The two of them were so confused.

"What on earth is going on, these guys..."

Looking at those Pains, for some reason, those faces seemed to have been seen before, that look...

"Sexy Immortal, what's wrong with you?" Naruko asked with concern.

Instantly, Jiraiya's mind exploded, and past memories flooded into his mind like a tide. He remembered why these faces were so familiar.

He had seen these ninjas before.

Jiraiya felt that he seemed to be very close to the truth, just a little bit away.

[Sky screen]

["You...are you Yahiko?"]

[In the screen, Jiraiya looked at the familiar face of Tiandao Pain and was also slightly stunned. 】

【"What happened? Isn't Yahiko dead? Why those eyes?"】

【"Can you see Yahiko's shadow in me? He is worthy of being your teacher. However, Yahiko is dead. The one standing here is Pain!" said Tendo Chao. 】

【Jiraiya held the bleeding shoulder, looked up at Six Paths Pain, and said: "Is it Yahiko or Nagato? What's wrong with you?!"】

【"We are Pain, we are God!"】

【As he said that, Six Paths Pain rushed towards Jiraiya below. 】

【"Little Jiraiya, go!" shouted Fukasaku Sage. 】

【With the Six Paths Pain gathered together, even Jiraiya in Sage Mode could hardly resist, not to mention that his left arm was broken now, which was even more difficult. 】

【"You actually call yourself a God?"】

【Jiraiya seized a chance and punched Tendo Chao, but was caught steadily by the latter. 】

【"Yahiko, why do you have Nagato's eyes?" Jiraiya asked. 】

【"Even if you know, you can't defeat us." Tiandao said calmly, and then threw the latter out with force. 】

【Bang! Bang! Bang! 】

【And then, Shuradao held his arm, and countless missiles burst out from his arm. Jiraiya, who was standing on the rock wall, was like a monkey, and hurried to avoid danger. 】

【"We must find a way to find the flaw, even if it means we will die together..." Jiraiya said anxiously, and finally chose to avoid danger temporarily. 】

Ninja World:

"What exactly is the ability of the Six Paths Pein? That big guy can actually summon missiles. Is he made of machinery?"

"What is the ability of that Yahiko?"

"Let's go, Master Jiraiya. You are no match for them. It doesn't matter if you run away!"

"It's impossible to run away. Master Jiraiya probably won't even think of running away!"

"Oh my god, how can we fight this? Now six Peins have appeared, and Master Jiraiya has lost an arm. What's more important is that the other party can be resurrected!"

Tsunade, who rushed back to Konoha at a high speed, looked at the sky, bit her red lips, and yelled: "Jiraiya, this guy, does he like to be a hero so much?"

As she spoke, her eyes were slightly red. Damn it!!!

"Master Tsunade..." Looking at the other party, Shizune sighed softly, and said that she was not worried about the other party at all, but now she is more anxious than anyone else.

Really a dead tsundere, his mouth is harder than a knife.

Hokage's office

"Sexy Sage, you must run away, you said it before." Naruko asked the other party in a low voice, her eyes were filled with hope and a little red.

For some reason, she felt a little inexplicably worried, as if the other party was really going to leave.

Although she had not been with the Sage for a long time, Naruko felt a sense of dependence on him for some reason, as if he was around, she would not worry about any danger.

This feeling has never been felt in Iruka, and it is also the same in Kakashi.....

She felt the warmth from Iruka, she used to regard this feeling as a father.

With Sasuke, she felt like a friend, that kind of bond, that kind of impulse...

What is it with the Sage? It's like a grandfather teaching his grandson. These days, she feels like this.

Jiraiya remained silent. He didn't know how to answer the other party. If it really came to that, for Konoha, to protect...

and to prevent Naruto from being taken away by the Akatsuki organization, he would not hesitate to sacrifice his life.

"You said it, the lecherous sage!!"

Naruto couldn't help but shout loudly, but Jiraiya was rarely silent. He touched the latter's head helplessly and said: "I'm worried

What are you worried about? Shouldn't I be fine now?"

And Naruko just stared at him.

[Sky screen]

[Those are two long tongues, dragging the animal into the sea...]

["The breath has disappeared?" Tiandao muttered.]

[That is the figure of the animal, dragged into the toad's stomach by the two big toad sages...]


[That is Jiraiya's figure, suddenly appeared, and a Rasengan condensed in his palm. One pill went down, instantly defeating the animal and knocking the opponent into the stomach acid.]

[Jiraiya fell to the ground gasping for breath, and suddenly, that was the figure of the animal, jumping out of the stomach acid, and summoned a black iron rod, piercing the opponent's arm and shoulder...]

[And the animal was completely out of breath.]

["Is he dead? Did he kill someone just now by dragging him into the barrier? "Jiraiya said.]

[And then, looking at the forehead protector falling off, Jiraiya realized that the other party was not Nagato at all, but a ninja he met during his training.]

["There are some things I must confirm in person. Please go back."]

[Jiraiya, who was silent for a moment, suddenly said.]

["Are you crazy? If you continue like this, you will definitely die. Take advantage of them not finding you yet, and escape now!" The two great immortals shouted loudly.]

[Jiraiya closed his eyes and said: "Although I might be killed if I go out now, I might be able to control the enemy's true identity!"]

["If I miss this opportunity, I may never have the chance to contact Pein again. The time to reveal Pein's true identity is now."]

["Now is the time for choice as predicted by the Great Toad Immortal! ”】

【“Big brother and big sister, please bring this information and Pein’s body back to Konoha, and then tell Tsunade...”】

【Before Jiraiya finished speaking, he was interrupted by Fukasaku: “It’s enough to leave this matter to the child’s mother.”】

【“You must come back before dinner.” Shima said calmly.】

【“After this, I will go back with Jiraiya to eat.” Fukasaku smiled.】

【But Jiraiya made up his mind...】

【“Thank you...very much...”】

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