The whole desert was shaking, countless mountains burst, and the earth's crust cracked into a sea of ​​​​ghosts.

【"This is the power of Uchiha Madara, the power of God!"】

In the picture, Susanoo, like a giant, waved a big sword, and under the horrified eyes of Yi Zong, the sword was inserted into the earth!

Boom! ! !

The whole desert was shaking, countless mountaintops burst in an instant, and the earth's crust cracked into a series of eerie holes. The five shadows were instantly destroyed in this earthquake...

One after another, they turned into light and left, representing failure...

And time is about to end, only the last thirty seconds are left!

The ninja world looked at this scene with horror on their faces. They were shocked and felt the powerful pressure of Uchiha Madara.

Almost invincible, even the current five Kage, the top five Kage in the ninja world, are no match for him alone.

"The five Kage... lost?"

"Wow... so amazing, even such a big mountain exploded, are you kidding? Is it so far away? The range is so large?"

"Is this... is this the power of Madara? It's like a god."

The twelve little strong men echoed the scene of the five Kage being killed in seconds, they felt trembling, especially when they were going to face such an existence later, they felt more and more scared.

Can they really survive an hour with such an existence? Not even the five Kage.

"Hashidou Madai, look, what's that in the sky?!"

Suddenly, a cry of surprise sounded.

[Sky Screen]

As the perspective turned, the picture actually appeared in a forest. It was a crack in the ground, and small snakes crawled out of the crack.

Finally, they gathered together and condensed into a familiar figure, that was... Orochimaru!

"Hehehe, it seems that we have won..." Orochimaru laughed coldly.

The ninja world was shaken.

"No, how did Orochimaru escape? No, how could he appear in such a place?"

"Wasn't his body also killed by the shock? Why, why can he still appear?"

"I know, it was the group of little snakes that were crushed by Madara before. It must be that group of little snakes that escaped when Madara was not paying attention!"

"Oh my God, this is too much! The other four shadows fought so hard, and Orochimaru was not only slacking off, but also thinking about running away?"

"You can't say that. Orochimaru is alive and an hour has passed. Does it mean that the five shadows have won?"

As soon as these words came out, the whole audience was in an uproar. The five shadows won, and they actually relied on Orochimaru at the critical moment.

[On the screen]

Madara glanced at Orochimaru, snorted coldly, and said: "Rat."

Orochimaru looked at him from a distance, laughed, and said: "After all, you are a legendary ninja, Uchiha Madara, I don't have the strength to think about fighting you."

After that, his figure turned into light and disappeared!

[Ding! ]

[Orochimaru successfully survived for an hour, the Five Kage Team, the challenge is successful! ]

[Reward Sarutobi Hiruzen, the body will recover for twenty years! ]

[Reward Ohnoki, the body will recover for twenty years! ]

[Reward Ai, chakra increase tenfold! ]

[Reward Terumi Mei, chakra increase tenfold! ]

[Reward Orochimaru, a copy of Hashirama's cells! ]

They can understand the first four rewards, but this last one, the hot mom cell? What is that?

"Hashirama cells? What is that? Why do you want to reward Orochimaru with this thing?"

"Cells, are Hashirama cells awesome?"

When Uzumaki Mito heard this, her face turned cold. Hashirama cells, it sounds like the cells of Hashirama Senju.

Even this kind of thing...

She knew how precious Hashirama's body was. She had also tested his blood in the past. His blood contained an extremely huge vitality. That kind of vitality once shocked her.

[Second group ready! ]

Hearing this, the members of the Akatsuki organization calmed down instantly. Even Uchiha Itachi in Konoha Village stood up slightly, looked at the sky, and a trace of fear emerged.

"I can't wait any longer. I want to show Madara what real art is!" Xiaodi said excitedly.

"Uchiha Madara, the legendary ninja, everyone should be careful. Don't underestimate the enemy." Scorpion said.

"Hehehe, who cares if he's Madara or something, the Blood Evil God really likes him!" Feiduan laughed crazily.

"He's a reincarnation of the Impure World, no blood." Kakuzu said.

"It's nice to see Mr. Itachi again, pressure Masne." Kisame said.

"Okay, stop arguing, since it's already

"We are ready, then Akatsuki, move out!"

That was Nagato's figure, appearing in front of everyone and shouting.

Then, all the members of Akatsuki turned into a flash of light and disappeared in this area...

[Uchiha Madara!]

[Challenge group: Akatsuki team!]

[Challengers: Nagato, Konan, Deidara, Hidan, Hoshigaki Kisame, Kakuzu, Sasori, Uchiha Itachi!]

[Challenge time: one hour!]

What the hell?

"What are you doing? Why did Uchiha Itachi appear in Akatsuki? Didn't I hear that he had defected?"

"Who knows? And before that, a big Orochimaru appeared in the Five Kage."

The Uchiha family

"Itachi?! "

Sasuke and Mikoto were startled, and then they looked at Itachi, only to see his figure disappear into a stream of light, which shocked them on the spot.

[Sky screen]

It was still the desert, the same scene as when the Five Kage fought Madara.

Eight figures appeared in the endless desert, falling from the sky. They were all members of the Akatsuki organization.

The first one was Nagato.

"Mr. Itachi, I haven't seen you for a long time. How are you staying in Konoha?" Kisame asked.

"Not bad." Itachi said calmly.

"Wow, Itachi, you guy, even if they can tolerate you, I, Deidara, will never allow it!" Xiaodi shouted.

"Stop arguing, Madara has appeared! "That was Kakuzu's voice, ringing in everyone's ears. They looked forward...


A figure fell from the sky and crashed into the desert, raising endless dust. A familiar figure appeared.

Uchiha Madara!

"Uchiha Madara..."

Looking at the figure that appeared, the members of Akatsuki became solemn, staring at Madara-sama closely, and they suddenly felt pressure.

"Samara Eye... You are Nagato..." Madara glanced casually and saw the Samsara Eye in Nagato's eyes, and said softly.

Everyone was instantly shocked.

What's going on? Why does Madara know the boss of Akatsuki? Moreover, he looks very familiar.

Even the entire ninja world was shocked. Why did Madara know Nagato? How is it possible? Didn't Madara die a long time ago?

"You know me? "Nagato's face became solemn. Although he found that his body had recovered and even reached its peak after arriving here, he knew that even so, he would never be Madara's opponent. Moreover, he should have never seen the other party. Upon hearing this, Madara only smiled jokingly and did not respond.


It's almost the Anbu!!!

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