The truth about the Nine-Tails invasion..."

The Sandaime and the others' eyes narrowed. They just needed this information, and they kept their eyes on the sky, fearing that they would miss important information.


Looking at the figure on the sky, Kakashi seemed ashamed, guilty, and had mixed emotions..

"The truth twelve years ago, the day I was born..." Uzumaki Naruto murmured. That day was also the anniversary of his parents' death..

【The God of Ninja captured the Nine-Tails alive and shocked them. Mito used the sealing method that the Uzumaki clan was good at to seal the Nine-Tails in his body and became the first Nine-Tails Jinchūriki. ]

[However, human lifespan is limited after all. The elderly Mito finally chose an heir and sealed the Nine-Tails in Kushina's body..]

[At that time, Kushina felt only fear and helplessness, but Mito's grandmother told her that even a Jinchūriki could find love..]

["Then mom, are you become the Nine-Tails Jinchūriki?" Naruto couldn't help asking. ]

["Yeah, I'm very happy!"]

"Can I be very become the Nine-Tails Jinchūriki..." Outside, Uzumaki Naruto couldn't help thinking about this question..

For the first time so far, he began to ponder this serious question. Because of the Nine-Tails, he was very painful, because of the Nine-Tails, he was excluded by others, because of the Nine-Tails, he felt lonely...

"It's long as you find love...then even if we are like this, we will be very happy." Mito said, with a happy smile on his face.

"No matter what you want to do, I will support you behind your back." Iruka said.

After he had Naruto, a student who was like a younger brother, he also felt happiness other than his parents..

Naruto's eyes gradually became hopeful. Who said that becoming a Jinchūriki would be unfortunate?

Isn't he very happy now?

[The screen talks about what happened sixteen years ago. Sixteen years ago, the masked man controlled the Nine-Tails to invade Konoha, but before that, the Nine-Tails had been sealed in Kushina's body..]

[At that time, the masked man wanted to approach and peel off the Nine-Tails. There was only one chance, that is, the Jinchūriki's delivery period..]

Twelve Little Strongmen Channel:

"Delivery period... That is to say... when Naruto was born?" Ino said.

"Take advantage of the weakest moment of the female Jinchūriki during the delivery period to seize the Nine-Tails... But I don't understand how he knew the location?" Shikamaru said.

For a major event like Jinchūriki giving birth, the fewer people who know about it, the better. Many people may not even know about it, but...

How did the masked man know about it? I'm afraid only a few people in the upper echelons know about this kind of thing...

Could it be... leaked?

But how and how did it leak?

Not only can they not figure it out, but even the upper echelons can't figure it out, how did they know about it? It can't be that he has the ability to predict the future, right?

【As we enter Kushina's perspective, the scene turns to that day...】

【"Congratulations, the scheduled date is... October 10th..."】


【"You said baby?"】

【The scene turns to the Yondaime's home...】

"I'm going to be a mother!"

"I'm going to be a father..."

"I'm going to be a mother!"

"I'm going to be a father..."

The scene shows the lives of Uzumaki Kushina and Namikaze Minato, and their longing and yearning for the upcoming child...

October 10th passed in the blink of an eye...

"Is it a girl?" That was Kushina, who was pregnant, looking at the baby in Uchiha Mikoto's arms, and said.

"It's a boy... called Sasuke..."

"Sasuke... please get along well with Naruto in the future, I hope you can become good friends..."

Outside the sky curtain

Sasuke's family was shocked, that was... him?

Did he and the last one in the group have a connection so early? I couldn't help but sigh.

"At that time, Sasuke, you were teased as a girl, and you were very popular." Mikoto smiled, a little disappointed.


[Sky screen]


A painful scream resounded in the sky screen, and the whole ninja world was stunned. Looking at the sky screen, it became strange..

No... Can this kind of picture be broadcast?

[In the picture, there is a dark and dense

room, Kushina is in labor, that birth...]

"No...uh...can this kind of scene be broadcast? Is this serious?"

"Sorry, I'm really damned, I just thought about it wrongly, I'm really damned!!"

"Those who think about it wrongly, stand by yourself!"

The ninja world is very strange...

[" hurts so much!"]

[Kushina lies on the bed painfully to give birth, while Minato presses Kushina's abdomen with his palm to stabilize the seal...]

["That...this is the first time I heard Kushina screaming in pain, is this really okay?" Minato felt panic, this kind of thing, it was the first time he experienced it. ]

["It's'd better keep an eye on the Nine-Tails Seal!" That was Sarutobi Hiruzen's wife, Biwako. 】

Hokage's Office

"It's my old partner..." Looking at the figure acting as a midwife in the sky, Sarutobi Hiruzen couldn't help but sigh.

Wasn't he in pain that day?

[In the picture, that is the Nine-Tails, bound on a huge ball of flame, struggling constantly, trying to leave here...]

[However, no matter how he struggled, the seal was dead and difficult to shake, he was numb...]

And in the picture, that was Kushina's delivery period, that was the figure of the masked man, flashing across the screen...

"Masked man!?"

Looking at the figure flashing across the sky, the entire ninja world trembled, and their eyes were filled with solemnity. Is the final villain finally going to appear?

"It must be the masked man, is that true?"

"The masked man, that guy really showed up, I could tell at a glance that he was not a human, look at me..."

"That guy... I still don't understand, how did he know the location?"

Uzumaki Naruto looked at the masked man, and his expression was cold. It was that masked man who gave his parents to...

Unforgivable, unforgivable, this guy...

Absolutely unforgivable!!!

Similarly, staring at the screen, there was also the Nine-Tails in the sealed space.

It was that person who tore him out of Kushina's body, then controlled him, and was finally cut in half by Minato Namikaze...

[Sky screen]


Accompanied by the sound of a baby crying, it was a small baby that was finally born from Kushina's body...

Uzumaki Naruto...

Hyuga clan

"Such a small one, so cute... Little Naruto-kun... is also so cute..." Hinata looked at the baby and also showed a doting look.

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