The battle was won, and the battle was won.

Sasuke was very excited, as if his opponent was Uchiha Madara, and he was fearless. In his eyes, Madara was always just a relic of the old times!

Sasuke grinned, which made Itachi frown and raise his eyebrows. The latter said in a deep voice: "Don't be careless in this battle. Madara is not an ordinary person."

"I know..." Sasuke said with excitement.

"Sasuke, be careful!" Mikoto said with a worried look.


Hyuga clan

"Father...I..." Looking at the serious face of the father in front of him, Hinata's eyes were full of determination, which moved the other party.

"Go ahead." Hiashi sighed and said.

"Sister, you must hold on longer! Don't let Madara look down on our Hyuga clan, and the same goes for brother Neji!" Little Hanabi said to the two people in front of her.

"I know..." Neji stiffened for a moment and said.


Twelve Little Strongmen Channel:

"Are you all ready? We are going to go!" Naruto shouted.

"No need to say more, we are ready!" Everyone said in unison.

"If you don't mind, I will be the mastermind?" That was Shikamaru, standing up.

"Mastermind, what is the mastermind?" Naruto and Choji were at a loss.

"Big idiot, it's the military advisor!" Sasuke complained.

"So that's what you mean, okay, then leave it to you, Shikamaru, you don't mind, Gaara?" Naruto shouted.

"No problem, whatever you say is what it is, my friend." Gaara was like a spring breeze.


"Since everyone agrees, I declare that the Twelve Little Warriors will officially attack!" Naruto roared, full of pride.

With a white beam of light covering them, the bodies of the Twelve Little Warriors and Gaara instantly turned into light and disappeared! ! !

[The sky screen suddenly changed..]

Boom! ! !

In the endless sky, thirteen streams of light fell from the sky and landed in this vast desert, raising endless dust..

[Uchiha Madara! ]

[Challenging group: Twelve Little Warriors! ]

[Challenging personnel: Uzumaki Naruto, Uchiha Sasuke, Haruno Sakura, Hyuga Hinata, Inuzuka Kiba, Aburame Shino, Yamanaka Ino, Nara Shikamaru, Akimichi Chouji, Tenten, Rock Lee, Hyuga Neji, Gaara! 】

With the list of names presented on the sky screen, the ninja world was in an uproar. They all knew those people, but...

"Oh my god, are you kidding me? A group of kids are going to fight Madara? Will Uzumaki Naruto choose people?"

"It's over, it's over. I'm going to eat shit if I can't hold on for more than an hour!"

"Outrageous. The oldest of them is no more than fourteen. A group of minors? Going to challenge Uchiha Madara?"

"I thought he would at least choose people like Jiraiya, right?"

Konoha Hospital

"It's too outrageous. They are all a group of children. Isn't it too much of a joke?" Sarutobi Hiruzen said angrily.

"Teacher Anna, let them go and try. They can't always be under our protection. Besides, this is also tacitly approved by Mito-sama." Jiraiya said, with Tsunade beside him.

"You too, why don't you go with them!" Hiruzen glared at him.

That kid didn't invite me either. I can't do anything about it. Besides, I've joined Kakashi's team, so don't worry. "Jiraiya said with a smile.

"Besides, it's good to let those little brats eat some bones, especially that brat, who has no respect for his elders and dares to call me grandma!" Tsunade said.


[Sky screen]

It was a coffin, slowly emerging from the sand. It seemed that even the temperature between heaven and earth dropped a lot when the coffin was unearthed...


The lid of the coffin was blown away, and a proud figure slowly appeared...

"He appeared! "Everyone instantly tensed up.

Under the focus of everyone and countless people outside the sky, a killer man wearing a red cape slowly walked out.

Uchiha Madara!

The monstrous murderous aura instantly swept out from that body, instantly making the twelve little strong men panic. How many people and lives did they have to kill to show this?

This was just the first meeting, and they felt so scared. The monstrous murderous aura made them tremble...

Uzumaki Naruto, Uchiha Sasuke, and Gaara were all okay. After all, the former two had seen the Nine-Tails, and the latter was even a Shura, although they could resist well.

But the rest were different. They

Just feeling the breath, they panicked instantly, and their originally calm steps became messy instantly.

Ninja World:

"No, you can't even block the murderous aura? Are you kidding me?"

"Do you think Uchiha Madara's murderous aura is an ordinary thing? They are so young, this is normal, right?"

"But how can we fight? We can't even get past the murderous aura? What the hell?"

Yes, the twelve little strong men were instantly infected by the murderous aura released by Uchiha Madara in front of them, standing there and not daring to move, very scared.

This is completely different from looking at the sky.

Uzumaki Naruto's eyes condensed, and he roared with full momentum, "Everyone, don't let the other side look down on you!"

As soon as these words came out, they reacted, Xiao Li roared directly, and instantly recovered as before.

In the distance, Uchiha Madara slowly opened his eyes, and saw a group of little ghosts, and his expression instantly became impatient.

"Why, this time it's a bunch of brats?"

They were no longer surprised by Madara's aloofness.

"Madara, we twelve little strong men want to challenge you!" Uzumaki Naruto pointed at Madara and shouted.

"Challenging me, I can only praise your courage." Madara's tone was a little more relaxed, because the other party was a brat.

Madara looked at this world, stretched out his palm, closed his eyes, and said with deep concentration: "This piece of void is so beautiful, although I can only watch it for one hour each time."

As soon as these words came out, they were shocked. Did the Madara in front of them always have that memory?

Wait a minute, why did Madara say such a weird thing.

"Balls, I don't want to bully you either. As long as you let me do my best, you will win!" Madara said softly, and his tone was relatively calm.

"Too abominable, this Uchiha Madara actually doesn't take us seriously at all, it's really too much, Daddy Wow!" Naruto was instantly enraged.

Sasuke's eyes were also cold.

Gaara saw Naruto was angry, and he got angry too.

"Let me tell you, we don't need your tolerance, we Twelve Little Strongmen will use our own strength to defeat you!" Uzumaki Naruto shouted.

Madara didn't change his expression at all when he heard it, he looked at Uzumaki Naruto as if he was a fool, nodded slightly, and said: "Then come..."


Ninja World:

"It should be said, it feels like Naruto and the others want to beat Uchiha Madara, it's no less than dreaming."

"Who knows, maybe there will be a miracle? After all, don't they have enough miracles?"


After the Anbu, the ranking is guaranteed to be unbeatable!

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