no longer a ninja from the Hidden Cloud Village, but...

The boy she called a sissy... Minato Namikaze.

"I'm here to save you..." Minato said gently.

Just as Kushina forced out a smile, her body could not bear it and she fell forward, but Namikaze Minato dodged and caught her steadily.

"It's all right..." The next moment, without waiting for Kushina's reaction, he hugged her like a princess and jumped into the air...

Under the illumination of the silver moon, Kushina looked at that face and was a little dazed for a moment, as if she didn't dare to compare the person in front of her with the sissy she used to be...

It's so different, it feels so warm...

"That's..." She turned her eyes and saw the red hair in her palm, that's her...

"Very beautiful red hair, I noticed it right away..."

"Even though you didn't help me every time..." Kushina didn't want to look at the other party, she was sulking with her head down.

"Because I know, you are very strong, both in strength and in your heart, but the disputes between villages are different from the fights so far..." Namikaze Minato stopped on a big tree.



"I don't want to lose you..."


"Oh oh oh oh oh oh..."

"You're so good at it, so handsome..."

"Look like this, gosh, I don't know why, in comparison, although Naruto inherited his father's yellow hair, his emotional intelligence is half as good as his father..."

"Isn't this too good at flirting? Even a man like me can't handle it, he is worthy of being Uzumaki Naruto's father, the Fourth Hokage!"

Hyuga clan

"No... Naruto is also very good, no... very good..." Hinata blushed, as if she remembered what happened last night...

"Can you wait for me? I will catch up with your love and respond to your love... Let the whole village know... I like you..."

The words that Naruto said last night came to her ears, but there seemed to be some weirdness in his voice.

"Hanabi, why are you here? And what are you saying?" Hinata was stunned for a moment.

"How did you know? It was because you were running around last night, and I came out to look for you, and I just happened to hear that damn bad guy!" Hua Huo said angrily.


Can you react to my expression change? Just give it to me......

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