Shota's Isekai NTR Adventure

334 Silvermine Family (7)

Half an hour later, Nisa came back with a calmer Nori.

But when she came back, she was no longer as warm towards Rondo as she was before.

Instead, she just turned her head away when she saw him again which made Rondo reveal a bitter smile.

However, it was clear by the look on his face that he wasn't planning on backing down either.

So the two of them didn't talk to each other at all during dinner.

This would have made it awkward if not for the alcohol that we had brought.

Haley had already made a deal with Nisa, so the alcohol had already been transported into the Silvermine Family's warehouse. That was what they had served with dinner tonight.

They just couldn't get enough of this alcohol that we brought, but I also had to admit that it was quite good.

This was a fine brandy that was made with the best grapes aged in an oak cask that gave it a nice sweet taste that had hints of caramel and vanilla to it.

If it was one thing that humans were good at, it was definitely making alcohol.

But…it was strange watching them drink since even Nori was drinking.

Of course it wasn't a problem since in dwarven culture, she was already an adult.

Converting dwarven age to human age, Rondo would be someone in his mid twenties already and Nori would be someone in her late teens, so they were both at the age where they could drink.

It was just the fact that Nori looked like she was five years old that was off putting.

This time, it wasn't just me.

Even the rest of my group looked at Nori with strange looks as we watched her drink.

It was Ivar who snapped us out of this by suddenly saying, "So, let's talk a little business while we eat. How much mithril are you looking to buy?"

When this was said, we had no choice but to focus ourselves and talk business.

And by that, I meant that I would leave it to Haley while listening carefully.

Haley calmly set her utensils down and said, "How much are you willing to sell?"

Ivar raised a brow hearing this before revealing a wide smile to say, "Well, there are certain limitations that we need to follow since it is the law of our Dwarven Kingdom…"

His voice trailed off at this and we couldn't help feeling a bit disappointed.

But then he said, "Since it is our Silvermine Family's territory and the mithril mines that we own, I think that I can give you a bit of leniency in this matter. Of course, it depends on how much you're willing to offer."

As long as he was willing to do this, it didn't matter what the price was.

After all, as long as they sold the mithril in the human territory, they would be able to earn countless more times the profit.

Haley just said with a smile, "I'm sure that we can give you a price that will satisfy you."

Ivar gave a nod before saying, "I noticed that you had other barrels of alcohol in your other carriages. It seemed that you were saving them for something instead of selling them to us?"

When we heard this, we couldn't help revealing wry smiles.

Haley had tried to hide them as best as she could, but she knew that it was impossible to do so and was already expecting this question.

Not to mention…Rondo had been with us when we loaded all of the alcohol, so he should have seen how much we had brought.

So it wasn't strange at all to hear this question.

Haley shook her head as she said, "Of course not."

Ivar narrowed his eyes to look at her before saying, "Then is it because you thought that our price was too low that you didn't sell the rest to us?"

Haley once again shook her head before saying, "It's not that at all. Lord Silvermine, please don't misunderstand."

This was the truth, it wasn't because of the low price that we didn't sell the rest to them.

It was because we had a different use for that alcohol.

In fact, we didn't even care about the low price since we had been planning on giving it as a gift, but we felt that it would be too strange to suddenly give this large of a gift. So we had sold it to them at below cost price.

Haley didn't mind suffering a loss at all as long as she was able to build a relationship with the Silvermine Family for the mithril.

Ivar just waved his hand and said, "Don't give me that lord stuff, I don't like being addressed in a stuffy manner." After a pause, he continued in a serious voice, "Then can you explain the reason why you didn't sell it to us?"

Haley already had a reason, so she wasn't frazzled by this at all.

She just calmly said, "Sir Ivar, we didn't sell it to you because we have another need for that alcohol. I'm sure that you know that we are outsiders in your Dwarven Kingdom, so we were planning on using this alcohol as gifts when we met with other dwarves. That is why we can't sell this alcohol to you."

Ivar gave an understanding nod when he heard this.

Since they had come here on business, naturally they would want to form as many connections as they could.

That alcohol that they had really was something else, so it was the best way to build connections.

It seemed that these humans really did have an understanding of the dwarves.

But it turned out that we had underestimated the allure of this alcohol.

Ivar suddenly said, "How about I introduce you to a few friends of mine then?"

Both Haley and I couldn't help being taken aback when we heard this.

In the discussions that we had, we had never expected this kind of proposal.

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