Shota's Isekai NTR Adventure

343 Shameless Dwarven King (1)

The moment that the Dwarven King said this, everyone looked at him in shock.

But the Dwarven King didn't care about any of this as he looked at me with an excited look.

After a long time, the dwarves on the side said, "Your majesty, this…this is…"

They were scrambling for a way to convince the Dwarven King out of this, but it was clear by the look on his face that he was already determined to do this. It didn't seem like anyone would be able to convince him out of this.

So many of them couldn't help turning to look at me with glares that also were asking for help.

The only way that this situation can be resolved without any issues was if I rejected this duel and made the Dwarven King give up.

Of course, I didn't mind going along with them since I didn't want to get involved in this matter in the first place.

A forging duel with the Dwarven King, that seemed like trouble no matter how one looked at it.

This was definitely not something that I would agree to.

So I gave a cough before calmly saying, "Your majesty, I don't think there's a need for this, right? If it was known that someone in an important position as yourself was doing something like this, I'm sure that it would be hard for you."

I tried using his position to put a bit of pressure on him to make him give up this idea.

But of course, if I just threatened him like this, it would leave a bad impression on him.

So I added, "If you wish to discuss forging, I would be more than happy to discuss this with you. We don't need to…"

Before I could finish, the Dwarven King slammed his fist onto the seat of his throne and said, "No, I want to have a forging duel! That is the best way for me to see your abilities!"

"Eh?" I couldn't help letting slip as he said this.

This Dwarven King…was acting like a child.

He was throwing a tantrum just because he wasn't able to get what he wanted…

Was this Dwarven Kingdom really alright with a king like this ruling over them?

No matter how one looked at it, it seemed like the Dwarven Kingdom would be in danger like this.

From the awkward looks on the faces of Ivar and the other dwarves, it seemed like they suffered their fair shares of trouble having to deal with this kind of king.

But in the end, the dwarves on the side came to my rescue by saying, "Your majesty, you can't be selfish like this."

"A forging duel is a matter of prestige and as our king, you can't just challenge someone to a forging duel that easily."

"How about we just take a step back and talk this out?"

The Dwarven King slammed his fist down again before saying, "I don't want to."

Was the Dwarven Kingdom really going to be alright with such a willful ruler?

The Dwarven King seemed annoyed, but there was a glow in his eyes as he looked at me.

Finally, he revealed a smile as he turned to Ivar to say, "Ivar, didn't you send in a request to sell mithril to these humans a few days ago?"

When Ivar heard this, he couldn't help revealing a slightly confused look, but he still gave a slow nod in the end.

The Dwarven King revealed a sly look as he said, "Then I'll deny this request right away."

The moment that he said this, everyone revealed shocked looks since this was the first time that something like this had happened.

The mithril mines under the Silvermine Family were private property, so asking the Dwarven King for permission was a formality in the first place. In this case, the Dwarven King would have approved of this request without even looking at the details.

But now he was going through the trouble of denying this request in front of everyone like this.

It was clear that he was trying to cause trouble or looking to gain something.

After letting his words sink in, the Dwarven King said, "That is unless this human has a forging duel with me."

When everyone heard this, they understood what the Dwarven King was trying to do.

He was using this request as a method of threatening them…but the dwarves in the room wouldn't have any of this.

"Your majesty, you should know what the consequences of doing this are."

"If you really do something like this, it will set a precedent and then there will be others who will take advantage of this."

"At the same time, if you set this precedent, there will be countless people trying to take advantage of this."

"This is the one thing that you cannot do."

Facing the pressure of all of these dwarves, the Dwarven King had no choice but to back down.

He might have acted tough earlier, but that was because he knew that these dwarves were willing to play along with him. Now that they were acting this way, he knew that they wouldn't budge no matter how stubborn he acted.

So he had no choice but to take a step back and figure out another way of doing this.

"Alright, alright." The Dwarven King said while raising his hand to calm them down.

Once they all settled, he said, "I won't do something like this. It's an abuse of power and not something that I would do in the first place."

All of them looked at the Dwarven King with looks of doubts that really hurt him, but he ignored them as he said, "But I think that there's something that the human wants more."

He turned back to look at me before saying, "If you beat me in a forging duel, I'll double the limit of mithril that you can buy from Ivar."

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