That night, in the residence that the Dwarven King had prepared for us.

The group that had come with me was gathered around a table and I was sitting at the head of that table.

All of them were standing around me and glaring at me like I had done something wrong.

Though if one thought about it…I had done nothing right this entire time.

Not only did I get involved in the Dwarven King's private matters, I had even gotten involved in the national matters of the Dwarven Kingdom.

I had gotten involved with the anti human faction of the Dwarven Kingdom.

No matter how this ended, it would be messy…

So they had all the right to be angry.

But it turned out that it was for a different reason.

After a long period of silence, Haley suddenly slapped the table and said in a sharp voice, "What were you thinking? Putting your life on the line like that, did you really think that was the best idea?"

I couldn't help flinching when I heard this voice.

I also secretly looked at the others and found that they all had similar looks on their faces, showing that they agreed with what Haley was saying.

I just lowered my head and said, "I'm sorry."

But she saw right through it and slapped the table again before saying, "I don't believe you."

Though I had apologized, it was more instinct than it was sincere.

I was apologizing since I knew that it would be easier to apologize now than later.

But in truth, I believed that what I did was right.

After all, if I didn't use something big like my own head as a bet, it wouldn't have drawn Drogath out.

He wouldn't have been forced into a corner where he would have no choice but to take my provocation.

So I didn't actually think that I was wrong.

Haley could of course see this, so she was even more angry.

I lowered my head and expected more angry words to come from her, but they didn't come in the end.

I slowly looked up and saw that she was looking at me with a sad look.

My heart couldn't help trembling when I saw this sad look on her face.

I immediately stood up and came over to take her in my arms as I asked, "What's wrong?"

"What's wrong?" She repeated slowly before saying, "You really are something! Don't you understand my feelings at all!?"

I was taken aback when I heard this.

But she wasn't done yet as she said, "You're putting your life on the line like this without even telling me anything and you expect me to be alright with it? Why don't you think about how it feels for me?"

I was even more shocked hearing this.

However, I was slowly coming to realize my mistake.

I was indeed being too selfish.

I was certain that I would win, but for them…it wasn't as certain.

What I was doing in their eyes was putting my life on the line in this forging duel.

And they were just worried about me.

Even if I was confident that I would win, the fundamental principle was still wrong since I was expecting them to know something that was impossible for them to know.

At the same time, I was just being selfish by acting the way that I wanted to.

In essence, this was just them being worried about me and I was completely ignoring it.

I turned to look at Shaka and the others and found that they all had the same sad look in their eyes.

I opened and closed my mouth a few times, but words didn't come out as I didn't know what to say here.

In the end, all I could say was, "I'm sorry."

But this time, it was sincere. This was sincerity that came from the bottom of my heart.

I realized my mistake once again.

When I started using my knowledge from the game, I started taking this world as a game too.

That was why I was so callous with my life.

But this wasn't the case.

This world was a real world that I had reincarnated into and each of my actions had consequences.

If something changed and I lost, then it wasn't as if I would get out of having to give up my life…

Those were the real consequences of my action.

Seeing that I was apologizing for real, they all slowly calmed down and we were finally able to get the real meeting under way.

Haley wiped away the tears that had been in her eyes and she looked at me with a serious look as she said, "What is your plan?"

The others all looked at me with serious looks as well as they waited for me to tell them.

Seeing them look at me like this, I took a deep breath before deciding to tell them what I was planning to do.

If I kept it from them, it would just make them more worried about me and that was the last thing that I wanted.

Since they were people that were close to me, the last thing that I wanted to do was worry them or hurt them.

So I started explaining what my plan was.

They had confused looks on their faces as they listened to my plan, making it very clear that they didn't understand what I was saying.

But I couldn't blame them since most dwarves wouldn't understand what I was saying either.

This was a very advanced technique that very few people knew, so there would be no problem in taking care of Drogath in a few days.

After looking at each other and making sure that no one knew what I was saying, Haley looked at me and asked, "How certain are you that this will work?"

I gave a firm nod and said with a confident look, "I'm 100% certain that I'll win."

They still had worried looks on their faces despite hearing this, but they still gave a nod and said, "Alright, we trust you."

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