Shota's Isekai NTR Adventure

368 What is this? (2)

I didn't bother answering him when he roared out at me and just focused on my own work.

When Drogath saw this, he couldn't help almost dropping what he had been holding, but he caught himself in time and stopped that from happening.

If that did happen, then he would have dropped something he didn't want to put in the furnace and that would have ruined the ingot that he had been forging.

But the anger of this caused him to explode even further.

"You! If you're just playing around, then all you're doing is insulting me and all the other dwarves who dedicate our lives to forging!"

There were quite a few nods that came from the crowd after he said this.

The Dwarven King had actually gathered quite a crowd today since I had said that I wanted to give Drogath an execution.

With them all around us, it did give off quite a bit of pressure.

But I didn't mind it at all.

That was until Drogath said, "That is all humans are good for, they just play around and mess with us dwarves thinking that we are inferior to them."

When he dragged race into this, I naturally couldn't just let him get away with this.

So I calmly said, "Instead of sticking your nose into what others are doing, you should focus on your own work. How are you so certain that I'm messing around when you don't even know what I am doing. Do you know everything about my technique?"

Drogath's face twisted when he heard this.

He looked at me with narrowed eyes for a bit before giving a snort and turning back to his own furnace.

Most of the crowd nodded along when they heard this since this was something that they could get behind.

If they weren't dwarves, they might not have backed me like this.

It was only dwarves that could keep this kind of open mind.

Humans…were incapable of this.

So I ignored him and continued focusing on my own furnace.

I watched the mixture being melted inside of the furnace and slowly added more things in accordingly.

Even when Drogath was finished with his smelting, I was still focused on my molten metal.

He looked at me with disdain when he saw this before turning away with a snort.

Since he was done, he would be focusing on forging his metal.

But I wasn't worried at all about this.

After all, this was a challenge of skill and not speed.

Just being fast didn't mean that one was able to make a good weapon.

However, I did peek at his technique out of the corner of my eyes.

The Dwarven King had been right about one thing, he was very skilled.

I had seen the Dwarven King's techniques before when we had our forging duel and I could tell that Drogath wasn't much worse than him. He was still a bit worse, but if he was focused instead of paying attention to what I was doing, he might have been able to catch up to the Dwarven King.

It took a bit longer for me to finish with my smelting, but I slowly took out my molten metal when it was done.

I poured it into the prepared mold and let it cool before bringing it out.

When it was taken out, everyone couldn't help revealing a surprised look.

That was because they had never seen a kind of metal like this before.

This was a piece of metal that was completely white in colour and almost seemed like it was transparent, but there was a blur that was in it that prevented people from seeing through it.

If one didn't look closely, they might even think that this metal was glass.

But it was without a doubt metal.

Drogath just gave a snort when he saw this and decided to stop caring. He had reached a crucial part of his forging, so he couldn't let himself be distracted at this moment.

He entered a state of pure focus, which was quite impressive to see.

But I focused on my own forging as well.

Since the metal had been prepared, it was time to hit it with the hammer.

That was where Ivar came in.

Seeing that it was his turn, Ivar grabbed the hammer in one hand and the tongs in the other. He used the tongs to bring this almost see through metal onto the anvil and then slammed his hammer down on it.

"Clang! Snap!"

The moment that the hammer fell down on the metal, it snapped.

The wood handle of the hammer snapped cleanly in half and the top half of the hammer flew through the air before slamming down on the ground.

At the same time, there was a small dent in the shape of the piece of metal that had formed in the anvil.

Ivar looked at the handle in his hand in shock before looking down at the piece of metal on the anvil.

In a stunned voice, he asked, "Just what is this thing? Why is it so hard? I've never seen anything like this before."

I looked at the piece of metal on the anvil for a bit before suddenly saying in a voice that seemed like I had remembered something, "That's right, it won't turn malleable without a source of magical fire. How could I forget?"

I turned to Moon and said, "Can you use your magic to create some fire for us?"

She was surprised to be called, but she gave a nod and came over with her hand up. In her hand, there was a small flame gathered.

She brought this flame up to the piece of metal on the anvil, but she found that it didn't have any effect at all.

So she created an even bigger flame in her hand.

She had to put more and more of her magic power into this until she finally saw the piece of metal changing colours.

This thing…really ate up her mana.

Seeing this, I called to Ivar, "It's time, come and hit it."

Ivar snapped back out of his daze and with a doubtful look, he picked up another hammer.

But this time, he found that the hammer was able to shape this piece of metal.

So he continued hitting it again and again under my direction.

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