The question is, what should I do next?

[System question]

[First question!]

[Uzumaki Naruto, Uchiha Sasuke, please listen to the question!]

Suddenly, Naruto and Sasuke looked up suddenly, looking at the sky with a blank face, wondering why they were suddenly chosen?

Under their puzzled gaze...

[What is the other party to you? ]

Hearing the question from the sky, both of them were startled, a little confused, and Sasuke lowered his head and pondered...

What is he... to Naruto?

What is Naruto to him?

Companions? Bonds? Partners? Or... friends...?


Hyuga clan

After hearing the question about the sky curtain, Naruto also fell into silence, somewhat confused. What is Sasuke to him?

What is he to Sasuke?

He had never thought about this topic, because they were originally the Genin of Team 7, and their companions...

"Naruto-kun..." Hinata said in a low voice, with worry in her voice, even Naruto, who was always nervous, could sense it.

Seeing the other party fall into thought, Shikamaru and others did not speak. Only they could answer this question...

"Naruto, what is Sasuke to you?" Shikamaru looked at the other party in silence for a long time, and finally spoke.

Hearing this, the latter trembled suddenly, and did not understand the other party's words.

"It's a companion..."

"It's not meaningless. To me, you are my closest friend..."

For some reason, Sasuke's voice in the previous scene echoed in my mind. Friend... That Sasuke... actually thought like this...

"Only you know this question, and we can't help you." Shikamaru said calmly, leaving it all to Naruto.

"Naruto-kun, come on!" Xiao Li cheered, and performed a backflip on the spot.


Ninja World:

"This question seems beyond the scope. I can clearly understand the question, but why do I not understand the meaning?"

"What am I to you? It feels a bit strange. I don't know how to answer. Is there anyone who knows who can explain it?"

"To me, she is my lover, the bond of my life, and the person I will never regret in this life."

"Oh my god, how can someone confess in the barrage area? Get out!"

"Xiao Yi, what am I to you?"

"Xiao Jia, to me, you are my confidant!"

"No, when did you, Passerby A and Passerby B, come out?"

Darkness of Konoha


In the dark root, Danzo looked at the sky and fell into silence. He thought of Hiruzen, the guy who had suppressed him all his life...

Whether it was Hokage or other things, everything was suppressed by him...

"Huruzen, what am I to you?" He murmured. To him, what was Hiruzen?

This kind of question is worth pondering and thinking about. They are not only comrades-in-arms, but also companions... or... confidants...

In the Hokage's office

Sarutobi Hiruzen and Jiraiya were also silent for a while. The latter sighed softly, perhaps remembering something, with vicissitudes of life between his brows.

"What am I to you?" Jiraiya murmured. No one knew who he was thinking about. Why did he leave back then? He didn't even understand the reason...

Of course, companions, of course, the three ninjas, are now scattered and gone their separate ways...

For various reasons, they have not met again...

Think about it, the last time they met was more than ten years ago, right?


"Do you have... someone who is particularly important to you?"

At that time, Naruto did not understand the meaning of this sentence. Why did Bai say such a thing at that time, why did he tell him...

"Important people..." Naruto touched the position of his heart..

He remembered Iruka's recognition at that time, and Kakashi's oath... and...

"Why... do you want to save someone like me?"

"Who asked you to meddle in other people's business!"

"Idiot... This body moved by itself... You... don't die..."

His pupils had a strange look, and they were filled with the vitality of the past...

"Friend, to me, that arrogant Sasuke is my best friend!" Naruto shouted to the sky.

[Ding! ]

Looking at Naruto's answer in the sky, Sasuke's pupils suddenly shrank. Friends... to him.

.I am his friend..


Gradually, the corners of the second pillar's mouth curled up, and he laughed imperceptibly..

"To me, that guy is me..."

"My closest friend..and my companion..."

The second pillar said in a calm voice.


Hearing this, Naruto's body trembled, and he laughed. He laughed happily..that guy..that arrogant Sasuke..

[The sky, in full view of the public, slowly darkened...]

[ was a faint light, slowly shining in the darkness...]

[It was a cover, with Uchiha Sasuke on the left and Uzumaki Naruto on the right...]

[The left side was full of black flames, while the right side was a burning flame...the two were not giving in to each other...]

[On the cover, Uchiha Sasuke and Uzumaki Naruto leaned against each other, one side was black , Fang Liang...]

["We are friends."]

[That was a sentence, slowly appearing in the sky..]

"Roar, it seems that the video of Sasuke and Naruto is going to appear. Are they going to fight?"

"I feel that this cover is a bit strange. Why are there only these two people on the cover?"

"Who knows? Maybe they are going to fight? Or what?"

The twelve little strong men looked at the sky with puzzled faces, only Shikamaru frowned, as if thinking...

He was very smart. Just by looking at the cover, he could barely guess that something big might happen between the two.

"Are Naruto and Sasuke going to have a fight?" Xiao Li said excitedly.

"Shikamaru, don't you think so?"

Hearing this, Shikamaru was silent for a moment. He remembered the confrontation between Naruto and Sasuke in the previous picture.

In an instant, Shikamaru became solemn and said: "They are going to fight, and it is a fight to the death!"

Hearing this, everyone was instantly shocked, and their eyes were filled with disbelief.

"Shikamaru, are you kidding me?" Naruto asked in confusion.

"Don't you understand yet? Sasuke has already made it clear in the previous scene that he wants to kill you!" Shikamaru said in a deep voice.

Hearing this, everyone began to worry. If it was an ordinary battle, they would not think too much, but if it was about death, it would be different.

And Hinata, her eyes were full of worry, and her two little hands were clenched into a ball.

"If I'm right, I'm afraid that the Sasuke in the picture... must be different from the current Sasuke, and even... he might really be..."

"Kill you... Naruto!"

Shikamaru's words dealt a heavy blow to Naruto, but the latter soon asserted: "It's impossible, Sasuke will never do this!"

"What if he really did it?"

"Then I'll stop him!" Naruto said firmly.

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