The old man was very happy.

[As the light slowly dimmed, Kushina's memories ended, and the past of Naruto's family also ended at this moment..]


The girls in the ninja world watched the end of the video with sadness. They felt sad for Naruto's family, especially Konoha Village, and felt ashamed..

They owed the Fourth Hokage family too much.

In order to protect his homeland, the Fourth Hokage did not hesitate to seal the Nine-Tails in his child, and always believed that the child could do it.

On the other hand, they felt more and more guilty about their attitude towards Naruto over the years. They really deserved to die.


Naruto had already burst into tears, tears soaked his eyes, his nose was running, and his whole face was no longer as cheerful as before..

He finally knew who his parents were, what kind of mood and feelings they had, and why they were no longer...

They loved him and believed in him until they died. They always trusted him...

He should feel happy and blessed, but... why did he want to cry, why did his tears keep flowing?

Watching the screen turn black, Uzumaki Naruto wiped his tears and said excitedly: "I eat well and have never been picky about food. I like ramen very much, including tonkotsu, miso... and many more..."

"Of course, it's not all ramen. I take a bath every day and go to hot springs occasionally. Although everyone says that's called a dragonfly skimming the water, I don't understand... Also, I never stay up late and always sleep well!"

"Also... I made a lot of friends, and everyone is very good, although there is a cocky guy among them..."

"Also, although my grades are always at the bottom, I have never been discouraged. I have always respected teachers and have never skipped classes. If you don't believe me, just ask Iruka!"

Iruka heard this and smiled bitterly.

"Including Kakashi teacher, the third generation grandfather, and the lecherous sage, I listen to them very much, never cause trouble, and respect them very much."

Naruto said excitedly, and the people present listened very quietly without interrupting. Mito looked at the excited child in front of him warmly..

"And the three ninja prohibitions, although I don't understand them, but I have never touched alcohol, and the lecherous sage that mom mentioned!"

"Although he is usually not serious, but.. But I respect him very much, and the girl that mom said she likes..."

"I have one too, although I don't know if it's love, she is a A very shy girl, a strange guy, but I still like her very much! "

"In short, although I haven't done everything my mother said, I will work hard!"

"I also have a dream. I want to be a better Hokage than my father and a more powerful ninja than my mother!"

At the end, Naruto's voice became hoarse and choked, and Uzumaki Mito Ken saw this scene, slowly stepped forward, stretched out his hands and hugged the other party into his arms, and comforted him softly..

[Sky screen]

[With the end of the Nine-Tails invasion, the video returned to the golden space again..]

["I'm sorry, I made you become For the Nine-Tails' container, you shouldered our responsibility, and I was not able to accompany you to grow up, nor to love you in every way..."]

[Instead, Naruto did not blame them after hearing all this, and said: "Please don't apologize..."]

["Although I have experienced pain as a Jinchūriki before, I have never hated my parents..."]

Kushina in the picture was stunned, and the same was true for the two in the sealed space outside..

["I don't really understand the love of parents, but I understand now that my parents gave their lives for me..."]

[In the picture, Naruto smiled brightly, as if a touch of The sun is dazzling and warm like light..]

["I also understand that my vessel was already filled with love before the Nine-Tails, so I feel very happy now!"]

["It's really great that I can be your child!"]

[In the picture, Kushina's eyes are filled with excited tears. Her child has never hated them..]

[Minato, did you hear that? Our wishes have been completely passed on to this child..]

[She stretched out her hands, rushed forward, and hugged Naruto in his surprised eyes. Her figure slowly dimmed..]


["Thank you

You let me be your mother, thank you for letting Minato be your father..."]

["Thank you so much for being able to appear in our family..."]

Witnessed by countless people, Kushina's figure slowly turned into light and disappeared in their eyes...

"Wow, it's so touching. My tears have been falling since the sky curtain appeared."

"Who said it wasn't? I'm a grown man, and I cried seven times a day."

"What a tear-jerking scene. Naruto is such a good baby. Child, if you don't mind, I'll be your mother."

"Oh my god, your idea is a bit too awesome. You actually want to be the mother of the fourth Hokage's son?"

"Eh? If you put it that way, if I become Naruto's mother, does that mean that Minato Namikaze is my husband?"

"Seeing this, I have to mention a certain Kage in the Sand Village. Look, they are all Kages, why is the difference so big? ”

“Oh my god, you dare to scold even the Kazekage, you are so awesome!”

“What’s wrong with scolding him? Does he know who I am? I’ll just fuck him, Luo Sha is a ***!”

Orochimaru: “…”

Orochimaru said that he didn’t want to take the blame at all. Why did he scold Luo Sha while I was the one who suffered?

Don’t let me know who you are. If I find out, I will tell you a story about tears in the dirty world.

[Sky screen]

[“Mom.. From now on, I will not only eat ramen, but also eat more vegetables.”

[“I like to take a bath, don’t worry, I often go to hot springs, and I always get enough sleep.”

[“Regarding friends, I have told a lot of friends, I really want you to meet them, but there is only one person I don’t get along with well. ”]

[“As for studying, it’s just as my mother expected. Of course, I’m not depressed. Although many things happened with my teachers and seniors at school, I respect them now…”]

[“Jiraiya-sensei also taught me the three taboos of ninjas. He is indeed the same person as my mother described, but he also taught me how to live as a ninja!”]

[“He is a great ninja!”]

Suddenly, Naruto opened his arms and stood alone in this golden space…

[“I am Uzumaki Naruto, a Konoha ninja. My dream is to inherit the title of Hokage and surpass all the previous Hokage!”]

[“Become a more handsome man than my father and a stronger ninja than my mother!”]

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