Shota's Isekai NTR Adventure

341 Dwarven Kingdom capital

After another banquet filled with alcohol, they rested up and woke up early in the morning to get ready to head to the Dwarven Kingdom capital to see the Dwarven King.

Ivar had said that he wanted to forget his troubles and enjoy the good alcohol while he could that he binge drunk that much.

For any normal human, that would have been an amount that was enough to cause liver failure.

However, for a dwarf like Ivar, he wasn't even hungover the next morning.

I really had to admire the dwarf's tolerance for alcohol.

As for the rest of us…we were not just a bit hungover.

Ivar dragged the rest of us into drinking with him, so we had to drink with him.

Drinking with a dwarf really was a fight to the death since he didn't know when to stop and he was never truly drunk. As long as there was enough alcohol, he would drink until it was all gone.

So for humans with their limited liver capacities, they would never be able to win.

We were completely suffering from our hangovers…

It was just a good thing that it would take at least two days to arrive in the Dwarven Kingdom capital.

At least that gave us enough time to recover.

At the same time, that would give us some time to come up with a plan on how to handle the Dwarven King.

He had suddenly summoned us like this, it was clearly not for a good reason.

But regardless of what his reason was, we needed to come up with a way to handle him.

As such, even if we were hungover, we started grilling Ivar for information on the Dwarven King.

Ivar was taken aback by the questions that we had, but he answered them in the end.

In fact, it was surprising how he didn't hold back at all in answering our questions.

Normally, information like this would be considered national secrets.

With this information, one could influence the ruler of a nation which was considered a matter of national security. So information like this normally wouldn't be spread that easily and only known by those close to the ruler.

And yet…Ivar was just telling us everything without hesitation.

It really made one give a sigh at how rough and forward the dwarves were.

But this time, we had no choice but to take advantage of this.

After all, our lives might be at stake here.

In the end, it took four days for us to arrive in the Dwarven Kingdom capital.

It might have been sooner, but we decided to take our time and explore the cities along the way.

Haley was the one that proposed this since she wanted to gain information on the various dwarven cities for the future and Ivar agreed to this. Though his reasons for agreeing were just as sly as Haley's reason.

He was scared of what was waiting for them in the capital, so he had wanted to delay their arrival as much as possible.

During this time, Ivar had introduced Haley to quite a few of the lords in the cities that they passed which also earned him quite a bit of alcohol.

We still had the deal where if he introduced us to the different dwarven lords, we would give him a referral fee. So he looked quite happy as he introduced us to all of the dwarven lords.

The dwarven lords were happy too since they were happy to receive all of this human alcohol as a gift.

But when we reached the capital, we had grim looks on our faces.

It almost looked like we were marching off to our execution instead of heading to the most prosperous city in the Dwarven Kingdom.

Though in truth…this meeting with the Dwarven King was like an execution since we had no idea what it was about.

Since we were accompanied by Ivar, it was easy for us to enter the city.

The dwarves didn't have strict checks like humans did and they just simply checked the carriages before letting us pass.

Or at least that would have been the case if they didn't stop us again.

When they saw that it was Ivar that was with us, they immediately stopped us and had us wait until the captain of the guards came.

When this captain of the guards came, he gave a respectful bow to Ivar before saying, "Lord Silvermine, if you would come with us. His majesty had already informed us of your arrival and told us to escort you and your guests to the palace."

We couldn't help revealing bitter smiles when we heard this.

Escort…it was more like we were being captured by them.

But there wasn't anything that we could do since we were surrounded by them.

It was as if he was scared that we would run away, so the captain of the guards had already brought a bunch of his men with him.

It was as if he wasn't even bothering hiding his intentions.

So the only thing that they could do was let themselves be 'escorted' by these guards.

As they walked through the streets of the dwarven capital, they were impressed by all that they saw.

It wasn't just the forges that were all around that impressed them, but also how prosperous this place was. There were plenty of other products that were also being sold and all the dwarves on the streets looked fed and strong.

It was clear that the Dwarven Kingdom didn't suffer.

But then again, how would they when they had all those resources to trade with.

There was no lack of countries that would want to buy ores from the dwarves, so they would always have plenty of trading partners to get food and other resources from.

So no matter how one looked at it, it wouldn't be possible for the Dwarven Kingdom to be weak.

If only there wasn't the problem of having to deal with the Dwarven King…

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